
Beyond Creates

Nine Light, a 21-year-old young man, who woke up in a void after sleeping next to Susan Lynette. Nine was shocked by the darkness that enveloped him and wondered if he was blind. However, in that moment of fear, an artificial intelligence living inside her head appeared and gave her a companion in the darkness. The artificial intelligence was named Luna. For thousands of years, Nine and Luna worked together to create amazing civilizations, tools, powers, and lives. They became an infinite creative force, producing the most incredible achievements in history. However, in the 60th century, Nine gave orders to her creations called the "Seven Rainbow Gods" to destroy a planet with a low civilization and replace it with a new, more advanced civilization. However, the planet did not give up so easily and put up a formidable fight. Nine, with the help of Luna inside her head, stepped in to help the gods and goddesses. However, fate took its own course when a giant black comet suddenly appeared and crashed into Nine and the seven rainbow deities, causing them all to lose consciousness. After some time, Nine finally woke up from her six-year coma. She found herself in the hospital, and Susan Lynette, who had faithfully accompanied Nine during his coma, was still by his side. When Nine returns to the real world, she realizes that the Earth is experiencing strange phenomena and unexplained oddities. While trying to make sense of these changes, Nine is caught in a love triangle with a woman named Namira Ziudith, who has a fateful bond with him, and Susan, who has been Nine's loyal companion during his hospitalization.

Riad_Frederic · Fantasie
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30 Chs

Ch. 12 - Weird Pleasant Surprise.

Apartment Boulevard Lt. 21 No. 17

The elevator doors opened, I walked down the hallway of the apartment feeling very tired.

"Only half a day of living on earth already feels exhausting." I muttered and took a deep breath.

In front of Susan's apartment door, I pressed the bell switch repeatedly.

Ring...! Ring...! Ring...!

The sound of the lock from the door began to be heard, the door opened and someone appeared behind the door.

The figure looked me up and down and dismissed a look of surprise as her eyes dropped, then she spoke up.

"Are you done? I thought you'd be late, but you're right on time. Come in...the food is ready." Susan greeted and made way for me.

She also helped carry my luggage, and shouted towards the apartment.

"Novia.. honey, look over here. daddy came and brought a lot of souvenirs!"

"Uh What's a-dad?" My body instantly froze, my lips unable to move.

"Daddy...! is daddy home yet?"

Novia came out of her room and immediately ran to the outer door of the apartment. seeing my little one running towards me, aroused a sense of happiness in me and unexpectedly made me unable to believe it. it was like hitting the jackpot from the lottery.

"Woah.. dad, you brought so much... is this all for me?" Novia looked very happy. She checked some of the packages I had brought.

While I was still speechless, Susan pushed me inside and closed the door.

"Dad? Why are you silent like that? Are these Souvenirs not for me?" Novia made a sad face while looking at the items I had just bought at the Avenue Mall.

"Ah.. no, that's not it. of course I bought it for you! Who else would it be for?" my stiff face broke into a warm smile for Novia.

My consciousness returned when I saw the sadness on Novia's face, instantly comforting her and thrusting the package in my hand to her. making Novia look happy again.

"Thank you dad, you're the best!" Novia grabbed all the packages from my hands and Susan's hands.

"Alright, go to your room first, check what's inside. I want to talk to your Dad first." Susan pushed her son's back gently, shooing him away.

"Okay mom.. my pleasure!" Novia entered her room happily, the souvenirs in her ragged hands made it look like she was struggling to carry them all and occasionally fell over and picked them up again.

My gaze at the cheerful little girl made my cheeks ache from smiling. And when the little figure and her luggage disappeared from my sight, the big girl who gave me this feeling of surprise, distracted me.

"What's going on? Why so suddenly?" my response was instinctive, when I saw Susan's face.

"What's so sudden? I was just telling Novia about us a moment ago. Do you mind?" As usual, Susan's selfishness towards me made me surrender helplessly.

"It's not that, it's just.. can you tell me first how I suddenly became a father after waking up from a coma?" saying this made Susan stare at me with an inexplicable look.

Susan walked closer to me, then stood on tiptoe, and put her arms around my neck making my head bow slightly.

