
Chapter 35

That was awkward!

That did not go well! I am so embarrassed that I even tried!

I should have just kept to myself!

“Claire, why were you this rude to her?” Amy asked her friend.

“What did I do? I simply said the truth.” Claire replied.

“Come on! We could have just heard what she wanted to say, there is no harm in simply talking.” Amy said taking my side.

Do they realise that I can hear them?

I speed up to leave the place. I don’t want to hear them anymore!

I regret talking to them, I made them fight now.

“Mia!” I heard Amy's voice and turned to look at her.

She has followed me to the table where I was replacing the flowers.

“Amy! I wanted to apologise about whatever happened between Claire and you because of me.” I apologised feeling guilty.

“Apologise? For what?” She asked confused.

“I heard you guys fighting.” I said looking down.