

Once Mr. Souichiro Takagi had retired to fulfill his obligations as leader of his political organization, we returned to the room of the heiress Takagi ...

Yuriko: Well, with those tips, do not doubt you'll get Komuro-kun very quickly, "Mrs. Takagi mentioned with joy.

Saya: I do not think so - he expressed it with some trepidation - I do not think that Takashi is interested in that type of women, I believe that being sincere I will achieve that I turned to see.

Yuriko: And, have you ever been? -The progenitor asked him in such a way to make his daughter hesitate-I see it in your eyes Saya, you're not honest, you're bipolar type is more you fall in that category that is fashionable among the youth of now- he said putting his index finger on his chin, giving an understanding that he was digging into his mind in search of the answer- ahh, I remembered, they call it "Tsundere", am I right? -Expressed with some naughty smile.

Saya: WHAT ?! -She almost shouted with that unexpected conclusion that her mother had with respect to her personality - you're wrong I'm not a tsundere !, on which you base to draw such a conclusion from me - when saying that, Saya became nervous until the hairs , not wanting to accept that reality that seems uncomfortable a lot.

Yuriko: Come on, daughter, the first step is to accept what you are and not hide it - once said this, he proceeded to go to his daughter's closet.

Saya: I, well, I do not think that's the case, though ... "he stammered nervously but after a brief moment he raised his face and exclaimed timidly in his voice" you're right, it's better to realize this little flaw in me but he is the only one, because after all I am a genius - the latter expressed it with a certain arrogance in his voice.

Yuriko: Ok, ok, "she said, wanting to give him the reason not to make her daughter even more nervous - good to start with, you have to give yourself a new look, the clothes you wear daily are fine but you need some flirtatious touches to get attention from Komuro-kun.

Saya: I do not think it's necessary, I have a model body - he expressed it with some disinterest - I'm not stupid I know perfectly that all those school fools do not hide to take their eyes off my breasts and my ass - he said with a certain ego- it will be enough for me that only Takashi is the one who sees my body.

Yuriko: And how do you expect to do it ?, you have to realize that with your monotonous costumes you have not caught the attention of Komuro-kun, apparently he is the only one who has not realized everything you have in your body because you attitude only gets further away, you have to be more honest and humble - having said that, she went on to get a good amount of clothes to choose the right one - besides that, you have to change your way of styling, this look Tsundere you always wear can not go on, you have silky, straight and long hair - mentioned analyzing daughters hair in all angles - use tiaras or use bows to tenderly adorn your hair will be enough, do not you think? -She expressed it in a certain way looking for her daughter's comment.

Saya: Okay, you're right, I'll give the best of me -expressed with some defeat, undoubtedly his mother had hit the spot in all aspects, apparently it is true that parents know their children very well - I only hope that Miyamoto do not intervene when I get close to Takashi so I will visit him in the afternoon, as it is the start of the Golden Week, I guess not that he will be doing anything during the day, unless he goes back to spy on Miyamoto as it is customary in him .

Having said that, he proceeded to change his clothes and put on what his mother had selected. This new change would take all the morning as she contemplated to see how enthusiastically his mother took great pains to choose the clothes, and also asked for help from the servants waiting for advice.

But putting aside these events, we delayed a little time and went to the residence of our protagonist Takashi Komuro.


The residence was of moderate aspect, apparently the economy of the Komuro family was of middle class.

The family fulfilled working days in order to have better benefits, and even worked Mrs. Komuro who served as a teacher in a primary school located in the south of Tokonosu.

But the situation was not like this, the gentlemen of the house had been absent for two days and had informed their son that they would return until the last day of the holidays so that he would not worry about how demanding their jobs were.

Komuro was very lucky not to get sick, since the rain did not affect him in the least. He had arrived at his residence at around 10 o'clock at night and completely wet, and knowing the absence of his parents, he did not worry about being late and also wetting the whole room to his room.

He had performed these actions completely gone, he seemed a sleepwalker was beside himself, his mind was destroyed and still did not want to take for granted that awful reality, one in which he was betrayed unceremoniously and was only a stone in the way of those two since they never realized their existence, those who day by day called them their best friend and the love of life.

He could sleep only for 4 hours, but it would be a joke that he slept with a clear conscience, not after having seen in detail the love nest in which those committed the act of sex with passion and need. The more he tried to forget, the moans and screams that this girl, whom he loved so much, dedicated to his best friend always came to mind.

If he slept he would get those horrible memories and the funny thing is that when he woke up, he only witnessed that reality was even worse. Still prostrate in bed only expressed with defeat:

Takashi: It's better that I give up now, Rei never had the intention of being with me - he said whispering - but what I can not believe is that Igou has seen the stupid face - this last he said clenching his fists waiting for the day in which they reach the face of their "best friend" - I do not know what to do now, I do not want to leave, I do not want to do anything.

He just looked at the clock and only reacted indifferently when he saw the time.

Takashi: It's 7 o'clock in the morning, it's Golden Week and it's worth a shit - the young man just proceeded to get out of bed - it's better that he starts giving me the habit of * hikikomori *.

After saying that he only started watching his Playstation 3 and decided to turn it on, he would play it after 3 months, he declares himself not to be the type to which he dedicates a lot of time to videogames, but this would be the exception.

He did not have many games, so he just grabbed one that his perverted friend Morita had given him, he will be a depraved one with regard to spying on the girls of the school, to the point of knowing the precise measurements, his hobbies and imagining them in a situation completely depraved, but definitely he would never be a traitor like Hisashi was. He says it since he told her everything about his interests and his fetishes.

