
Cheese Corn Porridge

Axel and Anna are watching TV. They are watching a cooking show. Then suddenly Axel asked to make a dish like the one that just aired on television.

"Anna, I want some cheese grits. Would you like to make some for me?" asked Axel.

"Ha? What is it, Axel?" Anna asked confused, staring in surprise at her husband.

"That was it, Anna. The one that was just on television, the one we watched together." Axel explained while pointing at the television they had been watching.

"Gosh, Axel, you're such a child! What you just saw you want to eat." Anna sneered.

"Anna, have you forgotten that I have cravings? What if I don't get my wish? My wish is our child's wish. Poor our child, Anna." Axel whined.

Anna rolled her eyes in exasperation. "But I don't know the recipe, Axel. How can I make it?" said Anna.

"That's easy, Anna. You can look up the recipe on the internet, how about that?" persuaded Axel.