
betrothed to the playboy

it all started through a lot of secrets,she got betrothed to a playboy which she found out was the famous singer;she began falling in love with him but he kept resisting what is he hiding? will he learn to love her back? follow me.on this college romance

Zendaya_zendaya · Teenager
Zu wenig Bewertungen
57 Chs

chapter 19

Maila applied her makeup as she sat down in front of the mirror,she smiled in satisfaction before getting up,she had her hair packed her into a messy bun.

she slipped into her dress before putting on her heels,"you look so beautiful",Fernando said hugging her from behind.She turned around and saw him all dressed in a suit which matched her dress,"i thought i should wear something similar to what my darling is wearing",Maila nodded her head before running her hand into his hair.

- - -

(dowan's house)

Kathleen helped Micheal fix his tie,"feeding me with dogfood is annoying",Michelle said with a frown on her face.

Micheal chuckled,"you should get a boyfriend",Kathleen said and Michelle nodded. they laughed when they saw Micheal frowning,"we should get going right now or we would late",Kathleen said before pulling Michelle with her.

* *

Sophia's mansion

Different cars drove into the compound,the whole living room was being filled up,Sophia stood at the staircase watching everyone who came in.

She knew the whole school was here and she spotted her cousin,she smirked and was about going when someone held her wrist,turning around she froze when she saw who stopped her.

Jeremy and Xander had just arrived when Jeremy noticed a girl wearing a pink rabbit overall,she looked cute and he couldn't help hiself from going to her,"let go".

Her voice was cold and anyone would back off when they hear her voice but Jeremy didn't let go,"we have to talk Sophia,please",jerking her hand out of his grip.

"Stay away",she said and ran upstairs,Jeremy sighed as he ran his hand into his hair.

Xander patted his shoulder,"she will.come around,you just need to explain things to her",Jeremy shook his head before sitting on one of the chairs.

His mind flew back in time,he was about entering the world of thoughts when a horn sounded,snapping out of it he looked up to see Sophia standing with a smile.

"Thank you all for coming,we are going to have lots of fun",she kept talking as more people were coming in.

Micheal,Michelle and Kathleen came in together and Maila waved at her when she saw,"ls Myee here",Maila shook her head.

Everyone gasped in shock and they all couldn't take their eyes off,Sharon was dressed looking like a bad boy and Myra's outfit was something to die for.

She was putting on a black short skirt and a black tank top with boots,they were looking dashing and Maila couldn't help but whisper to her,"Did he fall for you now".

Myra sighed as she watched him walk to his friends without spare her a glance,"there is nothing going on between us",Sophia ran towards them and they hugged her.

"Are you going to be a bunny tonight",Sophia giggled,her eyes met With Jeremy and she frowned."Let the sleepover begin",a loud music began playing and people started dancing as maids served everyone,Jeremy didn't get up from his seat as he kept gulping down the drink in his glass.

After almost an hour the music stopped and Sophia held the microphone,"It is time for the truth and dare game",everyone screamed.

Jeremy raised his head up contemplating whether to join the game or not,after deciding for quite sometime he joined them on the mat,putting a bottle in front of them.

"Let the game begin",one of the guys shouted and he immediately rolled the bottle which stopped at Micheal,"Truth or Dare".

"True",he scratched his head for a while before saying,"who is your girlfriend".

"Kathleen",Micheal said facing her and they smiled at each other which made th scream,"Awwn".

Rolling the bottle again,it stopped at Sharon and everyone held their breath expecting what Micheal would say,"I have seen you and Myra together,are you perhaps couples".

Sharon looked at Michael before saying,"we are not a couple or any sort of thing",Myra felt a stab in her heart hearing what he said.

Trying hard to breathe,she stood up ready to leave the room when someone held her hand,she looked at Henry for a while before jerking her hands off.

She felt tears rolling down her eyes as his words kept replaying in her head,Maila looked at Sharon who rolled his eyes before getting up,Phoebe was so happy hearing what he just said.

So she still has a chance with him,she would do her best to impress him,she thought inwardly,Henry had a furious look on his face while looking at Sharon.

He felt like punching his face for hurting Myra,he let her be since she loves someone else and it was no other than this brat,he clenched his fist tightly.

Myra sat at the entrance of the house as she cried her heart out,she couldn't believe that she was nothing to him,she had grew so attached to him and thought he would feel the same way but who would have thought...

Tightening her grip on her skirt,she was about to get up when she heard a familiar voice,"you really wasted so much tears just for what i said".

Slowly getting up,she fixed herself before walking towards the car,"i didn't cry for that nonsense,i hate you Sharon Leexander".

Sharon chuckled before entering the car and driving off,a particular someone clenched her fist while staring at the disappearing trails of the car.

- -

The whole sleepover was still coming on but the games,everyone seemed to have lost interest so currently they were swimming.

Jeremy held the wine glass ready to drink it when someone stopped him,taking the glass from him Sophia pouted,"Did you want to hurt yourself".

Ignoring what she was saying,Jeremy staggered while trying to take the glass from her,"stay out of it,Sophia".Pinning her on the wall,Jeremy held the glass ready to take it away from her when Sophia pulled his shirt,clashing their lips together for a kiss.

It was a slow kiss so full of longing and desire for each other.