
Beyond the Limits I Became a Ninja in Naruto

Bruno, a dedicated biomedical scientist who devoted his life to cancer research, meets a tragic end after making a groundbreaking discovery that could have changed humanity. But death, it seems, is only the beginning of a new journey. Reborn as Kiyoshi Hyuga in the incredibly diverse world of Naruto, Bruno is given the opportunity to live a completely new life. He finds himself in a world where ninja power and combat skill are as essential as the scientific knowledge he possessed in his previous life.

Bruno_oliveira · Anime und Comics
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28 Chs

Resonance of the Heart: Unveiling a Revolutionary Technique

In the stillness of the morning, Kiyoshi and his father were in the training area, engaged in a battle of movements and strategies. The silence between them was poignant, not uncomfortable, but filled with mutual respect and understanding.

However, Kiyoshi decided to break that silence. There was something bubbling in his mind, something he needed to confide. He turned to his father, his face serious and his eyes filled with determination.

"Father," he began, hesitating for a moment. "There's something I want to discuss with you."

His father's eyes softened, nodding for Kiyoshi to proceed. Then, with a deep sigh, Kiyoshi shared his thoughts. He told his father about the impasse he was facing in his chakra training. He described Naruto's advice and his idea of creating a core or a chakra accumulation point.

His father listened in silence, his eyes narrowed in concentration. When Kiyoshi finished speaking, his father remained silent, pondering over what his son had told him. He had never deeply considered Kiyoshi's technique before, but now, hearing his son describe it, he found himself surprised by its depth and complexity.

"This reminds me of Tsunade's Byakugō, one of the Legendary Sannin," he finally said, breaking the silence. "It's a type of fuinjutsu, a sealing technique, that allows the user to accumulate a vast amount of chakra at a specific point in their body, usually on the forehead."

His father's explanation was an eye-opener for Kiyoshi. He had never thought of that possibility before. However, the idea was enticing. He could use this technique to create a chakra 'core,' a place where he could accumulate and store chakra for later use.

Seeing the spark in his son's eyes, Kiyoshi's father nodded. "I could use some of my contribution points to obtain a copy of the jutsu for you to study," he offered. "I can't promise anything, but I'll do what I can to help you."

With this epiphany, Kiyoshi found himself in a whirlwind of thoughts. He reflected on the fundamentals of Tsunade's seal, thinking, "Using a seal to create a chakra core is a fascinating idea, but it has its flaws. Having to constantly direct my attention to send a constant flow of chakra to a seal is simply inefficient. I need something that can work autonomously."

His previous knowledge as a biomedical scientist in his past life provided a unique perspective on the problem. He remembered how the human body naturally stores and releases energy. Muscles, for example, accumulate glycogen, a form of sugar, which is converted to glucose when needed to provide energy.

Inspired by this idea, Kiyoshi pondered if he could create a similar system for chakra. A chakra "reservoir," so to speak, where chakra could be accumulated and then released as needed. But how could he create such a system? And more importantly, where could he place this reservoir?

He knew that chakra flows through chakra channels in the body, similar to the circulatory system. Chakra is produced in organs such as the liver and lungs, and then circulates throughout the body through these channels. Perhaps there was a way to manipulate these chakra channels to create a "pouch" for chakra?

At that moment, a thought struck him. The heart. The heart, with its intricate network of blood vessels and its constant pumping function, seemed like a perfect candidate. "The heart is already a crucial organ for the circulation of blood and energy," he thought. "Why not use it also for the circulation of chakra?"

Kiyoshi was in a meditation session with his friends - Hinata, Neji, and Naruto. They sat together in a circle, legs crossed, palms resting gently on their knees. The sun was high in the sky, bathing the area around them in a soft, warm light. The tranquil sounds of nature surrounding them formed the perfect soundtrack for their introspective practice.

Since the conversation he had with his father, Kiyoshi had dedicated a lot of time to thinking about how to establish a chakra core. He believed that the key to overcoming the barrier in his training was to create a space within himself where chakra could naturally accumulate. And the answer to that question came in a moment of clarity during one of their meditation sessions.

"Heart Resonance Technique: Kokoro no Kyomei," Kiyoshi thought, giving a name to his idea. This technique would involve synchronizing the flow of chakra with the beats of his heart, turning this vital organ into the core of his spiritual energy.

He remembered pacemakers, the medical devices that regulate the heartbeat using electrical impulses. Kiyoshi planned to adapt this concept for his technique. By using chakra pulses, he could stimulate his heart, enhancing the efficiency of chakra circulation in his body and allowing him to accumulate chakra in his heart. This would become a chakra reservoir, ready to be used when needed.

"And what if..." Kiyoshi contemplated, "...I could create a chakra reservoir that could be accessed at any time? This would not only solve my current problem but also enhance my fighting capacity."

The possibilities excited him. Yet, he was aware of the risks. Manipulating chakra in this way would require tremendous concentration and control. Moreover, any mistake could have dangerous consequences. That's why Kiyoshi decided to keep his idea a secret until he was certain it was safe.

