
Beyonder Gamer: Survivor in the comics world

Life for Roger Reyes was not always good, not even when he tried to be good; leaving him on the street as a child, living in a dangerous neighborhood, and to his bad luck, being shot dead by old enemies. A bitter end, if not for a damn god who had plans for him...many "Plans"

Eternal_Redhood24 · Fantasie
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Chapter 0: you're part in my game

The hours had passed quickly, just as people spend their lives, living as much as they could in their short time on earth. They only walked with each other, without noticing each other, only when they had to ask permission or felt like fighting with each other, because you know, there are those who try to beat the stress away.

Although not all of them were savages, they just weren't the ones who showed their true colors, since they were more withdrawn than the rest, but it didn't mean that they were weak, no. It is said that those who are quiet and serious are the people who can expect something shocking...or dangerous.