
Beyond Cosmos : Project X

Two years after the alien invasion, Cosmos City is safe and sound. Even The Guardians living their lives in peace. Jein and Joon, now a married couple, struggle to spend time together. Twix, now a Black Wolf, joins Justin for missions around the world. Cygnus is a director in Cosmos Memorial Hospital, while Sun is preparing for early retirement from Mountain Peek. Everybody is having a good time, except for Yoon and Byul. They struggle to live their life when a tragedy struck between them. Things got pretty fine until an unexpected attack in the mid lunchtime, forcing Jein to shoot down a creature. Feeling uneasy, the Austins decide to send the corpse to the forensic room for further investigation. From the postmortem, they find a shocking truth hidden beneath the mystery creature. Meanwhile, The Moon Clan is on verge of war when the future Luna goes missing. Twix decided to ask a help from the Guardians searching for the lost Luna. Things got even worse when suddenly one of them went missing as well. What is the secret behind the mystery creature, and who kidnapped the Luna? Is there any link between these two cases? ****

anya_mac69 · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
12 Chs


As soon as the plane lands, Twix runs towards the hangar. Leaving behind Justin. The man carefully loads their bags and gets off the plane.

"Lieutenant," personnel from Black Knight approaches him. "You need to watch this," he hands him a tab. Justin presses the play button. His brows knit together.

"When this attack happens?"

"Less than two hours ago. We got a call from the hospital and dispatched a team to the crime scene," says the man.

"Is everybody alright?"

"Yes, sir, except for Doctor Joon Austin who got injured a bit, everyone is doing okay. Nothing much," the man takes away the tab.

"I shall pay a visit to the crime scene…"

"I think you should. Mainly, because they are on your team. And…" the man wanders his eyes around, before whispering to Justin. "They got attacked by some kind of weird creature."


"Yes. According to the investigation, Dr. Austin, and Dr. Austin brought something, which happens to be a body specimen. They thought it was already dead. But who knows, it got resurrected from hell!" the two men slowly approach the main gate of the hanger.

"Was Captain Yoon at the scene?" asks Justin. He already sees Twix. The man looks worried while hugging one of the men from his clan.

"He came later when everything got settled. Luckily, we manage to kill the specimens," says the man.

After a while, he excuses himself. Justin slowly approaches those men from the Moon Clan.

"What happens?" Twix stares at Justin.

"Someone just kidnapped Kasia," Twix locks his arm with Justin. He looks worried and gloomy.


"She's the future Luna of our clan. She was supposed to marry Mirmo next week. But, she went missing on her way home with her two assistants," says Puff.

"According to one of them, they were attacked by a group of masked men before they got captured. Then, they managed to escape, but Kasia is nowhere to be found," says Gro. He is Puff's mate. They got married last year and live with the Moon Clan.

"Motive?" asks Justin.

"That's…" Puff turns his head to Gro. "Not sure. But, we have another issue," both men look down.

Justin watches Twix. Finally, he opens his mouth.

"Dipper Clan is planning to send a convoy to attack the Moon Clan. Luckily, Ouran managed to stop them from engaging in a war. There's some kind of misunderstanding," says Twix.

"Alpha Kiko accused Mirmo of the kidnapping. A week ago, Mirmo and Alpha Kiko had some misunderstandings. She prohibited Mirmo to meet Kasia before the wedding. Thank God, we manage to find her entourages," says Puff.

"Now that we knew Mirmo is innocent, both clans agree to investigate the matter. The problem is, we have no clue at all! That's why we need The Guardian's help," says Gro.

Justin studies Twix's expression. Looks like his worst nightmare turned out to be real!

"I'll gather the team as soon as possible. But, we need to go to the hospital now. There's an accident," Twix frowns.


"Let's talk in the car. You two can come if you'd like to," Justin offers the men to follow them.

"Thanks, but we have to go home. The clan is in a mess. We must take care of Mirmo as well. He's not in the good condition now," says Puff.

"Fine. We will keep in touch. Let's go, baby," Justin locks his hand with Twix. They leave the air base as Twix watches Gro and Puff from far with a heavy heart.


Glass pieces shattered on the floor welcomed Yoon as the man walks into the forensic room. From far, he sees medical staff surround his brother.

He looks at Cygnus, who is busy stating the Black Wolf representatives. And Jein stands next to Joon and waits patiently for his husband.

