
Between Zombies and Vault Tec

Living Once? Yeah, you kinda expect for that. Living Twice? Now that's a surprise, you don't see that around, and you wouldn't believe that was the case either. Three times!? Okay, now you gotta be shitting me. Unfortunately for our good friend Adam, life is stranger than fiction, that includes the entire zombie apocalypse hitting his strangely crossover world that he was starting to enjoy. But oh well, it's not like humans actually have anything to fight back against the might of his second world, which has been following him here, more ways than one.

CaharaOfTheDesert · TV
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The Lone Wanderer

People say that you only live once, personally, I had always believed that I would live twice over since my first time around was admittedly too short to count. But now that I'm in my third life, I think the Hindu were onto something.

My first life was simple, I was a student, was going to do financing to become an accountant... then I died because a truck hit me, which is ironic because my dad is a truck driver.

My second time around, I was... I'm not sure if people would believe me, but I was known as the 'Lone Wanderer', in a strange post-apocalyptic world where there was a nuclear war amidst the 50s or something like that. Yes, I have indeed, been reborn as one of the main characters in the Fallout world. I wanted to be a scientist that time around, because my dad was already a Doctor. I had gotten a system around that time, but saying that it was a 'system' might have been too kind to it.

Most of the time it just felt like it was working as a Heads-Up-Display and when it came to level up, the best part of the system was the inventory, and the fact that I did improve whenever I put points on my skills, eventually reaching out a way to get 'perfect' stats via the perk 'Almost Perfect' coupled with the bobbleheads, which luckily for me, also enhanced my 'SPECIAL', so I was in fact, very safe, all things considered.

Then I got kidnapped by the Mothership Zeta and that shit either exploded or teleported away while I was still in space, I wouldn't know because the second death was instant.

Now my third life... Yeah, good question because frankly I don't even know what I'm supposed to be doing here all things considered, I'm devilishly handsome, which I guess it's a part of my 10 Charisma, although I never feel half as charismatic or smart as my Intelligent, contrary to how it should look in my SPECIAL.

Something else to be noted is that even though I had reincarnated an admittedly long time ago, recovering my memories as an ten year old, I was only able to get my System around fourteen, which let me tell you, it was horrifying because I didn't really want to live a third time around without my system. Which brings me to remember that this world sucks balls.

Walking Dead. Doesn't seem much at first glance, but the truth on how dangerous this world is depends if I'm dealing with the comics iteration, the show iteration, or the game version of the universe, because well... The latter two have variants, and that's annoying as shit. Not to me, I... I have a Power Armor, but you know, if I want to get chicks, they *have* to stay alive and that's pretty hard when zombies can run, like they do in France.

Another thing that I did notice, that it legit makes no fucking reason because it just doesn't make sense to be here, is that not only Arcadia Bay exists, but Max Caulfield also exists, which... what?

She has time controlling powers, why in the fuck is she in a zombie apocalypse? Well, the zombie apocalypse has yet to happen, but you get my drift, this sounds dumb.

I made sure to meet her, not that it would look strange for me because I'm close to her age, being Seventeen, and I was quick to make friends with Warren, since he's one of the few people that could understand me whenever I tried to talk about Energy Weapons. I even showed him how to build one if he needed, which he will obviously need.

In all honesty, between this and the characters from Riverdale, I'm only glad that I haven't found anything related to Resident Evil, I can handle some teenage drama if it meant that Wesker wouldn't have five minutes to play with me.

My inventory, fortunately, still has all of my things from my past life, so realistically, there were no issues on resources for me, not to mention that I can easily eat radiated food thanks to the perks that make me pretty much immune to radiation. But still, for the small time that I was allowed to live a normal life, I needed to have a job, so I just travelled around the country as a mechanic and first aid work.

Granted, not everyone took my offer seriously because who woulda trust a ten year old with fixing a car, but hey, people were impressed when they realized I actually knew what I was talking about.

One would ask where my parents were, and frankly, so would I, not because of a need or anything like that, but mostly to answer my unvoiced question of how the hell I ended up lost as a prepubescent child in the middle of the streets, that is, if I do have parents in this world and I didn't come out of clay or something of that type. After all, it wouldn't be the first time that someone gets isekai'd or transmigrated as someone else out of nowhere, I think.

