
Bewitched by the Werewolf

By some twist of fate, Zubera and Darius found themselves in willowdale, a town with a murky paranormal past. Something in the past had made terrible changes to their lives 19 years ago. They had no idea that they had unwittingly forged a very potent connection many years ago, and that a mysterious force had been working to bring them together ever since. Despite their obvious differences in background and character, Zubera and Darius face the same challenge: Living parallel secret lives - feisty gorgeous witch and handsome hunky werewolf. They're too different to ever be able to love one another, yet when fate brings them together, they give in to the inevitable and fall madly in love regardless. They'd do anything to keep their relationship intact. That wasn't love at first sight, but it was a love that would last a lifetime. From being at war with one another to being at war for one another, their love blooms passionately through all mysterious odds. Together, they solve the mystery of Willowdale's past, learn of their supernatural abilities, and struggle to navigate their lives amid chaos, wishing to live a normal existence but unable to hide their true identities.

Zahaer_ · Fantasie
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9 Chs

Chapter 1

Deep within the wild and untamed expanse of the Huntwick forest, buried within the towering trees and hidden within the thick greenery, existed a small and modest town known as Willowdale. This seemingly ordinary place, however, held a secret that set it apart from the ordinary world. Within the boundaries of Willowdale, the realms of the ordinary and the paranormal intertwined, creating a unique weaving of existence. Early morning sunbeams fought to break through the dense fog, but once they did, they threw an unsettling glow over the peaceful lanes dotted with thatched-roof houses.

In the tiny town of Willowdale, situated amidst verdant landscapes, resided a community of devout people. Bound together by their firm faith, these residents formed a tight-knit community, seeking solace and guidance from a higher power with unwavering devotion. Within the walls of Willowdale's only Church, an enormous Romaneque-style cathedral, prayers echoed, spreading through the air like whispers carried on a gentle breeze.

Every Sunday, the town's mood transformed as uplifting religious music and illuminating sermons filled the air, filling the town's people with a sense of holiness.

However, their devotion to Christianity occasionally led them down intriguing paths, where the boundaries between the natural and the supernatural seemed to blur.

Their unwavering commitment to their religious convictions was a testament to the strength of their community. Yet, there were moments when the residents of Willowdale found themselves drawn into the mysterious realm of the supernatural—whispers of unexplained phenomena haunting them from the past.

But, beneath the peace and tranquility, Willowdale had a dark past, one that surfaced only on full-blue moon nights when the town's history came back to haunt it.

Nineteen years prior, an unthinkable event had forever scarred the neighborhood, an incident that was never publicly discussed but had irreversibly shattered the once-peaceful community.

Willowdale was thriving in 1970, drawing young families looking for a place peaceful and safe to raise their families. Among them were Marc and Irina Folc, a wealthy couple who had built the town's most magnificent mansion. Despite their affluence, the Folcs were admired for their charm and humility, and they ascended to prominence fast in the small community. They not only owned and managed multiple local businesses, but they also fostered the growth of other smaller local businesses.

The Folcs were deeply religious, faithfully attending Sunday prayer services and frequently organizing breakfast for the church congregation. The couple's children, a son, and a daughter, were raised to embody politeness, good manners, and intelligence, effortlessly integrating into the vibrant fabric of Willowdale's community.

The Folc family's fate, however, took an unexpected turn on the fatal night of May 21, 1970, when their son was abducted by a local woman and left to die in the harsh wilderness of Huntwick Forest. The finding of the boy's lifeless body the following day, covered in blood and with horrible lacerations, shook the town to its core. Nobody knew if the child lived or died due to that incident. Rumors were that Marc and Irina Folc, together with their younger daughter, fled from Willowdale after this tragedy, never to be seen or heard from again. Whispers spread across town, implying that the boy had been discreetly buried in the Folc mansion's garden.

Nafre Delvaux, suspected abductor, became the target of a witch hunt that pursued her deep into the forest's heart, from where she never returned. Her granddaughter, Zubera Delvaux, and her daughter, Zaria Delvaux, were chased away from the community, refused even the most basic essentials for survival, and were quickly forgotten after they left the town. Two families' lives were ruined in a single night, their stories eternally carved into Willowdale's terrible history.

Over the years Gossip and speculation ran rife in town, weaving tales of deals with the devil and witchcraft. Some believed that Marc Folc had sold his son's soul for wealth and power, aided by a mysterious witch. Others thought the witch had a personal vengeance towards Marc based on a minor business conflict. However, the reality remained concealed amid all of the speculation.

In the Willowdale, a veil of mystery hung in the air, shrouding the past in a haunting darkness. Whispers of untold mysteries and intriguing tales had woven their way through the cobbled streets, appealing to the imaginations of those who dared to venture into the dark depths of the past.

Over the course of the last 19 years, a diverse group of curious tourists had been drawn to this enigmatic town, their hearts lured by the allure of the unknown.

The small town of Willowdale had always been a tightly-knit community where the locals held their traditions close, and outsiders were met with wary eyes. The townsfolk took pride in their self-sufficiency, relying on their own resources to sustain their way of life. Even though the arrival of these strangers was met with disapproval and skepticism, the townspeople needed these outsiders to breathe new life into the struggling businesses of Willowbrook.

It was a place where the boundaries between the ordinary and the supernatural were alike, a realm where the past whispers lingered, eager to divulge their long-guarded secrets to those brave enough to lend an ear.