

A young warlock leaned against the brick wall, waiting for the vampire mistress he was supposed to meet. He agreed to meet with her in an alleyway between two shops on the edge of town. It was where nobody would see their deal

commence unless they deliberately wandered down there. Luckily, as a talented

warlock, he was able to put a spell around the area too - to make sure no one would

come there.

The warlock twirled his immaculate wand between his fingers, starting to

get impatient, but as he did, a beautiful young woman appeared in the alleyway,

heading towards him. He put his wand away as she approached him. "Are you

Mark Stohl?" She asked, standing in front of him. She wore an elegant, red dress

that had gold lace wrapping around her waist and sleeves, and that carried to her

feet. Her sleeves hung down below her hands just barely, almost too big for her.

Her dress also had a hood, which covered her pale face. Mark was in awe of how

beautiful she was. Her golden eyes complemented her dress, and her red lips stood

out on her pale face.

"Yes I am, are you Rosalina Crinamorte?" Mark asked. Her name was a

mouthful, but it was lovely. Rosalina nods and lowers her hood. Her black hair lays

neatly on her shoulders as she smiles at him.

"It is good to meet you. I'm afraid we can't chat long, as I have something

incredibly important to do. So, let's make this quick." Rosalina grabs a dagger out

of her pocket and slices her palm, creating a pool of blood. Mark was caught off

guard by how she just sliced her palm with no reaction, but it didn't matter. He

quickly grabbed the vial from his pocket and let her pour her blood into it. He

needed the vial to be full so it would work. He could only hope her blood would

help him. It needed to. Once it was full, she licked her hand to seal the wound.

"I now need what you promised." Rosalina said, her hand out. Mark nodded

and handed her a blood red pendant with a gold chain from his pocket. She

practically snatched it from his fingers and gazed at it with awe. Rosalina giggled happily and looked at Mark with wide eyes.

"I will not forget what you did for

me." She said, handing him a piece of paper with words written on it, "Say these

words over fire and I shall come to you." Rosalina puts her hood and takes off

before Mark could say anything. Mark tore down the spell he had put up and

headed home from the dark alleyway.


Mark made it home. He tossed his coat onto the hanger in the hallway and

quickly traveled downstairs to his sister. It was only Mark and his sister that lived

in the house. It was a small, brick house that Mark had purchased whenever his

mother died. His sister and him have been living in the house for quite a while


"Mark? Is that you?" His sister called out weakly. Her older brother rushed

to her side with a vial in hand. Her brown hair clung to her face from the sweat that

covered her forehead.

"Yes, Elizabeth. Quickly, take this. It'll make you feel

better." Mark pulled the cork out of the vial and placed it at her lips.

"Wait just a moment. What is this? It smells like blood." Elizabeth recoiled

from the vial of blood in disgust.

"Yes, it's vampire blood. I made a deal with a vampire mistress. So, please

take it." Mark begged, putting the vial closer to her mouth. Elizabeth uneasily

looked at her brother, and then at the vial. She knew from studies that vampire

blood have remarkable healing abilities if you drink it. It was weird because they

drink blood from humans. Elizabeth didn't know a whole lot. She hasn't exactly

been able to focus on studies when she is on her deathbed. Elizabeth went into the

forest on the outskirts of town to gather materials for her brother. It wasn't long

when she was attacked by an Amarok, a gigantic wolf that hunts in the forest. They

usually don't roam in the part of forest she was in but… it was a unlucky case of


Elizabeth sighs, grabbing the vial and drinking the vampire blood. It went

down her throat slowly, making her want to vomit. The consistency was thick and

it was warm. She didn't understand why vampires love drinking blood, it tastes

like copper and it's lukewarm. Elizabeth drank the contents until it was all gone.

She would question him after she got better. It would be no use to ask him now

because he would be too anxious about her health.

"Okay, you should get better soon. I'm going to go get some more bandages.

Ring the bell if you need me, don't wear out your voice." Mark smiled at his sister

and walked out of her room. Elizabeth was grateful for her brother. She figured he

must've done everything to get the vampire blood. She also wondered what he did

to get it…

Curiosity peaked through her mind as she thought more and more about it.

She definitely was going to ask her brother when she felt better. It should only take

a couple of hours until she is fully healed. Vampire blood has healing properties

that can heal themselves and other creatures that drink it. However, the blood has

to be pure vampire blood to work or else it won't. If the vampire is half human or

something else, it won't work.

As if on cue, Elizabeth's mind went blank as pain rippled throughout her

body. She screamed in agony, alerting her brother in the next room. Mark dropped

the bandages in his hands and ran to his sisters side. Elizabeth convulsed and the

blood she drank came back up, dripping out the corner of her mouth.

"Eliza! Eliza!" Mark yelled, panicking. He didn't know what to do as she

shook, shivered, and went still. Her once beautiful green eyes were now dull and

blank. Mark stood there in utter shock. When he snapped out of it, he brought his

fingers up to her neck.

She was dead.


After a moment of mourning his sister, Mark shakily put his hand in his

pocket, pulling out the crumpled piece of paper the vampire mistress gave him. She

was a liar, and Mark got tricked. In that moment, something snapped in Mark. He

suddenly laughed, chuckling on how stupid he was. How he wanted to kill the

supposed vampire mistress. He stomped over the fireplace, carrying the piece of

paper in his hand tightly.


Mark said, waving his hand across the wood and watching it turn into

flames. And Mark wasted no time saying the words on the paper.

"Habitatores nocte, audire me vocant.

Dedisti mihi verba vocationem vestram,

et nunc tibi debet videri,

in reditum meum favorem."

Mark then tossed the paper in the fire, the color of the flames dancing across

his face. He watched the paper crumble into itself and turn into ashes. A black mist

swirled throughout the fire and danced along with the flames. As it did this, the

mist slowly rose above the fire and then extinguished it. Mark was a bit startled by

this but held his composure as the mist stood in front of him, and formed into a


Then the black mist pulled a long, black sword from its back, and began to

swing at its target, Mark. He swiftly moved out of the mist swords way and quickly

pulled out his wand.

"Rumpe!" Mark called and pointed his wand at the creature. Bright colors shot

out of his wand and at the mist, making it explode into the colors and dissipate into

nothing. He clenched his hand around his wand, trying to hold his composure. He

wasn't going to forget this, as long as he lived.