
Between the top and bottom

After leaving a sound life in his world. The boy is forced to reincarnated to another world with magic. He is very angry and tries to escape this world, but can he achieve this ? Let's find out how is going to survive now !!

Cosmo_Qain_3853 · Urban
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11 Chs

I haven't done anything wrong !

In the morning. The prince is still asleep , his face is facing towards the pillow .Drool coming from his mouth .In the beautiful daylight. The seen in the room is not very beautiful !

" Good morning prince Silva ! Your father Lord of Ayodha have

summoned you. You should quickly wake up and go. We will help you to get ready but please hurry up". Two regular maids wake Silva

" Where are those two maids who were here last night ? ". He said in a sleepy voice .

" My apologies master for being here ". One of the elder maid said.

Soon he realised what he have said. He raised his tone and said clearly , "No, no nothing . I am up , I am up !". He hurriedly pulled himself up from the bed and sat .

"You don't want us at your service but your highness have appointed us for you so we want you to co-operate with us ". The other maid said in an unpleasant voice.

He now knows he have messed up , but now is not the time to regret. The king have summoned him!

He placed his foot on the floor and saw a beautiful mat with peacock design. He then looked around the room and saw beautiful carvings with peacock feathers ! He is amazed but the maids are confused.

"Have our prince really gone mad!".

" Hmmm!! Looks like the news is right but you shouldn't talk like that or else you will be punished ".

As Silva was spacing out he heard it . He then controlled his curiosity and dashed towards the bathroom as soon as he entered he chanted a spell and showered himself .

After the shower he picked up the dress the maids had picked for him and got dressed. One maid combed his hair and other made his clothes proper.

After sometime , they made there way to the King. The corridor they are passing is wide and long . It took 15 minutes to reach the assembly hall where the king is sitting on his throne . His body is somewhat bulky but his aura is calm but the aura in the assembly hall is not pleasant.

" Silva ! You have stolen one of the legendary class swords . You should have asked me prince , I may have given you that sword but your greed have put shame on the royal family." The Ayodha king said in a loud and clear voice . Only his words showed the real intent have right now.

" I agree that I have stolen that legendary sword . I was not able to control my greed . I am very ashamed ". He said these words like a parrot . He know what he is doing but he don't have any choice

" So you have accepted your mistake ".

He raised his voice . " I am clear that all the people in the assembly know that Prince Silva have stolen the legendary sword of Space arc because he could not control his greed ".

" Yes your highness!!!". Everyone said in unison.

"Ok then , Upon understanding the seriousness of this matter I have came across a punishment of no royale status to the prince of one year. He will not be a part of the royale status hence he won't be allowed to a monthly allowances and his status as the prince . Any servant and soldier should not think him as a prince and bow to him and follow his order . The order shall be conducted from tomorrow . The court may proceed next ." Every one in the court are staring at him. Some have happiness some have sympathy some have confusion but a man with red cape smiled in a mischievous manner . His red eyes gleaming with emotions ! ( bad emotions )His smile made Silva shiver down to his spine.

Silva stood there motionless. I know I should not have accept the accusation . But these maids ! They fooled men . He gave both the maids stern look , they both got afraid and made sign of apology .

While heading back to the corridor he shouted to one of the maids , " Why did you tell me to accept the accusation . I haven't stolen anything".

" But you have prince Silva and everyone knows it , anyways it ways the order of your mother our

Queen ".

" But this have ruined everything . My status , my allowance . How can I live without them . I think you all have made me fall into a trap , Where is my mom I want to talk to her !". He almost shouted

" Haven't you seem her in the assembly , you aren't quite attentive are you ?!".One of the maid replied .

" Ok then , you both are dismissed you may go now ".

" Ok as your wish prince Silva ." They both went away .

"Oh god , you should have kept me at your place I haven't done gruesome crimes in my before life . I don't want these world of magic and thrones ! Huh .. ?!!!magic ! This world has magic , oh my god !! How could I haven't noticed anything till now ? Now I remember that the shower went on and off after I casted the spells , looks like magic is pretty normal here other this stupid Silva couldn't caste it all. I have pretty much knowledge about him. His personality is not bad then why did he stole the legendary sword ? Another most important question is how could he have stolen . Only his latent talent is good otherwise he is totally trash ! Looks like I am defaming myself , heh heh heh ...!". He sat on his bed opened a chest and opened up the chess board game.

"Chess is fun wherever you go!". He don't have any one to talk to and her mother is busy in the assembly hall so he played with the imaginary opponent and played some Gambit , surprisingly the pieces of the opponent also moved in its own way . This is like the computer programmed openning he played in his before life . He enjoyed his plenty of idle time.

After being defeated by the 'imaginary opponent' 22nd time he felt displeased. He decided to stop.

" Looks like my memories are downloaded in this brain with his corrupt folder . The thing I experience still looks new to me . I should take my time to play in the garden as I am the prince for today only !".

He made his mind and summoned the nearby soldier , but to his dissapointment no one came. He then looked around from the window and shouted at the soldier but he replied " You are not the royalty anymore , I am not obliged to follow your oders".

"I think you have forgotten that my punishment starts from tomorrow and I am presently the prince so I order you to take me to the red fort".

In his mind the soldier thought how foolish he is . Even he is not the going to royalty anymore for one year he can't ignore his order or request otherwise he will surely get executed. He was very jealous to the royale family he always thought how unfair his life is , 'If only I was born a prince ', he wished . That's why he was very happy with the punishment of the prince but he don't know that the real punishment of prince Silva is not loss of status and money and status but his authority . The prince with good status can become a King but without respect and authority he will not be able to become one.

He hurried and apologized and

offered him to carry on his back has his punishment but Silva refused . He found it disgusting to be carried on his back so they walked instead .