
Chapter 20

They are talking about me!!

Are they sure it was Bryan’s room? I mean he clearly despises me so why will he take me to his room. He also let me stay there for two whole days! My dad is his enemy and he hates me to his core, there is no way this is true!

“You know he was so worried when he was carrying her to his room. It was evident in his voice. I have never seen him like that, like never!” The girl said to her friend.

“What? Are you serious?” The second girl asked in shock.

“I told you, I saw this with my own eyes! I was in shock at that time. You know how Mr Miller is. He doesn’t interact with any of us and only talks to Mrs Green, he doesn’t even know our names when we have worked here for more than two years! But, he knows her name who just came the day before yesterday and he was panicking as if she is so important to him!” The first girl said annoyed.