
Bibi Dong's Disciple: My Martial Soul Is My Heart!

What happens when someone dies, is it the end? Do they just cease to exist? Do they end up in heaven or hell? Do they get reincarnated? Or does something else happen? Well, for our protagonist, a just-barely-out-of-his-teens young man named Ali Lightborne, or Ali Ashborne, it's the third option! When he died in his world of nothing but ordinariness, a R.O.B casually picks someone up, and it happened to be him! One of his wishes was to have his soul be separated into as many pieces he wanted, and sent to different universes, with their own wishes! And this Ali, wished to be reincarnated in Douluo Dalu 1 (Anime) in Martial Soul City!

That_One_Alive_Ali · Anime und Comics
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45 Chs

CH 9: Tickle torture

"Wait wait wait nohahahahahah!!!" The black haired boy squealed when his senior sister's grabbed one of his arms each and started to mercilessly tickle him :"Hahahaha stop stohahahap please stop hahahahahahaha!!"

"Hahaha, why would we do that?!" Qian Renxue laughed while her nimble fingers danced ferociously on his side :"You actually think you can tease me and get away with it?! Huh?! Think again, lil brat!"

"Pleahehehehese have mercyehehe! I'm sorry! I'm sohoho sorryehehehe!!" He screamed between laughs, desperately trying to free himself with the little strength he could muster. But how could his little strength compare to a level 48 soul sect and a 32 soul elder?

"Gohahahad pleahehehehese!! Forgive mehehehe!!!" He shouted, his body thrashing around desperately with tears forming in his eyes as he continued laughing hysterically.

"No way, Xiao Li!" Hu Liena laughed, her hand moving up and under his armpit, managing to make him laugh even harder :"You were so smug just now, what happened?! Hahaha we're not stopping till we're completely satisfied!"

"Nohohohoho!! Forgiheheheve meee!!" When they momentarily stopped torturing him, he panted between giggles, body weak with tears in his eyes. But when he felt his shirt getting pulled up till it reached his chest, his eyes went wide in horror.

Looking at the smirking beauties while trembling, he shook his head in fear :"N-no... P-please no... Please d-don't do i-it..." But his senior sisters just smiled sadistically as Qian Renxue chuckled :"Two words. No. Way."

"No no noHAHAHAHAHAH!!!" His shrieks sounded throughout the house as they tickled his sides directly :"NO MOHOHOHORE!! PLEAHEHEHEHESE!!"

And when they started tickling his smooth armpits, his laughing only grew louder :"PLEASE STOHAHAHAP!! I'M BEGGING YOUHUHUHU!! I BEHEHEHEG OF YOU!!! HEHEHEHELP!!"

But no matter how much he begged, they just kept ticklish his sides, armpits, stomach and ribs without remorse :"HEHEHEHELP!! MAHAHAHASTEHEHEHER HEHEHEHELP MEE!!! PLEAHEHEHEHESE!!"

"Mwahahahaha begging for help won't work!" Hu Liena laughed loudly, smiling sadistically at him :"Nobody will save you! Not even master hahaha!!"

"Who says I won't?" Bibi Dong's beautiful and amused voice was heard, stopping the girls from tormenting the boy anymore. While he was panting and giggling uncontrollably, the girls looked back with disappointed looks :"Aww, can't we continue?"

"Hmm..." Bibi Dong wondered, actually making Ah Li afraid for a moment before she smirked :"Sure, why not? In fact, I'll join too." Causing Ah Li, who couldn't even see her, to start thrashing around again, a futile attempt.

As the girls smiled mischievously at him, Bibi Dong also smiled teasingly as she looked over the top of the couch :"Hey." Her smirk widening at his fearful look as he looked up at her, shaking his head in fear when her hands slowly came lower :"No no NO! PLEASE NOAHAHAHA!!"

With three sets of hands on him, he couldn't hide his ticklish parts no matter how hard he tried. His sides, armpits, stomach, ribs, neck, and even his lower half of thighs and feet were mercilessly tickled by the women.

"AHAHAHAHAHA!! YOUHUHUHU BETRAITOR!" He screamed between laughter as Bibi Dong's fingers attacked his armpits with a chuckle :"It's either betrayer or traitor. Pick your choice."



"Xiao Li, c'mon." Bibi Dong cooed, sitting next to her youngest disciple in the fancy and high quality carriage :"Stop ignoring us already." But he just scoffed with a pout while looking away, causing her to sigh helplessly.

Yue Guan and Gui Mei had already arrived, and had brought a carriage worthy for the Pope with themselves. And the master, daughter and disciple were currently inside the carriage while the old friends rode the carriage.

And obviously, the red eyed boy was ignoring them all. But of course, since they were cruel enough to gang up on him and mercilessly tickle him like that. How could he not be annoyed when he was tickled for who knows how long?

"Come on, Xiao Li? Won't you stop ignoring us?" She tried to caress his cheek, something that he really loved and enjoyed. But when she was about to touch him, he just whipped his head away with a snort.

As she sighed helplessly again, she glared at her daughter and disciple when they snickered, immediately shutting them up. Getting an idea, she smiled as she got near Ah Li's ear and whispered something.

The girls were confused, only getting more confused when he seemed to calm down a little and turn to his master :"You promise?" And she nodded in response :"Promise."

"Hmph, fine. But don't think I've forgiven you just yet." He pursed his lips, causing her to chuckle as she patted his head :"Fine, fine. I'll just wait till you have forgiven me. But since you've stopped ignoring me, let's get down to the serious subject.

Which one of your martial souls do you choose to go with? Remember, once you choose one, you can't add soul rings to any of the other martial souls till you're a titled douluo. Understood?"