"Yoon!" Jein realizes that the man stood in the middle of the room, looking shocked and clueless. Yoon slowly approaches Jein and gives Joon a bitter smile.

"I'm worried! Thank God you're alright!" says Yoon. The medical team leaves them immediately.

"Just a bloody scratch. I'm still in one piece," Joon grins, in silly mode.

"Lesson learned. Think first before you throw yourself in danger!" Jein softly smacks Joon's shoulder. The man scratches his head, head down.

"That thing almost ate you alive…"

"Baby, I got a gun with me. You, however…" Jein pokes his index onto Joon's chiseled chest. "… Was barehanded," Jein glares at him.

"What matter the most is both of you are safe. So did Cygnus," Yoon held a deep sigh. A phone call from the hospital is the last thing he expects today. He turns white when he watched the CCTV footage just now.

"Thanks to my hunch, too!" they turn around, looking at the owner of the voice. The gigantic, bulky man is holding a brand-new revolver. One-of-a-kind design for one-of-a-kind weapon specialists.

"Wow! Is that new?" asked Jein. Sun grins and nods his head. He hands out the revolver to Jein. Both share the same passion for weapons, as both work as weapon specialists.

"I felt uneasy when Cygnus texted me about the specimen. So, I came here straight from the Mountain Peak," says Sun. It's a massive relief for him to stop by. Or else, someone might get killed!

"Speaking of that… Where is it?" asks Yoon. Both Joon and Jein point their finger toward the dead body on the floor inside the forensic room.

The body lies on the floor with a hole on the head a size not bigger than a mineral water bottle cap. Yoon frowns as he studies the dead. It was almost unrecognized.

"Looks like a beast. An animal…"

"A werewolf,"

That remark makes everyone shocked. Twix walks towards the dead body with shaking hands. He prays for the worst. But, his eyes never fool him. He can recognize it immediately based on what he saw from far.

The dog's smell confirmed it as well.

Justin follows him from behind. Just in case Twix loses it. The man just received bad news from his clan. He might not be able to take more bad news in a day!

Looking at the unfamiliar body makes Twix relief. He grabs Justin's forearm to support himself. Luckily, the dead body is a man. He couldn't picture if it is a woman.

"It's a man…" he whispers. Justin hugs his side, to calm him down for a moment.

"How did he end up here?" asks Justin.

"He attacked people in the town. Jein shot him down. We thought he was dead, so we brought him in for an autopsy. Who knows if he's got alive again? Well, sounds weird, but that's what happened," says Cygnus.

"If it's true, Joon should take antibiotics for his wound. Though it is just a small scratch, usually werewolf's claws have poisoned. Like rabies," says Twix. Joon's face got blue.

"Don't worry, we got that type of antibiotic here. It's just, you need to take a double shot," says Cygnus.

"Damn… I hate needles!"

"And I hate it if you become hairy all of a sudden. So please stop whining!" Jein smacks his head a bit. All guardians giggle.

"Imagine, if I turn into a werewolf…" Joon whispers something to Jein. The man turns red. He immediately pushes his husband away.

"Get away from me, you pervert skunk! Hmph!" Jein leaves the scene. He grabs Justin and Twix, forcing the two to follow him along.

"What did you say?" asks Sun to Joon. The man grins wide and laughs.

"I told Jein if I turn into a werewolf… We will be in heaven every night. You know… Dogs…" Sun pulls away from his face from Joon. Yoon just laughs aloud while Cygnus turns pink.

"You're seriously a pervert!" says Sun.

"Guys, don't make this single feels alone…" Cygnus' whine makes them laugh.

"Okay, enough of it… Let's back to work, guys…" says Yoon.


"Here you are! Where is the report?" asks Cygnus. The hospital personnel hands out the lab report.

"I know where to start," says Cygnus. Joon, Yoon, and Sun look at each other.

"Where?" asks Sun.

"The report said that this person is a famous idol by the name of Ilia Bonbons. Who else got details about him?" Cygnus reports to Yoon.

"His agency and his manager, of course!" says Yoon.

"So, let us head to his agency," says Sun.

"Where is it anyway?"

"Jein knows. He is a huge fan. I wonder how he will react… He must be bawling his eyes out," says Joon. They leave the crime scene, headed out from the hospital.

"Ah, it can't be that bad!" says Sun.

"You have no idea, dude…" Joon taps Sun's shoulder and chuckles.