
Beware: She's A Devil

She was asked.... "Aren't you afraid of Karma?" "Karma?" She smirked. "I am Karma bitch!" ********* If they were to rank the most ruthless beings in Country A, Kim Lisa was definitely among the Top Three. She had a new mission from her Mafia boss/ uncle; It was to become the bodyguard of one of the contesting Governor's playboy son. Though difficult, she took up the mission. Trying her best not to stab him to death whenever she saw him. But if she had thought his charms would not work on her, then she had gotten it all wrong! Because he liked her from the first day he saw her, and made up his mind to seduce her. ************ "It's called Regalia." Lisa said as she looked at the confused and frightened man.  "It was made from one of the most toxic flowers in the world. The poison starts eating up the wall of your stomach from the moment it's inside your body and within the first five minutes, you will feel like throwing up but nothing would come out... except tiny droplets of blood. And then, you'll know this isn't a joke." She said darkly and watched him begin to gag and gasp until he spat out blood. But she didn't flinch. This was her being meek. ************ But she met a really stubborn guy... "You are scared." He noted as he looked into her eyes. She scoffed in disbelief. "You're the last person I am afraid of."  Tom smirked before saying... "Yes, you are. You are scared you may cheat on your boyfriend with me. Scared you may fall for me. I can see it in your eyes."  'What's he saying right now? All I think about is killing him!' She said in her head but the look in her eyes was different. "And that's right." He continued... "You should be scared... Because whether you like it or not, it's going to happen" He said with a confident smile before using his thumb to graze the corner of her mouth. His eyes dropped from her eyes to her lips. She wasn't wearing a lipstick or gloss, but they looked glossy and tempting.... *********** NOTE 1: You may think it's a bit rushed at the beginning, but trust me, that's because there's more to come ahead. If you love mystery, then be ready to unveil some... Yours Sincerely *********** NOTE 2: *I do not intend to keep this book long or drag things unnecessarily. Those who have read my book (Hello, Mr Li.) can attest to that. I keep things simple. *You can follow my other stories: –HELLO, MR LI –MY CRAZY HOUSEMATE –IN LOVE WITH A KLEPTO *Please support me by voting, commenting, and sending gifts.

ThatAmazingGirl · Urban
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This is going to be fun

Tom did not need anyone to tell him before he realises that there was something about that girl that was pulling him to her. 

Was it because of the dark glint that was always present in her eyes? 

Or was it because she was the first lady to not fall for his charms?

He just could not place it. But he knew one thing for sure, he did not want someone so cold and expressionless beside him. 

But that did not mean he was planning to get rid of her. No way!

'She ain't going nowhere!' He said to himself before he heard Anna's last words...

"She probably finds her boyfriend more charming than you"

"God forbid that!" He blurted out before sitting up.

"Yo, I think Anna is probably right." Joel agreed with her immediately, but Tom scoffed in disbelief.

A thought suddenly popped on his head and he shifted closer to talk with Joel. 

"I trust you can put me in touch with those private investigators right? I need them to dig into this. I must see the guy she's dating." 

"Can you just stop this already? It might lead to something else." Anna warned. 

"Something like what?" Tom asked. 

"Look darling, too much curiosity breeds other kind of feeling. She has a boyfriend for goodness sake! Come to your senses!" 

"I don't intend to steal her from her boyfriend. I just want to know who he is. And what do you mean by 'breed other kind of feeling'?"

"Do you like her?" She asked without bothering to answer his question.

"No!" He denied almost immediately.

"Who would like a robot?" 

A laugh finally escaped Joel's lips as he watched them banter.

"So can we drop this topic and discuss something else?" She asked the boys. 

But Tom didn't seem like he was ready to move from that topic because he inched closer to speak with Joel.

"So as I was saying, you could help me get a good PI right?"

"Are you even listening to me?" Anna asked dejectedly.

It was Joel's turn to answer Tom.

"Look bro, if you really need to rouse emotions out of her, you probably should make her see a movie: horror, romance, tragedy, whichever one. I assure you, something would come out!" He said with conviction.

Anna sighed in frustration. She knew it was going to be almost impossible for the two guys to listen to her. 

When Tom heard Joel, he immediately welcomed the idea with a wide grin.

"What about an X-rated movie, and watch her cheeks color?" He began to laugh and finally relaxed himself on the soft chair.

"See why I always like talking to you both? I always get answers" He lifted his glass, sent a 'cheers' to the both of them, and took a sip. 

"Not like you ever listen to me" Anna hissed. 

"Sweetheart, you know I do listen to you. Whose idea was it for me to ask for a female bodyguard instead? It was yours remember?"

"Because it irked the shit out of you that your so-called male bodyguard was a fag who liked to check you out. You said it was traumatic and did not want a bodyguard anymore didn't you?" Anna shot back.

"And now he's bothered that his new bodyguard doesn't check him out? What a psycho"

Joel began to laugh but stopped to whistle when a really sexy looking lady stepped inside the bar. 

When Tom saw her, he seemed to have a better idea.

"Don't you think I should take a girl home instead? I am certain she would react to that" He said with a big smile plastered on his face.

"Dude! Since when did you take ladies to your house?" Joel asked in shock. 

Everyone knew his 'business' with ladies did not continue outside the doors of an hotel room.

"See what I was talking about? He's obviously obsessed now." Joel nodded to Anna's assertion.

Before Tom could say anything else, he was suddenly interrupted by Joel.

"Oh shoot! I think someone fancies Germany." Joel called their attention towards Lisa and they all saw a young man who was probably in his mid thirties approach her.

Tom's eyes darkened when he saw the man. 

"I'm sure she'll send him off. He's only wasting his time" He tried to convince himself.

"I don't think that's the case" Anna laughed when she saw Lisa offer the seat beside her to the young man.

"What the hell!" Tom's eyes bulged out immediately and even his breathing became ragged. 

Joel seemed to enjoy his friend's reaction and continued to laugh. 

"I think Tom likes her" He whispered to Anna's ear. 

"Dummy. Didn't you notice it since the first day?" She whispered back.

Tom had obviously heard them but he chose not to pay attention. 

He quickly took his phone from his pocket and sent a quick text to Lisa when he saw the man slip a card to her.

  'Time to leave Germany' 

When Lisa saw the text from 'Sissy' she almost sighed in relief. She was tired of sitting in that stupid spot while doing nothing but looking out for him. 

Without saying another word to the man who had just sat beside her, she stood up and left the bar with too many eyes watching her beautiful figure. 

"Good night people. Time to go home" Tom announced to his friends before standing up.

"What?" Anna was the first to ask in shock. 

It was only past ten in the night and they rarely left there until it was at least three in the morning.

"She has a boyfriend. I should protect her from guys like that who only wants to take advantage of her" Tom stated matter of factly. 

"Wow! You want to protect her? Seriously?" Joel asked in confusion. When did they swap roles? Who was supposed to protect who?

He asked himself those questions.

Tom did not bother to answer his question. Instead, he reminded Joel for the umpteenth time. 

"Make sure to get me in touch with a good PI. I need to see what her boyfriend looks like"

Joel nodded before giving him an 'okay' sign with his fingers.

"I'll see you both some other time. But for now, I need to leave." Having said that, he quickly disappeared from their sights. 

"This is going to be fun" Joel said with a bright glint in his eyes. 

"And troublesome" Anna added before gulping down the rest of her wine.

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Love you *muah*

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