
Beyond The Unknowns

Isolated from the outer world there lied a village hidden deep in the mountains inhabited by bunch of ignorant people. Among those people there lived a young boy who's different from the rest. Because of his unique way of thinking and curious nature he felt suffocated to live among the bunch of ignorant sheep like people. Unable to suppress his feelings and curiosity he sets out on an adventure to find his answers. Guided by the stars and the nature he sets out on an journey to satiate his curiosity. Thus leaving the village and his family where he lived since his birth. Unaware of the dangers that lurked in the unknown he encountered terrible fate during his journey which cost him his life. Favoured by luck and fortune he wakes up and finds himself in the body of a young Demi-human and in a completely different world. In a world filled with different species he continues his exploration while overcoming various hardships. Solving the mysteries of the new world along his journey the mystery behind his transmigration puzzles him when he found out about the existence of the fragments of the previous owner of the body inside him. 'Why can't l remember anything after I pass out? Why do I find myself in different place and in different situation every time I pass out?' Unaware of his other personality he questions. Every time after passing out his another personality takes over his body. Fighting like a battle maniac and acting like a bloodthirsty monster he craves for blood. Will he be able to solve the mystery behind his dual nature? Will he be able to solve the mystery behind his transmigration? What kind of encounter will he encounter in the unknown world?

Bloom07 · Fantasie
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38 Chs

Final words of Asmodeus

As Asmodeus went crashing down, dust particles rose up blocking Zan's vision. Unable to see what's infront of him, Zan intently gazed at the place where Asmodeus crashed.

While trying to gauze the condition of Asmodeus, he kept staring at the place where Asmodeus crashed without blinking. After a while, the dust particles started to settle down and his vision got clearer.

Upon the clearance of dust particles, what awaited him was the disappearance of Asmodeus. He was sure that he had clearly seen Asmodeus crashing down in that designated location. And he had been observing that place without blinking his eyes with utmost focus.

But still after the clearance of dust particles, no signs of Asmodeus could be seen in that place. It's as if Asmodeus vanished in thin air.

The sight ahead confused him and he started to doubt his judgement. But the appearance of the cracks in the ground assured him of the fact that Asmodeus did indeed crashed in that designated place. And thus he started to scan the area in hopes of finding Asmodeus.

Just before the dust particles settled down, Asmodeus had erased his presence and teleported behind a large rock while avoiding the gaze of Zan. He made use of the smoke screen and succeeded escaping from Zan unnoticed.

After taking countless strikes of Zan, he had severely injured himself.

'Argh.. How could a puny mortal inflict such a grave injury on me? And what's with that black fame of his?'

Asmodeus mumbles while writhing in agony.

He couldn't even flee from Zan in his current condition let alone launch a counterattack. Thus he sat behind the rock recuperating while hiding his presence.

Asmodeus hid his presence so skillfully that Zan couldn't find him no matter how hard he tried.

No matter how much Zan observed, he couldn't find any lead to Asmodeus. But despite that he continued searching for Asmodeus. After long hours of searching in vain, Zan finally broke his silence.

"Hahaha... Asmodeus! Asmodeus! Asmodeus; you call yourself the great demon general when all you could do is hide while tucking your tail? Aren't you ashamed of yourself? Do you plan on hiding forever?"

Zan taunts Asmodeus hoping to lure him out with his taunts.

After hearing the provocation of Zan, Asmodeus grits his teeth and clenches his fist. Rage flows through him like a molten lava.

Unable to suppress his rage, all the pent up anger erupted like a volcanic eruption.

"You dare mock me. You're courting death you puny mortal. Just because you landed few hits on me, you think you defeated me?"

Outraged in fury Asmodeus finally shows his appearance while stepping out from the large rock.

Seeing the sight of Asmodeus, Zan smirks and let's out a evil grin in his face.

'The more prideful the person, the more he's susceptible to taunts and provocation.'

He thinks while letting out a evil grin.

From the beginning, the purpose of his taunt was to draw Asmodeus out and make him to show himself. Upon seeing his plan come to fruition he couldn't stop smirking.

Prideful Asmodeus despite his injury charges at Zan in fury unable to think properly. Without thinking much he keeps on attacking Zan. But Zan keeps on avoiding his attacks.

As the saying goes it's much easier to dodge the attacks of an angry beats than to dodge the attacks of a cunning beast.

Zan makes use of Asmodeus's pride and continues to provoke Asmodeus as he evades his attack.

