
Chapter 4

"Really, well that's interesting" a voice purred in Mia's mind

Mia was about to deliver a deadly blow to the devan's face when she heard th voice she was prepared to give whoever it was a piece of advice and then maybe invite him to join the devan she was dealing with and of course she could always spare a few kicks, thinking that Mia turned her head to the owner of the voice,

"You know it's considered rude t....."Mia was saying before she saw who talked. A boy with silvery eyes and long black hair reaching his shoulders with just some strands of hair over his forehead giving him a dangerous and yet alluring appearance

" It's considered rude to,what?" the boy said repeating her words back to her

Mia quickly snapped out of whatever trance she was and replied throwing the devan's arm away and stared at the smirking boy and snarled

"It's rude to disturb me when I'm busy"

"Busy doing what, sweetheart" he taunted

"Don't ever call me that or I might just cut your tongue if I'm in a good mood" Mia warned

"Woah fiesty but just a little heads up you might be the one begging for that name later on" saying that he walked out leaving Mia enraged.

Mia stomped back to her new seat with all her eyes on her but she couldn't care less about their stares,Soon the teacher walked in and classes began till it was time for recess, using her witch power she opened a portal straight to the cafeteria's door and walked in scanning for empty seats not like she couldn't get any seat of her choice obviously she just needed to get her mind off the boy she met earlier, She thought about when she had first seen the boy and how dumb she was.

Mia never got scared not even when the principal had threatened to expell her did she flinch once but something about this boy was rendering all her mental defenses useless