But yeah, I had to ready myself to the end of the world, and it was actually much easier than I thought it would be. Because you see, my system did upgrade, if you can call it that, or maybe it just activated a new function, not that there is much of a distinction in this case, where now I can simply craft things from Fallout. Now, I was able to do that with schematics and fix things, but I'm referring to the 'Settlement type' of objects that we see in the more recent games such as Fallout 4 and 76.

Which is curious, because I didn't even live long enough to even hear about the Courier, even less so the Sole Survivor. But hey, I will not complain about this because it's great.

I will be able to build my own Vault, with blackjack and hookers! Well, I will probably just build an underground bunker that allows me to eat and keep myself in peace, after all, electricity won't be an issue when I can build generators thanks to my powers. So are other amenities such as security systems, robots with flamethrowers, all that kind of jazz.

So, no matter my situation, I, by myself, was pretty much invincible, immortal, and all too powerful for this world, unless magic was a thing that I missed because I didn't really try to find magical bullshit in my zombie apocalypse, well, I guess you could say something about Max's powers being magic, but that's just silly, she's just your average X-Men.

I decided to tell the future CDC sole survivor about the Wildfire virus, and how pure radiation is the only way to heal someone after they were actively infected with the Wildfire virus, as the tv show has decided to talk too much about it.

If everything goes well, a lot less death happens all around, but people in Walking Dead had never been the smartest of the bunch, so I'm hoping that at least someone smarter survives thanks to the small changes I'm doing.

"Hey, Adam," That's me, I turned to look at Warren, who had a nasty bruise on his eye.

"Who beat you up?" I asked as he sighed.

"It was that asshole Nathan, ugh," He said dejectedly as he sat down on the curb as I shook my head.

"I thought the rich asshole didn't know how to fight?" I asked him nicely.

"And he doesn't, I just froze because apparently he had brought a gun to school, beat me up, and the girls I went to protect ran away because apparently I didn't do enough of a good job at protecting them," He continued as I raised an eyebrow.

"When you said that they ran away..." I paused as he looked embarrassed.

"Max and Chloe ran away together and didn't even turn to see how I was when Nathan was beating me up.

"Right, did you at least shoot him with those energy guns we worked together or do I need to teach you how to beat up a dickhead?" I asked him.

"You know that if I brought an energy gun, people would make fun of me until I actually used it, then people would scream that I'm a super villain, right? People can't just create that kind of stuff," People can't because they never learned, but it's a lot easier than you would expect, just like Power Armors, but maybe that's my power talking for me.

"Besides, do you even know how to fight?" Eh, Unarmed 100 doesn't necessarily translate into being an martial artist, but it's enough that I can fight other people and win, regardless of my Stats.

"No, but I know where to hit to make it hurt the most, and I know important things like blocking, dodging and punishing," I told him as he thought about it, and shook his head.

"Yeah, maybe, I sure would've liked to know you knew that before I tried anything related to Nathan," He said as I smiled, it's fun having a friend like him.

More months would pass and surprise surprise, Max had chosen her blue haired girlfriend over the town, however because I was here, Kate never was drugged and Nathan wasn't murdered.

However, I did hack several computers to threaten bombs into the town and 'held it hostage' enough that everyone got out before the hurricane fucked the place up. So you know, nothing bad actually happened because I used unconventional tactics that God would've frowned if he wasn't planning in sending an apocalypse regardless.

"Oh man, who woulda thought that a giant tornado would just screw up our entire town like that? Man, we're lucky that the guy put bombs because I don't think people would've left otherwise," Nope, you guys majorly wouldn't, which is... a thing for sure.

"By the way Warren, you know that undead walker thing we were talking earlier?" I asked him.

"Yeah, the 'Zombie' thing, right?" I nodded.

"That wasn't hypothetical, by the way," I said before I used the Stealth boy to disappear, which I did for two reasons:

One, it looked incredibly cool, second was that I didn't want to answer his questions, nor I wanted him to follow me.

But I had to go away, because my plan began at Atlanta, more specifically, I needed to meet up with Lee Everett.

So, because I was incredibly lazy, I decided to check if calling upon the Zeta Mothership could hear me, and answer for the beacon I had on my being.

I waited for some time, invisible and all because of the Stealth Boy, but as soon as my feet left the ground, I understood that I alone, was the victorious one.