Asmodeus reacts to every provocation made by Zan. The more Zan provokes Asmodeus, the more he enrages in fury. Asmodeus blinded with rage overexerts himself while making use of every arsenal available to him.

No longer does he care about his vitality or energy. All he wants at the moment is the death of Zan. Leviathan keeps warning Asmodeus to calm down and think with a cool head. But blinded by rage, Asmodeus disregards every warning and recklessly charges at Zan.

The sight of Zan evading all his attacks frustrates Asmodeus. Asmodeus who's at his final wits, shoots himself up in the sky and starts to chant.

"Oh great demon lord, this humble subject of yours begs you to grace himself with thy powers."

Asmodeus starts to chant in demonic language. Zan couldn't understand a single word uttered by Asmodeus.

As Asmodeus finishes chanting, black clouds fills up the sky dyeing the whole place in darkness. As the black cloud disperses a magic circle appears in the sky above. From within the magic circle a huge claw of a terrifying monster could be seen.

Zan freezes in his place upon seeing the appearance of the claw from within the magic circle. He wants to run away but he couldn't move his body. He finds himself paralysed in fear. His heart starts beating faster and his complexion turns pale. He couldn't even divert his gazes which are fixated at the claws infront of him. Unable to breathe, he tries to gasp his breath as he gazes the abomination of a monster ahead of him.

The claws big enough to reach the heavens and hells slowly starts to head towards his way. Paralyzed by his fear he couldn't dodge the attack even if he wanted to dodge it. Thus he accepts his fate and bids farewell to the world and people close to him and closes his eyes.

As he closes his eyes while accepting his fate, he stands still at one place.

Even after a couple of minutes he feels nothing. He feels no pain and no changes.

'Did I die? Was death supposed to be this painless? Why am I feeling nothing?'

He thinks with his eyes shut.

After a while he opens his eyes and finds himself in the same place that he was before and not in heaven or hell. His surroundings confuses him. He clearly remembers the sight of the horrifying claw appearing from within the magic circle.

He looks up and finds no trace of magic circle in the sky. That confuses him even further. While still in a state of confusion, he wonders if he had been dreaming.

As he tries to collect his thoughts he remembers about Asmodeus performing some kind of weird ritual previously. He then looks for Asmodeus in the previous location but fails to locate him there.

'I'm sure that Asmodeus was there but where did he go?'

He thinks while gazing at the previous location of Asmodeus.

Zan then looks around a bit more in the sky but still fails to locate him. And as he looks down he finds Asmodeus in a half-dead state.

From the looks of it, Asmodeus seem to have overexerted himself and must have depleted his vitality while performing the summoning magic previously.

He looks at the miserable state of Asmodeus and concludes that the previous experience wasn't a dream. He concludes that whatever he had seen was for real.

As he reminisce the sight of the abomination which he encountered, shiver runs down his spine.

He diverts his mind towards Asmodeus in an attempt to forget the horrifying encounter which he experienced.

He rolls his eyes toward Asmodeus but shows no emotion towards him. Not even an ounce of emotion could be seen in his face. As he stands above the half-dead corpse of Asmodeus, he stares at him with a cold hearted look.

"Tch.. tch.. tch.. How the mighty have fallen so miserably and how the tables have turned. The predator has now become the prey."

He clicks his tongue in disgust.

"But don't expect me to show you any mercy. I'm sure you wouldn't have shown us any mercy either if we were the ones lying in that state."

Zan continues.

"We did you no harm. It was you who started to chase after us from the beginning. It was you who started the fight. It was you who started the game but it'll be me who'll finish it."

Rage ran red through his head as he let out his emotions.

Asmodeus who's in half-dead state speaks with a measly voice while letting out a evil laugh.

"Hahaha... You don't have to show pity on me. If you leave me alive right now then I'll come for your life later in the future. The choice is yours. Hahaha"

Hearing him, Zan feels no remorse in ending his life. Thus to avoid further attacks of Asmodeus, he decides to kill him when he has the opportunity to do it.


"Good-bye! See you never Asmodeus"

He bids farewell to Asmodeus as he picks up Leviathan lying beside the half-dead corpse of Asmodeus. He raises Leviathan up his head and swings it with as much force as he could. The sword lands at the heart of Asmodeus piercing his heart.

Blood splatters all over the place which inturn drenches Zan completely in blood of Asmodeus.

Before his final moment Asmodeus whispers~

"Those who kills a high ranking demon won't be able to enjoy a ordinary life ever in there life. Hahahaha"