
Bigshot becomes House husband

Stephen Walters being an heir of the Walters family is a proud and arrogant person. At the same time, he is capable and intelligent also. He has his own secret forces and immense wealth of the Walters family. He married the princess of the Adams family, Priscilla Adams. But it was one of the biggest mistakes in his life. Being betrayed he died in the hand of his wife and his childhood friend who adopted into his family. He thought his revenge will be unsatisfied. But fate has another setup. He reincarnated into a useless man in china named Chen Xiu. He is a son-in-law of the Fang family. His wife Fang Xiang despises him and his twin child felt embarrassed whenever at the mention of their father. How things will change after Reincarnation? Is there any secret why he reincarnated into this body? How will he get his revenge? To get all these answers join this awesome journey... Disclaimer: Cover Photo isn't mine, Credit goes to the original owner.

RajuKairi · Fantasie
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8 Chs


Stephen didn't know how much time he walk through this darkness,he felt very tired over time as there is no indication of light.He didn't know which way he is going but all of sudden a light illuminates the whole place kicking him out of the darkness.

Lanzhou Hospital of Hunan Province,

The Hospital is as busy as always since it is the top hospital of Hunan Province.In this bustling atmosphere nobody have spare time to care about others so none of them noticed a weeping old woman in the corner.

"Clear the patient of Room No. 43 of the ground floor quickly."The doctor ordered.Facility in the ground floor is worst as it is the floor for treatment of poor people.

Hearing the doctor's words, the old lady become livid.After coming to life she rushed towards the room No. 43.

"No.No.Wait Doctor.The patient's family hasn't come yet.Please wait for some more time."The old woman begged to the doctor.

But she only get a disdainful look from the doctor in return.Before she could grab the doctor's leg in begging,the doctor kicked her down and the old lady slammed to the ground groaning in pain.

The old woman is in messy appearance with tattering cloths stitched here and there demonstrating her low class identity and this doctor always hated this kind of lower class people who thinks begging can solve everything.And most of all how dare she tried to touch his clothes with her dirty hand?

Though this old women is in obvious pain she is too busy to care.Thinking about the pain she got few minutes ago, current pain is nothing.

She looked at the doctor with watery eyes hoping for change his mind but it was no avail as the doctor remained unreasonable.He again ordered the hospital staffs to clear the room quickly.

She looked lifelessly the whole scenes as the staffs throw her son from the room ruthlessly.Though her son is dead but she thought hospital at least show her some basic humanity allowing his family members to see him last time.

Seeing the woman's colourless face,the doctor smirked.Maintaining some distance he leaned forward before announcing,

"Her family isn't coming here.Our Front desk called the number you provided to announce his death and urged them to come hospital quickly.Did you know what they said?"The doctor said with a snicker.

Chen Ning,the mother of the dead patient puzzled by the question.Shouldn't they rushed oved here?

"They said it is good that this useless man died.They freed from a obvious curse and now they can happily marry their daughter with young master of Ziang family.And here you are waiting for them eagerly."The doctor chuckled.

Chen Ning shell-shocked after this revelation.How can they marry their daughter with Ziang family when she has twins with his son?What about the children?Are they even aware that their father died? Various thoughts appeared in her mind but noone here to answer her.

The doctor didn't waste his time as he left the place after announcing the news, leaving mother and son on the cold floor.

Chen Ning placed the lifeless body of his son onto her lap as she stared at the horizon seemingly grossed in her own world.

"Son I have noone now to live.It seems leaving this ruthless world with you is the best option."She murmured ruffling his hair.Tears trickled down from her eyes endlessly.

In her pain she heard a curse directed at her.Glancing at the source of the voice she saw someone tripped down the floor knocking his foot against her son's body.

"You old hag.Do you here for picnic?Who sat beside the walking pathway in this crowded place with a body.Do you have any sense?"The man barked.

Hearing the man's berating Chen Ning become panicked.

"Sorry.I didn't notice you are coming.Please calm down.I am leaving this place."Chen Ning hurriedly apologized to the man as she tried to lift the dead body of her son but it was too heavy for her to lift.

She looked for someone to come for her help as she incompetent to carry her son's body but none of them came forth.

Distressed she didn't know what to do when a hand supports her.Glancing at the person she saw a handsome man with a polished cream coloured shirt with dark gray jeans.His face showing a light smile.It is obvious that the man comes from some prominent family.

"Old lady do need some help?"The man asked

Seeing some hope Chen Ning nodded her head vigorously.

"Yes.Yes sir.It will be very helpful if you can help me to carry my dead son to the cemetery."Chen Ning appealed to the man.

"No Problem."The man replied in return.

Then he dialled a number to give some orders.Soon 3 people came to the place.

"Carry him to the car and take him to the graveyard."The man commanded them.Then he turned around to face the old woman,

"Ok old lady.Your work has done.Just follow them to the graveyard."The man said with a smile.

People started whispering themselves.Many of them recognised this young man.That wondered why young master of Xia family helping this old lady.But who has the audacity to question Young master of Xia family?

Xia family is a prominent family of Shanghai.He came to this city for collaboration with Long family,a top family of Hunan Province.The media excessively covered this news as it is a sensation that a heir of prominent family of top city came to Hunan province for collaboration.So the people easily recognised that Xia Tian.

Chen Ning nearly prostrated in front of the man who helped her in the time of her need expressing her gratitude but Xia Ting quickly stopped her.

"No need of that.It is just a small matter."Xia Ting said.'This lady is truely pitiful,she lost her son but none of them came forward for her help'he thought as he coldly stares the people around him.Noticing his cold gaze people started to cower in fear.

"Thank you Sir.I will always remember your kind help.God bless you."she put her hand on his head to give her blessings.Xia Ting didn't shove her away like the doctor as he leaned forward for receiving the blessings.

'Will God listen to her and give me what I want?'He thought with a sad smile...