<Don't worry, I promise he'll be using all of his martial souls at the same time and will add soul rings to all of them without them being trash soul rings of young age. I hate it when that happens in Douluo Dalu fanfics. What's the point of multiple martial souls if MC's just going to use a single one?>

"Hmm... Which one do you recommend, master?" The young disciple asked and his master answered :"It's a tough question to answer. Other than your bracelet, all of your martial souls are extremely powerful.

Hmm... In my opinion, go with that bracelet one. I would've told you to pick the weakest martial soul among the other three, but since they are all so strong and you're planning to take the extreme path with all of them, it would be a waste to add any soul ring lower than decade millennium.

We don't know anything about your bracelet martial soul. That's why I think you should take that one. If you pick one of the three, you could later on make the bracelet martial soul very strong too thanks to all decade millennium soul rings.

But if you did that for your super martial souls, you would be able to make them reach new heights! That's why, I think you should start with the martial soul that seems to be the weakest of them all, the bracelet. What do you think?"

"Hmm... I think that's the best thing to do too since master said so." Ah Li nodded with a small smile. He actually has other reasons for agreeing to this as well. The limitation of the Omnitrix.

Just think about it. What kind of soul skills would Omnitrix give? It will definitely be transformation. He didn't know if he would unlock multiple aliens with each soul ring or only a single one, but he was sure that it would have something to do with transforming.

And he didn't think that transforming into different aliens would have any difference with different soul rings. So going with the Omnitrix was the best option, since that one's soul rings wouldn't really be different if older or younger. Unlike his other martial souls which can gain soul skills a lot more powerful if the absorbed soul rings are of high age.

"Fantastic. Then it's decided, you'll cultivate your bracelet martial soul from now on." She nodded in satisfaction before humming thoughtfully :"But what soul rings should we get for that martial soul?"

"Maybe it's a defense type martial soul or an auxiliary type?" Hu Liena suggested :"I don't really think it'd be something else. It obviously isn't a weapon type tool martial soul, and I don't really think it could be used to control either. Maybe it can turn into a shield or something?"

"I agree with Nana." Qian Renxue nodded seriously :"I think he should absorb a soul ring of a defensive soul beast or a fast soul beast. If it's an auxiliary martial soul, then he'd be better having a soul skill that would increase his speed since he already has his axe martial soul. And if it's a defensive martial soul, that's even better since Xiao Li can go at another extreme path with another martial soul."

"Mhm, you're right." Bibi Dong nodded :"It's decided then. We'll either hunt an agility type soul beast or a defensive soul beast. I say we focus on speed, since it's better to not be hit at all than defend. What do you think, Ah Li?"

With a small smile, the young boy nodded :"Alright then, we'll do that." Seeing his smile, the oldest of the three youngsters smirked teasingly :"So did you finally forgive us?"

"Hmph, as if." He snorted with a glare :"You all have to make it up to me for tickling me like that." But Hu Liena just smirked threateningly as she raised her hands and wiggled her fingers dangerously :"Someone might go through that tickle torture again if he is too cocky, you know~?"

The poor boy quickly latched onto his master while shaking, hugging her with a fearful face that just melted the hearts of the women. "Ahem, okay, okay, that's enough teasing him for today." Bibi Dong coughed, covering her face and the little smile that had appeared because of how cute he was.

"You're holiness, we've arrived." Gui Mei's voice was heard as the carriage came to a stop. Bibi Dong hummed as she used her soul power to speak :"Alright, we'll get out now." The carriage was actually soundproof from the inside, so no sounds went outside, but sounds did come inside.

"Let's go." She looked at the young ones before opening the door and walking out. As they stepped out, the youngsters stretched to loosen up their bodies.

"Oh, seems like you're calmer, Xiao Li." Yue Guan smiled at the young boy, patting his head before the red eyed boy snorted :"No, I'm still angry at them. But master said she'll make it up to me, so I'm better now."

<By the way, just wanted to say this. All the characters look like the donghua/anime version. Except Yue Guan/Chrysanthemum douluo and Dugu Bo/Poison douluo>

"Hahaha, alright." He shook his head in amusement, before he looked at him with curiosity :"So which path do you wanna go to? Oh, right, what is your martial soul to begin with?"

"Hm, well, master says that I should go with only one of my four martial souls till I'm a titled douluo. So we picked my bracelet martial soul to go with." The small boy shrugged with a smile. But the moment the two clueless titled douluos heard him, they both froze in place.

"... Y-your f-f-four martial s-souls...?" Yue Guan asked shakily, and Ah Li shrugged with a nonchalant smile :"Yup. I actually have quadruplet martial souls!"


- (One quadruplet martial souls explanation later)

"F-four... Four m-martial souls..." Gui Mei stuttered out in disbelief while Yue Guan was laughing nervously, shaking his old friend while trembling himself :"Then they say the heavens are fair... What the heck...? How fast is the cultivation speed of this kid going to be...?"

"Sigh well, not too fast unfortunately." The black haired boy sighed in disappointment :"Master says that soul masters with Ultimate Attributes have a slower cultivation speed compared to normal people. And since I have two, mine is even slower."

"... Y-you have w-what?" The titled douluos turned to him while trembling, and he shrugged once again with a nonchalant smile :"Ultimate Attributes. I have two of them!"


- (One twin Ultimate Attributes explanation later)

"Waaah! Old ghost, this isn't fair waaah!!" Yue Guan, being the drama queen that he is, started crying with jealousy while shaking his old friend :"Waaah! Normal people are satisfied with a top grade martial soul! So how come this kid has four super martial souls with twin Ultimate Attributes waaah!!"

"Don't talk to me, old flower..." Gui Mei spoke, staring at the space away with a depressed look :"I wanna kill myself... Fuck the heavens and their unfairness…"