
Beyond Office Walls

Synopsis: In the luxurious world of corporate power and forbidden desires, a dedicated secretary and a charismatic billionaire CEO find themselves entangled in a passionate love affair that tests their boundaries and challenges societal norms. Meet Olivia Peterson, a diligent and hardworking secretary, known for her exceptional organizational skills and unwavering loyalty. Olivia is content with her role, gracefully blending into the background while ensuring the smooth operation of her boss's empire. Behind her professional facade, she hides a creative spirit and a longing for something more fulfilling. Enter Sebastian Westwood, a captivating and influential billionaire CEO, renowned for his ruthless business tactics and magnetic charm. With a reputation for being unattainable, Sebastian's life revolves around wealth and power. However, beneath his formidable exterior, he yearns for a genuine connection that goes beyond superficiality and wealth. When Olivia catches Sebastian's eye with her competence and subtle beauty, he offers her a promotion as his personal secretary. As Olivia steps into her new role, the boundaries between professional and personal become blurred, and an intense attraction develops between them. Caught in a whirlwind of forbidden desires, they must navigate the treacherous waters of secret rendezvous and hidden affections. Join Olivia and Sebastian on a captivating journey of passion, secrecy, and the pursuit of a love that knows no bounds. Together, they will discover that sometimes, true love can be found in the most unexpected places, even within the confines of an office romance.

Scented_Daisy · realistisch
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Chapter Two

As Sebastian entered the elevator and the door closed. Olivia proceeds to choose the top floor button, where the CEO's office was situated. This little action allowed Sebastian to take a whiff of her scent.

His breath hitched as her scent hit his nose, he stared at her as she pressed their supposed floor, he quickly took his eyes of her as she retreated to her position as they waited for their floor.

Their footsteps echoed through the corridor as they made their way toward Sebastian's spacious corner office. The polished wooden floors gleamed under the soft glow of chandeliers, creating an atmosphere of power and luxury. Olivia's heels clicked in perfect rhythm with Sebastian's confident stride. Which gained a lot of stares from his employees.

They came to a stop as they reached the door to his new office.

"Ok son I think you can handle it from here" Collins said patting Sebastian's shoulder. "Olivia can handle the rest" he completed now smiling at her. Then he took his leave, walking towards the private elevator they just walked out  from.

Sebastian glanced at Olivia, noticing the subtle tension in her demeanor. Her gaze remained focused, her eyes reflecting a mixture of determination and respect. He admired her professionalism, but there was something else, a spark of curiosity that made him wonder what lay beneath her composed exterior.

Sebastian took his eyes off Olivia and to his new office door. His hand hovering over the golden handle, with a gentle push, Sebastian opened the door, revealing a spacious room bathed in natural light. Floor-to-ceiling windows offered a breathtaking view of the city skyline, a symbol of the vast possibilities that lay ahead. The scent of freshly cut flowers filled the air, courtesy of Olivia's meticulous attention to detail.

As Sebastian stepped inside, his eyes scanned the elegant furnishings, his fingers tracing the smooth surface of his new desk. Olivia followed suit, her eyes assessing the room to find out that the room was indeed redecorated at the last minute but it turned out very good.

Sebastian turned to Olivia, his voice laced with a coldness. "Mrs. Peterson, I want to make it clear that I do not tolerate mistakes, everything and I mean everything must be done perfectly, have made myself clear."

" What is up with this dude...geez I already miss Mr. Collins." I thought to myself, then gave him a forced smile.

" Sure no problem it's a pleasure working with you Sebastian". My smile immediately faded as I realized I just called my boss by his first name. I mentally first palmed myself. I looked up at him to see his reaction.

Sebastian's heart skipped a beat at the sound of his name on her lips. It stirred a longing within him, a desire to know her beyond the confines of the office.

"If anyone else had called me by my first name I would have lashed out at them setting up boundaries, but in her case, it was different"

Sebastian cleared his throat, as he brought himself out of his reverie. He looked at her only to see her peeking through her light brown hair which complimented her hazel eyes, as if to see my reaction, so I quickly put on a cold face.

"Mrs. Peterson, we are not on the aquitance stage, not to talk about the friend stage, so you have no right whatsoever to call me by my first name is that clear".

Olivia just looked at him in shock.

" What the hell is up with this guy, geez he's so creepy, i was stupid to even think he'll be a prince charming indeed with his face but I was completely wrong. He has a BIG FAT EGO. So annoying"

" I'm really sorry sir, I didn't mean to, my apologies sir" Olivia apologized

Sebastian walked back to his desk took off his suit jacket, and placed on the executive chair behind his desk, leaving him in his matching matte black waist coat, and sat in his chair, crossing his right leg over the other he looked at her.

Olivia stood by his desk, awaiting his instructions. Her posture was upright, displaying a mix of confidence and readiness to take on any challenge that came her way. Sebastian glanced at her, his gaze assessing her body before he spoke.

"The black suit pant really suits her" he thought to himself.

"I have an important task that requires your immediate attention. We have an upcoming merger negotiation with Starlight Industries, and I need you to gather all the relevant data, financial reports, and legal documentation. I want a comprehensive analysis of their operations, potential risks, and possible synergies. This is a crucial decision making process, that requires no mistake, I'm I clear?" Sebastian said looking at her straight in the eye.

"Starlight industries?, I never knew of it was it recent?" Olivia thought before responding.

" Understood, Mr. Westwood. I will start compiling the necessary information right away. Is there a specific timeline you would like me to adhere to?"

" I want a preliminary report on my desk by the end of the day tomorrow. We need to be well-prepared for the meeting scheduled next week. It's essential to anticipate their moves and identify areas where we can leverage our strengths."

" Consider it done Mr. Westwood. May I take my leave now sir." Olivia requested.

Sebastian just nodded in affirmation.

Olivia turned her back to him reaching towards the door, to exit his office.


So basically this is not my first book, but the first book I will be publishing. As a writer I'll please ask that if you have any problem with my work please notify me, and I'll see what I can do to improve, I'm an Amateur writer. Please spread love and positivity.