
Betrothal's Price

A Human Prince and an Elven Lady are betrothed since childhood to marry and unite two warring countries. However the arrangement does not exactly go according to plan when neither child can seem to get along with one another. Meanwhile, suspicions among the inhabitants of the castle rise when members of the Human monarchy mysteriously die off. Now at 17 years of age the Prince and Lady piece together events to reveal a conspiracy in the castle threatening to destroy both lands.

EmilyAery · Fantasie
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41 Chs

Chapter 9: New News

"Why did we all start hating each other?" Leo found himself curious as he walked through the palace halls with Lady Isla.

Isla sighed. "I guess I have some time to tell you before I need to prepare for mine and Lia- that is, Prince Liam's ride to the Sahran Kingdom. I don't know everythin' but Uncle Levi made sure I knew enough."

"Exactly my point, he is not nice." Leo cut in to further his point.

"Eh." Isla shrugged weakly; She felt no pull to protest, Uncle Levi really wasn't that nice. "Well, Silvestrians and humans used to live peacefully, only slightly aware of the other's existence."


"Mm-hmm. We used to live everywhere, even in the places that, later on, became human kingdoms. Eventually, some of us ventured from our homes and discovered a human settlement at the time: Littus. We mingled but didn't expose ourselves fully."

"Littus? You mean that old kingdom that's pretty much abandoned now? Did you guys, like, kill everyone there or something?" Leo cut in again, causing Isla's expression to fall flat.

She shook her head. "No, we got along quite well with the humans there. We were welcomed with open arms and even trusted us with the aid of establishin' the first kingdom. They befriended us, even offering to let us freely live among them as long as we wished. With that kind of welcome, we offered the same, and for years we all lived peacefully. In fact in some kingdoms you can still see works of the Forest elves in the Littus Kingdom."

Leo raised a brow, "Then what happened?"

"The problem was that not every human settlement felt the same respect. Others discovered our existence in the settlement and uncovered the magic we held from hindsight. The new settlements of the, later on, kingdoms began trying to run us out. So we stuck to ourselves. We hid behind the EverGreen Forest in which Forest elves created after the instance. Unfortunately, years after more kingdoms were established, Early Petrans discovered us through their curious journeys through the EverGreen Forest. They began capturin' Silvestrian creatures as pets for the rich folk and Silvetsrian nations for exotic slaves for entertainment and torture techniques."

"Yeesh! So you guys killed them, right?" Leo seemed almost excited to hear the end as if a child anticipating the end of a bedtime story.

"More or less. Shortly after we went into deeper hiding for several years, before King Eewan and Queen Zara, the Griffin king and queen, began to stick up for the Silvestrians. They banded many of us together and waged war on all humans which started the Great Vindictan War. After the unsuccessful war on both ends ended, we appointed them our rulers for their protection. But the Littus kingdom was destroyed in the war." Isla wrapped up.

"Wow! No wonder you guys hated us so bad." Leo's eyes sparkled with shock and excitement.

Isla shrugged again. "Maybe, but we'd just retaliated through violence. We didn't take slaves but we attacked all humans, forgettin' everythin' the Littusians did for us. The kingdom fell, because we attacked through that kingdom." It didn't feel like they made the "perfect" choice, but she couldn't go back to the past. And even if she could, who would listen to her? They were filled with provoked hatred.

"Hmm, so, now, we just decided one day to make peace with you guys. Any hard feelings about it?"

"Not really. The past is past and everyone does stupid stuff, granted not to that degree, but I- we believe, change is inevitable. We've been spendin' years establishin' peace with each of the kingdoms since betrothal. So we don't think that's the case for many of us. As long as everyone plays their cards correctly, and communicates with everyone, we should all thrive. All relationships, including political ones, require proper communication." Isla laid out what relative opinions came to mind.

Leo cocked a chocolate brown eyebrow, "'We'?" But Isla ignored his remarking question.

"I guess, but that's a lot of trust in something that you haven't fully been endowed with." Leo pointed out as-a-matter-of-factly.

"Probably." Isla muttered, allowing her own opinion to remain secret. "But Prince Liam and I have been goin' to different kingdoms for 11 years, already subtractin' the years absent. The other monarchs seem to do exactly as Uncle Levi predicted. They're takin' to it well, and those that didn't have learned to accept it. He's right, as usual." She put on a smile and mentioned with a nonchalant tone.

"I still can't believe it. Humans did all that for fun?" Leo asked negatively incredulously.

"From what Uncle Levi said, yeah, but he thinks there were other reasons."

"Like what?"

"Like to learn magic or get back at Silvestrians for bein' given a gift such as magic, that humans weren't."

"Crazy!" Leo widened his eyes, thinking about her fluctuating "I's" and "We's". The consistency was absent.

"Yep." Isla said plainly; She seemed so normalized by the fable, but Leo felt as if she were calm because of how often she'd heard about it and maybe even slightly because other things occupied her mind space.

