
Beyond humanity

Through the age of humanity mankind has done vile things and has shown that they shall not stop intill they destory human are trash but one day humanity gain the ability to evolve and finally become perfect being but they choose to be greedy and choose to pick on those who could not defend themselves that when Hu decided that shall end of human and become a perfect being.

Tigerhiddeningrass · Aktion
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32 Chs


As Chain finished up the process, we were attacked but not by the undead by Shin and his little shits.

"Shin back the fuck off and leave." I shouted trying to make as much sound as possible for the ghoul and other to attack Shin but he seem to realize this and make a whole bunch of noise himself but that was a mistake since we heard a loud cry which scared the shit out of all of us even can we can feel the pressure upon us and as we scan we see and we can't see what but we ran when our scanner said power is above it grade and these scanner can scan up to level 10 so that mean it a creature beyond our combined might as we are all breathless and head inside the city and warned the guard who immediately send some scouts to check it out and sent a warning to all to come back in the city.

"Holy shit Chain what do you think it was?"

"Most likely one of the undead kings a monster that controls and spreads the miasma that turning dead thing into undead." As he said that, I offered if he wanted to stay in my tent and agreed, and we headed back and decided to eat and sleep a wake up early and see if whatever that was dead again.

As we both woke up in a sleep state, we then ate and headout to sell our item for profits and then left to the adventurer association and rented out a train room and Chain help me control my mana more efficiently and help my beast practice their skill and then he released out the ghoul brute and surprisingly it did not attack and just stood their and then when told an order proceeded and then went back to Chain and was standing their menacingly but we did mind and continued to work and train our bodies and after a couple of hour we left for the day and decided to go dig out some old new papers and found out that they have shut down leaving the city unless your above level 10 for the time being and pushed back the tournament for another month and said those between level one to 3 can participate and I was quite excited and wanted to continue my practice until then but me and Chain were far to hungry so we ate and went to the river bank to fish up some food or Chain did when I was looking for insect and found all sort of spiders and beetles and scorpion and other water insect and put them all in one container and then went to help Chain fish and then headed back after get enough for dinner tonight.