
Betrothal's Price

A Human Prince and an Elven Lady are betrothed since childhood to marry and unite two warring countries. However the arrangement does not exactly go according to plan when neither child can seem to get along with one another. Meanwhile, suspicions among the inhabitants of the castle rise when members of the Human monarchy mysteriously die off. Now at 17 years of age the Prince and Lady piece together events to reveal a conspiracy in the castle threatening to destroy both lands.

EmilyAery · Fantasie
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41 Chs

Chapter 29: Handled

Liam and Isla readied to go to sleep… well, they more procrastinated talking about it, than readying for it, both feeling too awkward about the idea of sleeping in the same bed to bring it up. They'd done it once, but it didn't end as well as they'd originally thought.

Liam was reading a book from his bag, and Isla was struggling to comb through her curly hair, a bowl of water sitting on the bed beside her to keep her hair wet enough to comb through. While reading halfway into his book, Liam began feeling small jumps on the bed. He looked to his slight left and noticed Isla pretty much in combat with her hair, grunting as she got to large knots in it.

She was practically red in the face in irritation. Liam silently chuckled and scooted closer to her. He moved the bowl from the bed to avoid a water mess on the bed. He then gently placed his hand over Isla's hand that held the comb. He leaned over and whispered in her ear, "Mind if I help?"

Isla stopped and turned her head ever-so-slightly towards him and found herself closer face-to-face with Liam than she'd assumed she would be. Her breath caught and the tips of her ears colored and shot up - like they always did when he flustered her - without audible response. Isla released the nit comb from her hands, letting it fall into Liam's hand.

Liam had almost paused moving completely as he got lost, gazing into her eyes, "Your eyes really are like rubies." He muttered under his breath.

Isla glanced to Liam's lips, before she raised an eyebrow and smiled, tilting her head in a tease, "Enchantin', too?"

"Would there be a problem if I said yes? I stand by what I said." Liam smirked.

Isla shrugged ever-so-gently, "I don't know- No. There isn't a problem. I just don't see what makes red eyes so 'enchantin'."

Liam moved backwards and began slowly combing through her hair. "You know I hope that one day you'll realize just how truly gorgeous and amazing you are."

Isla's shoulders relaxed and she took a steady breath with a smile. He had no idea how much he'd been changing that.

Liam soon finished combing her hair, and Isla turned around, facing him. Before another moment passed them by, Isla stood on her knees on the bed and wrapped her arms around him. "Thanks, Liam. You may not know it, but you've helped me change that. It means so much to me. So thanks… for bein' the most wonderful person I've met."

Liam smiled softly and wrapped his arms around her waist. They stayed like that for several long moments, until Isla pulled back and smiled at him.

Then, Liam gained a goofy smile, "Hey, has your strength softened? You weren't hugging me as tightly. Or is there something you're not telling me?" He teased.

Isla pushed him to the bed in a tackle. "How's that for softening strength?" She pinned him, with a sly grin on her lips as Liam just laughed.

"I don't know…." Liam let his laughter die down. He seemed thoughtful for a moment, then suddenly began tickling her.

Isla stood her ground for a few moments, before she gave into laughter and cracked. Her grip that had been pinning him fell weak and she turned to Liam's left. Lllum took the advantage and rolled on top of her, pinning her.

Isla's laughter began to fade and they stayed in that position in silence. In only a few seconds, their eyes gravitated to places they knew they shouldn't go.

To fill the void of imaginative silence, Isla looked him in the eyes, "You know, you talk highly of my eyes, but yours.. " She trailed. "Yours are radiant." She began to sit up, using her arms to prop herself up, but Liam didn't move. Their faces once got closer.

Liam grinned wide and sweetly, "Thanks."

Isla stared at Liam's lips, then shot to his eyes again. God! They were too close! She took a breath and smiled, "Honesty needs no thanks, Liam. Your eyes are really beautiful." She really did love his eyes, and she cursed herself for looking elsewhere, but this temptation to kiss him was only going to grow in positions like this.

Liam sat up, knowing he wasn't doing any favors staying this close to her, besides tempting himself to do something he shouldn't. Those thoughts would get him nowhere. "We should get to sleep."