The clock tower that normally sat in the center of the palace chimed, marking that early afternoon had broken. Reminded of her inevitable carriage ride to Sahra, Isla began to bustle. "Oh! I've got to go. Liam- I mean, Prince Liam and I should realistically be gone by now. Thanks for the recommendations, Commander Leo! And don't judge a book by its cover. Uncle Levi isn't so bad. I will see you around when we return in a month or so. Bye!" Isla ran backwards and raced to make it to the carriage hopefully before Uncle Levi could notice her absence.


Isla quickly raced through the halls to get to her quarters to change into her travel garments. Cheered up quite a bit by the fact that she was to spend some more time with Prince Liam, she found herself excited to get to him.

As odd as it was to imagine she'd be excited to see someone she spent most of her life complaining about, she didn't think twice about it. It wasn't new. She always looked forward to seeing him, even though they'd fight.

She wasn't sure why; They used to argue almost every time they interacted, but for some reason it was never any more than unpleasant.

She probably shouldn't have been excited, given their last interaction gave her a not-so-new desire to do the opposite of everything she'd normally do.

Liam was sweet. For no apparent reason, he cared about her. He was gentle with her, something no one was with her. In fact he did many things for her most people wouldn't even imagine doing for her. He accepted her. As difficult as it was to keep in mind, He accepted her.

No one would realistically wish to do so. Yet. acceptance from him, felt right; It felt perfect. Like it was supposed to be.

So swept in her pleasant thoughts, Isla ran into her Uncle Everett, recognizing him at first glance.. well, second glance given the moment she'd spent snapping into reality. His deep coffee hair stopped no longer than the start of his thick neck. His piercing blue/gray eyes pooled in neutral emotion and his 5 '11 stature no more comfortable than a splash of cool water in the middle of winter.

Isla slumped her back just as he turned around and Isla straightened her back as soon she could. "Uncle Everett! Oh! Sorry. I- I wasn't tryin' to- I just- I was in a hurry and stopped thinkin'. It won't happen again, I promise." She straightened her back further as if she could imitate a clean and even slab of wood and she put an unsure hand to her upper arm.

Uncle Everett smiled unbiasedly, but didn't ease Isla's frantic concern. "Isla! Worry not. I am unharmed. Be more careful. Do not distract yourself once more, and we need not worry about what is past. Tell me, what has your mind so occupied, hm?" He requested inoffensively.

Isla's cheeks heated. But let Uncle Everett's semi-request be answered. Everett turned back around and the duo began to walk towards Isla's destination. "Li- Prince Liam and I have an annual visit to one of the Human Kingdoms; the Sahra Kingdom. I'm just off to change before we leave."

Everett's eyebrows raised in intrigue, "You seem quite energetic for just another trip."

Isla's cheeks heated even more, "Well, it is our first time goin' on our own. Normally King Henry comes with us, but instead he's stayin' here."

"And?" Everett perceived there was more to this.

Isla hesitated, "I guess, I'm a little excited."

"Excited? To see Prince Liam? I thought you disliked him."

Isla pursed her lips. "I- I thought I did. But you- you know, I kinda normally do, get excited, I mean. I did think I disliked him, but he's not as bad as I wanted to think. Truthfully, I don't think I knew how I felt about him. He was much more different than what I knew and normally expected. But knowin' him the way I do, now, with the knowledge I have, I guess it's given me a new perspective on how I felt… and.. feel about him." Isla furiously fiddled with her eight fingers, her face and ears reddening brighter than she'd thought possible.

"Really? Tell me how this 'new perspective' came to be." Everett pried in interest.

Isla chuckled nervously, "Well, I understand him now, for one. He's admirable, more than I knew. I admired him, but was never aware of it. His culture and interests were much different from mine, I thought he was bein' annoyin' and rude, but he was just followin' what he knew. Uncle Levi's.. bias on human affairs.. influenced mine, if that's not wrong to say."

"It is not, but I see."

"Liam is smart, sweet, and carin'. He- he makes me feel like there's no one else I need to be. Like bein' exactly who I am is enough. And-And he has made me feel that way. In a subtle way, he makes me feel as if he appreciates my opinions and thoughts. He wants to know my thoughts on things. I can say anythin' around him, without fear of disappointment." Isla extended in a shy, but warmed manner.

Everett knew she was never shy, just reserved. The fact that Isla - the tough elven lady that could have well been an excellent assassin or guard of any sort - would be so shy, yet so much happier than he'd seen her, was uncharacteristic for her. She liked her betrothed, which was ironic even for Him. It caught him off guard. "How come I have never noticed how this has greatly improved your outlook?"

Isla's gaze fell to her, once again, fiddling with her fingers. "Well, you never normally care to know or see it." She said in a smaller voice.

