
Between The Blues

Deux Queen Rusco is a name known to be single for 26 years. She's famous for being single since birth among her circle of friends. She's a catch, but she's not that interested to men so people around her don't expect much. Such a boring life she has. That's why it was a shock to her when everything happened in just a night. Memories came in when a man from the past showed interest in her and it was the moment she even least expected. Being a no-experienced woman, will she accept her new emotions or decline these emotions just like what she's been doing for the whole 26 years?

overthinkersaga · Urban
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2 Chs



"If you don't trust me, then it must be better to end whatever relationship we have."

"If we are meant for each other, then parting ways should not be a bad idea. Let's grow separately and if destiny still binds us, I know we will meet each other at the same lane."

I am sitting in my swivel chair, doing a report about the case of my patient. My mom, as always barged into my office to talk yet again about the issue that's been quiet for a long time. After my first mutual relationship, I never got myself a boyfriend. I got my degree 2 years ago and I am in my late 20s but I still enjoyed my single life.

However, my parents were adamant to get me a boyfriend now that I already have a career. But what can I do when I found fun doing things alone.

"Do you remember Glyn?", my mom started when I kept my focus on my report.

I furrowed my brows slightly to think about the name she said. I nodded when I remembered my primary school friend.

"He's now a licensed architect." I looked at her in awe. I know that he was a good artist but I did not expect he would really take advantage of it.

"Oh yeah? Good for him!" He's got the talent after all. I smiled proudly. Now that I heard about him, I kind of miss my friends from primary school.

"Why don't you see each other? I talked to his mother and she said he was also single," she added.

"Not a chance, Ma. I know he has someone already." I saved the report and exited the application.

"But his mom said he's been single since last year." she shamelessly insisted.

"Yeah and just waiting for his girl to come back to him?" I furrowed my brows more to tell her that I don't like her ideas.

"Then when will you get yourself a boyfriend? You have been single since birth!"

I know. I am a no experienced woman when it comes to romantic relationships.

"I still have time to do that, no rush." She rolled her eyes at me, surrendering. I smirked at her but she was still sour. Well, I also did not think that I would not see someone for this long after I ended my first mutual relationship with the only boy I have a crush on when I was in high school. I remembered how I ended everything because he was just too much for me to handle.

He's not that bad though, he's just like my ideal but not when he's being too clingy. It was just a mutual relationship but I dont know why I didnt like someone after him.

Maybe, I just found peace when I am alone that's why I didn't entertain anyone who liked me.

My mom left my office not so assured of my plans. Well, it does not need a plan when getting into a relationship. At least for me.

Minutes after my mom left, my best friend came in without even knocking.

"What do you have this time?"

"Beach party at Coron. Sounds fun right?" Robe said while sitting cross-legged on my sofa.

The door opened again and from the look on their faces, I know that they have heard about it. Yeah, sounds fun.

"When? Will I get to use my new purchased two piece?" Sephie, one of my best friends said excitedly with a smirk as she get in the office.

"Did you get me one?" Crissine followed, now also smiling widely.

"Should I get you one?"

"Yes, please!" Robe and Crissine said in unison. Wow, they are really excited for things like this. While I still don't understand why it has to be in a faraway place when we can have it here in our province.

They just got off from work and came here straight for our dinner out. They knew that I could not get off work on time so they chose to come here instead so we could go home together.

"I still have to check my schedule." I sat beside Robe while they are so excitedly choosing their two pieces.

"It's still next week. You have time to adjust your schedule." Robe said convincingly. Now that she said it, I have this urge to give in. It would be a pity if I don't go with them. I don't like to be out of the picture when we talk about the memories we had.

"Anyway, whose party is it?" I asked that made the other two look at Robe too.

"My cousin."

"Are we even invited?" Gate crashing others' parties is not really my thing.

"Nope, but I did invite you." She simply said like it's nothing questionable.

"Of course! It's you." We nodded, agreeing to what Crissine said. What Robe wants, she will get it.

"Okay! So who's going to book the tickets?" I asked again, I want to make sure that this trip will go smoothly.

Sephie and Crissine pointed Robe, these two really just want the fun but not the planning.

"Since you know the venue and you're the one who invited us, we should book it together so I would know where we would go and all the other stuff we would do." She nodded but looked at me like I'm a puzzle she should be familiar with by now.

"Are you that worried?"

"Ah-huh, and I know I can only assure my parents this way."

"Not something new from her."

"Yeah, she's just being herself."

"Our safety pin!" They all said one after another. I shrugged, and get my phone to do the booking.

I am normally cautious when we have plans like this. Especially when we are going to secluded places or places we are not familiar with. Aside from my parents who would worry for me, I am also worried about my safety.

Thankfully I have been guided well throughout the years. But still, I should not lower my guard, things could happen whenever you don't expect them.

"Where should we eat?" Crissine asked after we booked our flights and rooms.

"Deux said she would cook for us today." I pursed my lips as I remembered I promised to cook for them today.

"I still have to buy groceries. Give me your helping hand." I chuckled as they bitterly accepted my request.

I got up to get my things and saw that they are already outside my office so I turn off the lights and got out too.

They are still talking about the party when we are in the elevator.

"We should do a beach photo shoot too." I said, involving myself in the conversation.

"Yeah, bring your camera!" Sephie immediately said that we all nodded.

"For the sake of the memories, yeah." I smirked as we reach the basement of the building.

They walk past me to get to their own cars. Seeing them walk excitedly, still giggling because of our plans made me think that we are still the old us, we just became professionals but our personalities didn't change.

I smiled at the thought. Thinking that we reach this far because of our personalities and yet again we will reach another stage bearing that kind of personality. The only difference is that we have our own titles that we need to live up with.

I get inside of my car and waited for them to maneuver their cars out of the parking lot. Since I am at the farthest part of the lot, I am the last to get out of the building.

The grocery store is just blocked away from my condo so we decided to park our cars in my condo building and made peace with the thought of just walking to the grocery store. It will be a hassle to find a parking lot in front of the grocery store if we go there straight.

I get inside the store first and get a cart for our purchases. They just followed me around while they are picking up anything they see as we walked past through the products.

"You eat sea food, right?" I turned around to look at them checking out a product.

They signaled me a yes while their eyes still checking out that particular product.

"Pick some wine," I said as I lead myself to the seafood section.

I bought enough amount of seafood I would cook tonight for the four of us. I got to the spices next and pick up everything I needed. I came back to where I left my three musketeers and saw that they are contemplating what wine to choose.

"The one with low alcohol and smooth," I said to give them an idea of which one to choose from the three wines they picked. Instead of choosing one from it, they all looked at me with smirk and put all three on the cart.

"We will drink that depending on our moods." Robe defended before I could even say something.

"Yeah, plus they seemed limited, so we should get one each." Crissine with her love for limited products.

"That makes sense." Sephie nodded and pushed the cart away from there, she must have thought I would take it all back. I chuckled when they are smirking while leaving me there.

I decided to choose one that I like too. I might not like what they chose.

I put the wine on the counter that made them look at me.

"Because there are four seasons." I simply said and they understood it immediately. The wine that they chose is recommended for particular seasons but they left out the autumn one, so I got it too. They might have thought they would not need it, but I might.

After paying for everything, we exited the store satisfied.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

overthinkersagacreators' thoughts