
Chapter forty : to always stay true

"Believe me if it were up to me I'd be glad to leave a bullet between Eichmanns eyes" I say to my semi panicking to my group " hell I don't even know where he is now at all he's probably gonna try to get down here to kill us " I try to calm down. We push all the explosives down the tunnel to the end and light them before I look back and see loads of German soldiers running down " shit go go go we have no other choice but to fight back!" We run right to them not only to fight but to get away from the hell that was about to be let loose in seconds I fire multiple rounds killing as many as I can. I think of my ultimate goal is to get to Eichmann and kill him with my own bear hands and also use my own knife too for all the death he caused to not only us but many other people who were innocent and had family he even would have killed kids. I feel as if time has slowed down even our movement even our bullets too my whole life flashes before my eyes.

(copyright mightytankgodess)