"I can't rush this," Kiyoshi thought, "This is a technique that has never been attempted before. I'll need to practice, experiment, maybe fail a few times before getting it right."

There was a tinge of anxiety in his thoughts, but also a strong sense of determination. The idea of the Heart Resonance Technique exhilarated him, giving him a new focus for his training.

For now, Kiyoshi decided to continue his meditation sessions, focusing on synchronizing the flow of his chakra with the beats of his heart. He knew that the path to mastering this technique would be long and filled with challenges, but he was ready to face them.

As Kiyoshi lost himself in his thoughts, he continued meditating with his friends, who had no inkling of the revolutionary ideas brewing in the young Hyūga's mind. To them, it was just another peaceful day under the sun in the tranquil Village Hidden in the Leaves.

Kiyoshi still sat on the grass in a meditative posture. His heavy eyelids covered intense and focused eyes, his muscles tense and alert as he channeled the flow of chakra through his body. His goal was complex, a mission to merge two distinct worlds: the Earth's medicine and ninjutsu.

He pondered the human heart, a muscular organ that pumps blood through the blood vessels of the circulatory system, supplying oxygen and nutrients to the body. In modern medicine, a pacemaker is a device that uses electrical impulses to regulate the heart's rhythm. Kiyoshi knew this well, thanks to his past as a biomedical scientist. Now, he intended to apply that concept to chakra, attempting to create a bridge between scientific knowledge and ninja arts.

Closing his eyes, Kiyoshi focused. He imagined his chakra flowing like a river and his heart as a dam, capturing and storing the energy flow. He saw chakra impulses as electrical pulses, trying to create resonance between them and the beats of his heart. Yet, attempting to synchronize the complex energy of chakra with the intrinsic rhythm of the human heart proved to be a colossal challenge.

During this meditation, Neji, Hinata, and Naruto, who sat in silence beside him, felt a sudden shift in Kiyoshi's energy. His chakra flickered uncontrollably, becoming intense and chaotic. Then, without warning, Kiyoshi collapsed.

Hinata, being closest to Kiyoshi, cried out, "Kiyoshi-kun!" She rushed toward Kiyoshi, her Byakugan eyes widening in panic. Neji, despite his usually proud demeanor, also stepped forward, shock visible on his face. Naruto, always cheerful and outgoing, paled. He knelt beside Kiyoshi, his blue eyes filled with concern.

"Kiyoshi, what were you trying to do?" Naruto asked, his voice tense. Deafening silence was the only response. Neji, with his advanced Byakugan abilities, examined Kiyoshi's chakra. He could see that the energy was disarrayed, as if Kiyoshi had disturbed the balance of his own life force.

In an almost rehearsed movement, the three friends carefully lifted Kiyoshi, with Neji's watchful eyes still focused on Kiyoshi's disrupted chakra pattern. Silently, Naruto and Neji carried Kiyoshi, each supporting one side of their friend's inert body, while Hinata, an expression of dread on her face, ran ahead to prepare the path to Kiyoshi's house.

Natsu Hyūga, Kiyoshi's mother, was a woman of gentle appearance and piercing eyes. Upon seeing the three young ones carrying her unconscious son, she hurried toward them, her Byakugan eyes immediately assessing the situation.

"What happened?" Natsu asked, her voice calm but her eyes revealing her growing terror.

The three young ones exchanged glances, each seeking the right way to explain what they had witnessed. It was Neji who spoke first.

"During meditation, Kiyoshi-kun collapsed," he said, with a serious expression. "His chakra became unstable and chaotic. It seems he disturbed the balance of his own life force."

Natsu, after hearing the explanation, ran a hand across her forehead, a sigh escaping her lips. "We need to take him to the room," she said, beginning to give instructions.

Meanwhile, news of the incident reached the ears of the Hyūga clan patriarch, who immediately made his way to Natsu's house. With the typical seriousness of the Hyūga clan leaders, the patriarch, an imposing and respected man, arrived on the scene with a worried frown. He questioned the young ones about the incident but received the same report, along with Neji's detailed assessment explaining what he observed with his Byakugan.

After the initial analysis, considering the gravity of the condition, they took Kiyoshi to a quiet and secure location, a room illuminated only by candles where he could rest undisturbed. The situation was uncertain, and the young Hyūga remained unconscious for three days.

Hello, dear readers,

I want to start by thanking all of you for being here and giving my story a chance. This is my second attempt at crafting a web novel, and I am thrilled to share it with all of you.

Your presence and interest mean the world to me. Your support not only gives me the push to keep writing, but it also inspires me to improve with each chapter. As a writer, I am on a continuous journey of learning and growth, and your comments and critique are a valuable part of it.

I encourage you not to hesitate in sharing your opinions and thoughts. Whether it's praise or constructive criticism, I am open to hear it. Each piece of feedback is an opportunity to improve and make the story more engaging and enjoyable for you.

Once again, I sincerely thank you for being here. Together, we can make this a wonderful and memorable experience.

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