

"He is stable now. However, we're still in the red zone," says Yokuso. That new medical attendant hands out the medical report to Justin. He takes the report and read it. Tears dripped from his eyes.

Twix almost lost his wolf in this battle. Most of his vertebra cracked and he was this close of losing his eyes. The worst part is his brain.

It almost toasts out.

"What about Twilight?" Justin asks after realizing that Twilight isn't even mentioned in the report.

"Relax. The wolf is fine. We put him in hibernation mode so he can heal fast," Yokuso watches Twix from the glass window of the emergency room. "Twix is special. He is strong for a hybrid. He is lucky to have Twilight as his wolf," Justin frowns.

"What do you mean?"

"No normal human being can take an injury like this. Even for a werewolf, this is severe. They might lose their life. Or perhaps, permanently cripple," says Yokuso. "But, Twilight is a strong hybrid wolf. The combo makes them stronger than any werewolf. Perhaps, because of the training that he gets from Black Wolf. And..."


"Maybe because of his determination to safe his friend," Justin looks down, eyes on his boots.

"Yes. Twix is an angel,"

"Dumb angel. He knew he will die, but still..." Yokuso pats the boy's shoulder. "You know what makes him, even stronger?" asks the doctor to Justin. He shakes his head.

"His strong feeling towards you awakens his protective side," Justin stares at Twix in a daze. He knew the boy is clingy and always act childish around him.

But to catch feelings, he never even dreamt of that. Twix is a magnificent person who always looks perfect even for someone like Justin. He is an idol for everyone in Black Wolf. His level is different.

He is an angel.

"He never said anything. But the way he acts explained everything. He always wants to be around you, and always cares. I can see how differently he treats you. Like, you are special to him..."

Yokuso is right. Not only the doctor but perhaps the whole village notice it, too. Even Justin himself. But, he always thought that it was Twix's nature to treat everyone nicely.

Now, he can understand the whole situation.

Yokuso leaves him alone in the intensive care unit. He watches Twix from the glass wall, tears dropping from his eyes. There's only one thing that he hopes for now.

He wants Twix to be strong.


"I'm sorry, Agent. But you are not allowed to meet the prisoner..."

"I am her husband. And she is not a prisoner!" Yoon stands up as he stitches his brow in front of the guard.

"I'm so sorry, but this is where your limit ends. You're not allowed to meet the prisoner-"

"Call her a prisoner again, I'll blow your head up!" Yoon's tolerance is almost off the string. He grabs the guard by his collar and pulls the man towards him.

"I'll use my words only twice. Let me in, or I'll blow your head up.."

"I should execute the rules that prohibit guns in a public place, especially in a public medical center," a man slowly walks towards them. He had a black file in his hand. Yoon glares at the figure as he let the guard go.

"You promised that I'm allowed to visit my wife," says Yoon, with a stern voice.

"Visit. Not meet. You should consider going back to school, agent," the man in black chuckles as he pushes his hand away from the guard.

"She only protects us!"

"She killed 5 personnel from the clinic and almost destroyed the whole persint. It's a huge payment for... Two lives?" Perry shows his two fingers to Yoon.

"Look, Byul is innocent. This is a trap. There's something wrong with that clinic! That's why we went there to investigate," Yoon tries his best to explain the action that The Guardians did.

"You should know that any investigation must get permission from the Black Knight. No need for an explanation, Agent Yoon. You are one of them," his throat feels dry.

They indeed need to ask for permission from the Black Knight and Black Wolf. Especially after the previous incident that happened to Byul.

"We know what we did wrong. But tell me, Agent Hianz... If we happen to inform the authority about the investigation, would you guys take action at the instant?" Yoon gives him a deep stare.

"There was this one mission, we lost one of the Black Wolf personnel because of your poor judgment and action. Depends too much on paperwork and some bullshit rules! If we take action fast, that agent must still be alive by now!"

Now, it's Hianz's turn to get salty.

"We work based on rules and regulations made by the government after the alien invasion. Rules are made to protect the interest of all citizens of Cosmos City..."

"Even a murderer?"

"You know the consequence of a false accusation, Agent Yoon?" asks Hianz.

"The Austins will never take action recklessly, Agent Hianz. You know them! Among the important people who rebuilt Cosmos City after the invasion," Hianz dismisses Yoon's claim. He chuckles as he glares at the unconscious Byul.

"Just because you guys saved Cosmos, it doesn't mean you can do whatever you want," the man tries to deny all the hard work that The Guardians did for Cosmos City.

"We never claim ourselves as the hero. We just wanna justice. And the truth, so the citizen will stay safe," says Yoon.

"And capturing your beloved alien wife is one of the actions that we must take..."

"She is innocent! She might have every proof that we need to save Cosmos City!" Yoon exclaims as he tries to pull Hianz's hand and make him listen.

"Sorry, but Byul had committed a serious crime according to Cosmos Act Section 6. She is a suspect under custody," Hianz smirks.

"You need proof for such a claim!"

"We don't need proof as you already saw the crime scene, unlike you guys, who blindly claimed that the clinic is doing some shady business..."

"You will get the proof, soon. We are on our way to present some shreds of evidence to the Department of Justice,"

Now, words fight words. If Hianz insists to fight with him using legal action, Yoon will take the same measure as well.

"You claimed that we need to follow some procedures made by the authority. Now, prepare for a good hearing by the court. I'll do whatever it takes to release my wife..." Yoon smirks as he stares at Hianz.

"... And to unfold the truth as well..."