The sleep procrastinations ended immediately without needing to converse. They got under the blankets and lay on the bed, ready to fall into slumber without the need to even discuss it. Isla lay on her back, staring up at the underground ceiling. "Liam?" She requested.

Liam turned to his side and looked at her, "Yeah?"

She turned to her side face to face with him. "What would you say to trainin' tomorrow? I was just thinkin, you have magic, but if this is a battle that you partake in, you should probably start learnin' more fightin' skills. But only if you want to. If not.. Or maybe you'd prefer to learn from an expert like Uncle Levi." Isla had turned back to facing the ceiling.

Liam chuckled, "No, no, it sounds good. And I don't think he'd be considered the expert of the two of you. I think it's a good idea, learning from you, that is. I'm not not partaking in this battle if you're already fighting it. I wanna be by your side the whole time." He looked at her and realized she'd fallen asleep. He wondered how much she'd heard, but figured he'd ask her tomorrow.

Right now, he was too busy staring dazedly, watching her sleep. She truly was remarkable. She wasn't just cool or interesting, she was outstanding, and she always continued to inspire him as every moment he spent with her passed. She amazed him far beyond anything he thought was possible. "I love you, Isla." He whispered as he gazed at her.

He would stare at her all night if he could. She was far more than gorgeous. Even in sleep she was lovely. Liam wished he could wrap his arms around her and never let go. Take away all the insecurities she had.

He wondered if it would be wrong to hold her now. It probably would be. She was sleeping. She'd be unaware of it. It would be wrong.

Temptation arose when Isla moved closer to him in her sleep.

No! He wasn't going to. That was final. He wasn't even going to put one arm around her. So he closed his eyes, he needed to sleep anyway.

His eyes shot open, when he felt her move again. This time she wasn't moving closer to him. She was tossing in the bed as she began to quietly groan, "No." She tossed to her other side.

Liam looked at her with worry. She was having a nightmare. He used his elbow to lift his upper body and he put his hand on her shoulder. He gently shook it. "Isla. Isla, are you okay?"

But Isla made no reply. She just scrunched her eyebrows and tears puddled in her closed eyes.

Liam scooted closer to her and placed his hand over her cheek, wiping the tears from her eyes. Isla curled up closer to him as her tears came to a slow end. Liam didn't know what else to do, but just to hold her, assuring her. It seemed to calm her. "Shhh." He whispered in her ear as he put his arms around her. It seemed holding her was what helped her.


Levi rode another two weeks from the Ignis Forge with Jonathan accompanying him. He was in search of a temporary sanctuary to rest and rejuvenate before finding Prince Liam and Isla and discussing new plans regarding their tainted King problem.

For now they just needed to handle means of shelter, and Levi knew just the place in which to find it. He and Jonathan rode their pegasus for another week before they finally reached his planned destination. It took an extra day to find the exact location he aimed at, but as he did he spoke to the man or rather woman in charge.

Levi charged in the 64 foot wooden doors and immediately he was nearly hit with a vine thicker than an oak tree. He swiftly dodged it by the skin of his nose. He put a hand in front Jonathan and threw a compacted blade from his sleeved right wrist.

Slashing every vine that came his way, Levi heard a grunt as his small blade had hit its target. Instantly after the grunt the vines weren't as strong or fast coming. "Stop!" He demanded.

After several silent moments, Levi was sure his order fell on his attacker's deaf ears. Levi threw his sword around like a boomerang slicing the vines beginning to surround him and Jonathan. Just as his sword was flying around, he took a small blade from his other wrist, and he threw it directly at the attacker's other wrist, seeing clearly her right wrist was already pinned. She was too busy defending her home that she didn't have the chance to take his first blade from her sleeve.

Violet flames in her eyes, the attacker nearly raised more vines until she caught a glimpse of Jonathan looking around in fear. She glanced at Levi and calmed right as his blade nearly penetrated her wrist. She moved it, but almost too late as it sliced halfway through the side of it. The elven attacker screamed out for several moments, before un-pinning her right wrist and bending over to clutch her bleeding out wrist.