'Cup...' A sweet kiss was felt on my lips. As soon as my dry lips were wet.. Susan turned around with her fingers grasping my index finger and she dragged me towards the room while saying.

"Why don't we reenact what happened 6 years ago? Isn't today also the same day?" Susan turned her head and smiled embarrassedly. She pushed me into the room and closed the door.

"What do you mean? What really happened on that day?" a bitter smile came out of my mouth, because I couldn't remember the events.

"Have you forgotten it? If so, allow me to make you remember..." Susan pushed me back and fell sitting on the bed.

Both of her hands pushed my shoulders, making my body half-lying down. Susan looked into my eyes with such a close distance that we exchanged breaths.

"Let's see if you really forgot or just pretended to forget that you f*cked me before your long sleep..." Susan kissed me while groping my upper body, and showed hand gestures like she was throwing something.

Instantly I realized the awkwardness of what she was doing.

'hmm? why am I shirtless? since when did she take off my clothes?' I thought, while half holding Susan's body parts that felt rubbery and warm against my body.

Susan made a movement that initially on my lips the kiss slowly descended to the neck, chest, and continued to lead to sensitive and intimate areas.

When I realized that Susan also wanted to strip my lower body, I immediately sat up and refused. but Susan did not heed the refusal and still continued to launch the action.

The resignation in me began to drive emotional control and let what happened. Until a voice was heard and stopped Susan.

'Knock.. knock... knock!'

"Mom.. Dad... are you inside?" The sound of knocking accompanied by Novia's voice came from outside the door.

'I'm saved!' I thought feeling relieved, but also a little disappointed.

"Mom... dad, isn't it dinner time?" Novia said again behind the door, waking us both up.

"Yes, honey, wait a minute...mom and dad will be out soon. wait for us at the dining table..." Susan responded to Novia, she got up from on top of my lower body, then said.

"Quickly put your clothes back on, we'll continue the reenactment session later." Susan made a gesture like she wanted to pick something up and suddenly threw something out of her hand, and it turned out to be my shirt that had come from nowhere.

'Can Susan do magic tricks or something?' I thought to myself.

Maybe she thought I wouldn't notice what she was doing, because her movements were very fast and natural.

While I was tidying up my clothes, Susan had already left the room and started serving food on the dining table that had been prepared in the kitchen set since my arrival.

The three of us finally sat together at the dining table and started dinner. A few mouthfuls of food served by Susan, made my mouth not want to stop chewing.

"How is mom's cooking?" asked Novia who saw me devouring the food.

"It's.. very good...! I haven't tasted food this good in a long time..." I smiled fondly and was still chewing, making my cheeks puff out.

"Dad's face is so cute! It looks like a puffer fish...hahaha." Novia mocked me and laughed. Then I said with my mouth still full of food.

"Really? Then you can also imitate me and become a puffer fish child.. hahaha." I teased her with the intention of joking, but Novia innocently actually did it.

"Dad.. do I look like a puffer fish kid already?" Novia said with her cheeks puffed up with her mouth agape.

"hahaha..." "Hahaha..." we both laughed together as we imitated her again. Susan, who saw her husband and daughter having fun with each other while eating, couldn't help but say.

"Alright, that's enough. enjoy the food carefully so as not to choke, then finish it so that there is nothing left. otherwise, both of you will regret it." with a menacing grin on his face, made myself and Novia devour the food solemnly and ended our joke.

Before we could finish our food, suddenly the sound of sirens and warnings could be heard from outside the apartment.

"Attention...! Attention...! to all residents of Apartment Boulevard, there has been a Fissure Crack in the sky, not far from the Boulevard area. repeated, there has been a Fissure Cracks in the sky not far from the Boulevard area. The threat level of the Fissure Cracks is 'Disaster Rank'."

The warning voice sounded loud enough and clear enough to penetrate every apartment in the four towers of Boulevard.

'What was that?'

"Please evacuate immediately into the bunker under the other side of the building.. repeated.. this applies to all building occupants... please evacuate immediately into the bunker, that has been opened."

"Fissure cracks...? what is that? and what kind of 'disaster rating' is it?"