He saw the title of the video game and with boredom expressed:

Takashi: Assassin's Creed II, emm well I do not expect much, but I have only played the games that came with the console, I think that racing games is not the only thing, let's try to see such is, according to Morita I would also learn A bit of history, "he said with absolute disinterest, then proceeded to remove the disk from the pack and placed it in the opening for discs of the console.

Takashi: How pathetic is not it? -Expressed as if someone else were there - they fuck the woman of my dreams and all I do is play a game of a guy who is a murderer - mentioned as wanting to cheer with his sarcasm.

Time passed and although it started awkwardly because he did not get used to the controls, he became fascinated by the time and the way in which the protagonist "Ezio Auditore", moved with absolute ease the buildings, fought with fluidity and without fear launched from the top to land on a pile of straw, this protagonist without doubt moved the depressed Komuro.

Takashi: I think I have to change my perspective on gamers - he expressed with a small hint of joy - it's entertaining as the game makes me forget a little bit at least.

With the time that was passing the young Komuro ended up imagining himself as the gallant murderer fighting for the revenge of his family, and he imagined that it was at the time of the Italian Renaissance, that Rei was the damsel in danger and that he nailed her twin blades to the jugular of the villain who was Hisashi.

For a moment he was interested in learning martial arts and knowing the art of free movement or as they call it "parkour", when he finished the game, he just took to running in his room and then all over the house imitating the movements of the murderer, as well as movements of stealth and climb the stairs outside the railing of the same although he was in shorts and without a shirt, he had a smile as if a naughty child was involved.

After a few minutes, Takashi had disguised himself as an Assassin (according to him), the happy suit consisted of a red shirt with frills, dark denim trousers, he also wore black high boots in Gothic style that wore belts with chrome finishes on they and to simulate as much as possible the Florentine Assassin's costume also put on a white raincoat and with a hood of the same color only that this one was wearing red and black details and he tied a towel on the left side of the raincoat, feeling proud of the suit decided to prepare a scenario hoping to simulate with more realism the skills of Ezio Auditore da Firenze. And if that were not enough, he had tied two aluminum rulers of 30 cm in each arm to have their own version of the hidden twin blades.

His home despite being modest has enough space between the railing from one end to the other of the upper floor, only in the middle you cross the stairs, but the upper floor is high enough that it would get in the way of the crazy feat that I would be willing to do. He placed his mom's favorite stuffed giant bear on one end of the second-floor railing and he would be on the side that has a small runner so he can have momentum when jumping.

He had planned to jump from one extreme to the other to be able to hold on to the cornice where the stuffed toy was located and then embed the rule and later throw it towards the ground floor as in the videogame. The stage was perfect, the distance between the rails was not so great and the corridor was clear. So the fearless one just went on:

Takashi: Nothing is true, everything is allowed ... -determined to mention the famous phrase of the creed of the brotherhood, he proceeded to run and then jump and jump off the railing and shout:

Takashi: REQUISCAT IN PACHEEE! -The Latin epitaph was heard throughout the house.

The neighbors and the people who walked in the streets doing their morning exercise routines after hearing the scream coming from the Komuro's home only ended up scared as to what, there was a loud noise as if a heavy object had fallen to the floor followed of the sharp sound of many crystals or objects breaking, then ending with the characteristic sound of the lid of a tin rolling and ending up falling on its own axis.

One person in particular was interested in the unusual situation, since the other passers-by did not care.

This male person wore sports clothes (sweatshirt and pans and shoes for the occasion), in addition to a white ribbon tied around his head that had written "I'm going to lose weight", and finally wore black frame lenses . This individual of robust physique had long dark hair that even came to make a bang on each side of his face and also had brown eyes. He was doing a walk of a few kilometers and in his case looking for the desire to lose weight.

The young man proceeded to enter the property and press the bell button. After a few brief seconds was heard by the speaker of the doorbell:

Takashi: Who is it? -His expression denoted fatigue as well as sighs as if wanting to save the pain that he sought.

?: Amm hello, just happened to ensure if everything is in order -expressed with concern - I'm just passing, I do not want to disturb.

Takashi: Actually, I could use some help, emm how to explain it, I got a vase stuck in my right foot and well emm a pair of crystals embedded in areas of my back that I can not reach, and I just try to move, ITAI! .

?: Open the door, I will help you immediately! The expression had a desperate and very worried connotation.

Takashi: It's fine -saying this, the characteristic sound of the doorbell was heard giving access to the residence.

The person when he entered the residence was impressed by the amount of disaster that there was, many broken objects in the hall as well as seeing a Takashi clinging to the wall as if wanting to avoid making a minimum movement.

Takashi: I need help! I think I also have a piece of splinter stuck in my ass -expressed with fear and with some tears as if wanting to repress the enormous nonsense that he did.

?: Do not worry, I'll help you right now. After that, he proceeded to hold the wounded young man by grabbing him by the waist and offering his shoulder as support. By the way, my name is Kohta Hirano, a taste.

Takashi: It's also a pleasure, if it were not for you, I think I'd be in trouble because I can not move more than a centimeter and then feel the ite, ite, ite -he did not finish his sentence since he replaced it with the classic onomatopoeia of the Japanese pain

Kohta: Hehehe do not worry, but what was he doing? - He expressed with doubt to see so strange attire that wounded young man wore.

Takashi: I tried ... to be a murderer -expressed with shyness and shame - hehehe.

Kohta: ehh? - he only managed to put a face of having more doubts and besides that the typical drop of sweat appeared behind the head due to the rare situation and the little casual response.

The noble young man only continued to take the injured "murderer" to the living room but on the way:

This will be a very long day - they both said at the same time and with astonishment they observed each other and later - Hahaha! - they started to laugh at the funny and very strange situation.

This would be the beginning of a long and beautiful friendship ...



Badluck242creators' thoughts