Levi caught his flinging sword and pointed it straight at her. "I said, stop. We do not come in violence. We are here for shelter."

The elven woman was on her knees, tears running down her cheeks in a stream, and her silver braid falling to her right shoulder. "Carpum meum?! Quis es?! Quid hic tibi negotii est?! Quis est puer iste?!"

Levi nodded, "Paenitet me intrusionem. Ego sum Dominus Levi sicarius Griffini regis get reginae. Princeps lonathan hic est. Ad tempus confugimus. Loquerisne anglicus?"

The woman managed to stand and searched for bandages. She'd sighed in an exhaling weave. "Yes, I speak the human's language. Why must I speak in such a twisted language?"

Levi chuckled uncharacteristically, "It will reassure the young prince. What is your name?"

The woman led them into a room where she found her wound-cleaning supplies. "Imani, Forest elf of the EarthRight Village, last Guardian of, well, here. Inform me of your situation."

Jonathan ran to Imani in worry of her tearful eyes and wounded wrist. "Awe you okay?"

Imani bandaged herself, and nodded. "I am fine, child."

Levi explained everything in vivid detail, and informed her that they would only need shelter for a minimum of a few days for reprievement. Then they would be on their way to meet Levi's niece. Imani apologized for her hostility and invited them back any time they would needed temporary refuge.

Meanwhile, Henry's march finally brought him through Silvestria and to the Tempest Turris to see the Griffin King and Queen.

His troops stopped outside and in no time Ewan and Zara flew down, aware of their presence. Henry put on a friendly face and greeted them. He bowed and spoke aloud, "King Ewan and Queen Zara, I come with wonderful news from Petra. The elven Lady and my son have declared the wedding to be set. Our lands will finally be united. The other kingdoms are accepting this, we will all be one again. We will all be Silvestria once more. Our plan has succeeded and the two have fallen in love. The wedding will take place at sunset tomorrow."

Zara smiled, "Excellent! That is wonderful to hear. May I ask something, King Henry?"

Henry nodded, "Why, of course, Your Highness!"

"Why did you not bring the boy and elf? I would have loved to meet them and see them for the first time. You have spoken so fondly of this son of yours and of the not-so-quick progress with his elven betrothed."

Henry hung his head. "I wished to, but a wedding is hardly an affair allowing a trip, before the occasion. If this ceremony is to take place tomorrow, they must stay behind and plan. But I swear by the Source himself, you will meet them during the ceremony. We have set areas where you may sit during the wedding and watch." He informed them.

Ewan growled lowly, "Have you caught the thief who took our precious son? Surely, he was found, by now. It has been three years."

Henry smiled wide, "The thief was caught." His expression fell, "My own friend, Baron Julius Warner, thieved it. He had been sentenced to death for treason, but we could not get the information of your egg's whereabouts. He is dead now. But when we find out where he is, you will be the first to know." He assured.

Zara nodded, "Thank you, King Henry. We greatly appreciate your kindness and assistance as well as your prompt investigation towards the disappearance of Xantus. Is that not right, Ewan?" She looked at her mate in expectancy. She knew he was worried about their child. She was, too, but Henry was already doing everything he could to handle the situation. She trusted that their child would be returned the moment it was found, unbeknownst to the truth.

"Yes. On behalf of Silvestria.. and Xantus, we thank you." Ewan relented, succumbing to agreement.

Zara smiled, "When was the wedding called upon?"

Henry replied, "Shortly after the gala. It was Prince Liam's birthday a month and a half ago. I found them in their adjoined bedroom, quite busy before the wedding was confirmed. I do wish they'd waited to do such things, but I am glad they finally got past their arguing. They were at odds for the longest time."

"But they have gotten past that, now. That is what matters. At the wedding ceremony, we will meet both children, before we bless the marriage with the Treaty between Petra and Silvestria." Zara reassured him. "Would you like to join us atop the Tempest Turris? There are matters we wish to discuss privately with you."

Henry bowed, "I would be honored, you're majesty." He grinned humbly as he mounted Zara as directed and they flew to the top.