
betrothed to the playboy

it all started through a lot of secrets,she got betrothed to a playboy which she found out was the famous singer;she began falling in love with him but he kept resisting what is he hiding? will he learn to love her back? follow me.on this college romance

Zendaya_zendaya · Teenager
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57 Chs

Chapter 39

In a blink of an eye,the coronation party was near as every student waited for this special day.

The school was decorated giving off a very decent aura,"Eliana,what do you think about this",Nicole asked as he escorted her to the hallway where the coronation ia going to be held.

"I think it is going to be wonderful but i also have a feeling that something is going to happen very soon",the strange aura was something else to even begin with.

He held her hand trying to console her,"i am sure that nothing bad is going to happen so don't sweat it",he reassure her with a smile.

- - -

The airplane finally landed and the man inside breathed out in relief,the door opened and he walked out letting his long coat fly as the wind was strong.

"Sir,the coronation would soon start and we have to make some preparation before attending",his right hand man said as he pulled the luggage with him.

The man nodded as he pushed his fingers into his hair making him look sexy,everyone stopped to take a look at this good looking man before going.

"Sir,the car is waiting..",the right hand man said as he pointed to the black car,some girls murmured that they couldn't see his face because of his sunglasses.

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💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤Good Night lovelies

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