Everett was taken aback by hearing such a statement. But he remained silent. "Though I am glad that it has made you quite happy."

Isla tucked a curly strand of her crimson hair behind her small pointed ear. Her deep carmine eyes studied the ground as she thought to reply. "It sounds crazy, but I.. I lo- like him." She continued to fiddle with her fingers, stopping herself from saying something she was likely wrong about.

Everett's eyebrow shot up, and his smile faded into concern. "And you are certain he could like you in return?"

Isla's hands paused in position for several moments. Her eyes blinked fervently, and her ears tilted down. "Well, I suppose there's a larger chance that he couldn't. But maybe he could." As if expectant of his protest, she quickly said, "Just hear me out!" She paused again. "Sorry for yellin'. It's just.. He maybe could one day." She suggested, after brief apologies.

Liam already cared for her, then again he cared about almost everyone. But he treated her way differently than everyone else. Unless he was only doing it because he had to. They were betrothed.

Everett's frown quirked in swallowed worry, "Isla, It is not that I want you to be unhappy, you know I don't. However, humans are picky. What makes you so certain he will not dislike your baggage? Your family caused well enough of that. Then recognized it far too quickly."

Isla stopped walking. Her Uncle noticed and turned to look at her. "I'm sorry. Isla, but my brother, Levi, and I can barely get along when in the same room. Your parents weren't shy to abandon you. You were reasonably attacked, and still have that scar on your upper arm. The villagers could barely look at you. You're unlucky. I unfortunately doubt he could like you after the truth is revealed . And even if he did, would you want to instill that bad luck onto him?"

Isla's head seemed to hang lower with every accepting word. He was right, and there was no avoiding it.

Everett tried to uplift her, "But hey! When the truth is out, he can marry someone else and you'll finally be out of the betrothal. You'll have your life back, right? You'd like that. You can stay with me. I care about you with or without your baggage."

"I guess." Isla put her hand back on her scar. It didn't feel like a win. It was the only meaningful thing she was doing in her life. Now, her life really was pointless.

"Oh, God! Why do I exist?" She murmured a request with no response to confirm or deny her question as Uncle Everett walked away.

Isla sighed and slowly walked to her room. Uncle Levi thought she was worthless, as far as she could tell. Uncle Everett thought she was destined to be alone or just with him. She didn't know what she thought anymore. They raised her. They knew her better than most people, and if they thought that of her, who was she to deny it?

She changed into a long, black skirt, high, deep forest green leg boots. And a corset-like shirt of the same color and shade, the sleeves cut off past her shoulders, 4 inches of a sleeve stopping before the middle of the upper arm. She put on a thick, deep green material necklace that conformed to her neck, a crescent pendant sewn to the center. And she slipped on light green gloves that reached to her wrist.

Isla's excitement melted and her sense of hurry dissipated. In her slow journey outside she saw some servants and inhabitants of the castle and would help them with their business and reflect their cheerful smiles.

While still walking through the castle, she said her temporary goodbyes to Young Prince Jonathan, and finally made it to the carriage.

Jonathan ran to say goodbye to his big brother, and clung to Liam's legs for a few moments before he left to see his Dad.

Once Isla fully reached the carriage outside the castle walls, she met with her Uncle Levi and Prince Liam. She put on a smile when Liam noticed her.

Perhaps it was for the best that Uncle Everett was right. Liam deserved the world. It wasn't right for Isla to even imagine such blessings.

Almost just as Liam spotted her, he ran up to her and wrapped his arms around her. "Hey! How did your duties go?"

Isla chuckled as she pursed her lips, "Slower than I'd hoped but I managed to finish them on time. That.. um.. Instance this morning put things behind. But all is well, we made it." She let him embrace her while giving Levi an apologetic smile, resisting the urge to bury her nose in the crook of Liam's neck.

His embrace did calm her and uplift her. So a sincere smile spread on her lips as she reciprocated.

Liam released her and looked into her bloodred eyes. He could nearly see right through her comfortable smile. Her eyes weren't as bright, what were bloodred, were now brick red: paler than normal. They paled more the long she stared into his eyes.

Liam resisted the urge to embrace her tighter or caress her, knowing she could get in trouble for it. He consciously fought himself not to touch her any more than he had. His cheeks pinked knowing that a mere hug could mean something entirely different in her culture.

He walked Isla further to the carriage, and opened the door for her, sneaking a small smile her way then "pokered" when Isla's Uncle glanced at him which brought a sincerely amused giggle from Isla's lips. She tried to muffle it, or, at least, cover it with her gloved four-fingered left hand.

The horses hooked to the carriage began to pull to get the carriage moving.

Isla avoided looking at either man inside the carriage, instead she looked out the window carved into the carriage design. For a few moments, she focused on her reflection in the glass.

She studied it as she struggled to find a beautiful trait in her face. After a few moments passed, she gave up and looked at the racing scenery outside the window.