
Betrothal's Price

A Human Prince and an Elven Lady are betrothed since childhood to marry and unite two warring countries. However the arrangement does not exactly go according to plan when neither child can seem to get along with one another. Meanwhile, suspicions among the inhabitants of the castle rise when members of the Human monarchy mysteriously die off. Now at 17 years of age the Prince and Lady piece together events to reveal a conspiracy in the castle threatening to destroy both lands.

EmilyAery · Fantasie
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41 Chs

Chapter 28: Adjustments

Taylor had just abruptly left after Liam extended his hand to his shoulder, leaving Liam in question of his rush to leave.

Isla smiled as she placed a hand on his shoulder, thinking nothing of the point she was about to make, "Probably because for us elves touch is a more romantic thing to do It probably just felt awkward for you to touch him, since the two of you aren't romantically involved with one another. One thing most elves have in common, is that our love language is physical touch. It's normally a more frequent thing for when they're married, and married only, but sometimes they do it a lot when they're courtin'. On other accounts it's subconscous." She removed her hand from atop his shoulder, realizing what she was doing and now saying.

"It's just the shoulder." Liam excused, not noticing what she did.

Isla chuckled, "It doesn't have to be a publicly indecent place for it to count. It can be the hand, shoulder, face, pretty much anywhere." She shrugged. "If some elf touches you a lot, it means they want to show you their romantic affections, because they have romantic interest in you. Or they're comfortable with bein' that way with you. It can get complicated. But it's probably why Brooklynn is so clingy to Taylor. Reassurance to him. Again it's normally the case. There are some that don't, it's just not as common." She tried to subtly indicate she, in particular, may not do that.

If Liam hadn't realized it, he wouldn't question it. And if he did, that would answer his question… hopefully.

Unfortunately, Liam caught on and wondered why she touched him so often. If he asked, things would get awkward so Liam decided he wouldn't. However his curiosity had different plans. "Then how come you touch me so often?"

Isla's eyes widened immediately. Her cheeks and tip of her ears colored bright red as she blinked vigorously, trying not to look at him. Why did he have to be so smart, as to figure something so trivial out?

Liam grinned. Making note of how cute she looked when she blushed, Liam kept it mind to sketch her like that later on.

"Well, it's not goin' to matter, because we're goin' to be sharin' the bed. We'll be touchin' no matter what." Isla shifted the conversation. She could, at least, direct his attention to a different topic to get his mind away from it.

However Liam wasn't taking the bait. "I guess so. Do you… like touching me or.." He smirked

Isla could feel her face and ears' temperature increasing rapidly, "Are you hungry? It's been a long journey. We should eat somethin'. There wasn't much food, while we flew." She began to ramble incoherently.

Liam gently took her by her bare shoulders, "Isla, why do you touch me so often?" He asked softly.

Isla exhaled, exasperatedly. She wished she didn't, but just as Levi had once told her. When in love with someone, she would show it subconsciously just as her mother was said to have done. Her features turned brighter. Liam was touching her bare shoulders.

Normally when he touched her shoulders she had something over them or nearly over them, but with this strapless dress she'd been wearing since the night of their escape, his whole hands were directly on her skin. Not just his palms, his entire hands. Then he began caressing them with his thumbs. She didn't need any ideas or a red, hot face. He was going to drive her crazy.

Isla looked into his eyes, and glanced at his lips, "I-I don't know… I mean, I don't have.. um.. any reason."

Liam had an inkling that that wasn't entirely true, but was beginning to realize he was holding onto her actual shoulders. Her skin - against his fingertips - was soft and…

Nope! He could not be thinking like this. He was not going to go there be like that. His face went red. "Uh,.. G-Good to know." He noticed where Isla's eyes were shyly focusing, and released her shoulders. And with the slight bit of confidence he managed to hold onto, he reached his lips to her cheek. "I-uh- I can cook us something for dinner. You can shower first."

Isla felt like her heart would pop right out of her chest. "Um.. Thanks. I'll just.. I'll just go then. See you later."

"See you later." Liam smiled dazedly as Isla walked off.

Isla and Liam ate dinner. Isla had curiously asked how Liam learned to cook if he was used to people cooking for him. Liam had explained to her that since he and his mother were adopted into royalty, Kalani used to cook for him and her. Then once he was old enough, she insisted he learn to cook, claiming just because he was royalty that didn't mean he shouldn't know how to cook. Which he, of course, carried no qualms over.

After they finished, they cleaned up, and Liam left to bathe.

Meanwhile, Isla sat on the bed, thinking. They'd shared a bed before. Once. But sharing it a few days… weeks.. She dared not think months more. Would it be uncomfortable in any way? She wasn't worried that she would be uncomfortable. She knew she would be more than comfortable doing it. She worried for Liam. Would he be uncomfortable sleeping beside her for a while?

The first time, he said it was just unexpected, but would he appreciate it being constant?

The chance to ask him occurred sooner than she'd hoped when Liam came out and into the bedroom.

"Liam," Isla called to him, barely even glancing up at him, yet. "Can I ask you som.." She stopped as she looked up and saw him. He had no shirt. Liam was, in fact, shirtless. He'd paused in his tracks in the room when she'd spoken. He stood there quietly, pink in the face.

Isla just sat blinking, red in the face, then she quickly looked away. "Um.. I.. uh I didn't know.. I'm sorry.. I-I I didn't mean to…"

"Isla, you don't need to be sorry. It- It's my fault. I c-came out without giving you a warning. I meant to, but I kinda got the idea that I could get in and out without you noticing. I really should've known better." Liam assured.

"It's fine.." Isla glanced up again to look him in his face, through habit. She immediately looked away, knowing that if she didn't, now, she wouldn't at all.

Liam knelt down and began looking through his baggage. He couldn't find anything. "Isla, I did pack my shirts, right?"

Isla shrugged, trying to be subtle in her returned staring. "Um.. no- I mean, I don't know. But I have a few of Levi's old shirts. You can borrow one of those if you feel the need to." She offered, almost wishing he didn't have to. Then she silently reprimanded herself for thinking such scandalous thoughts.

"Well, I kinda do need to." Liam explained, raising a brow at her wording.

The words, "Not really." Escaped Isla's lips in a mumble, then she slapped her hand over her mouth.

Liam's eyebrows raised in shock, "I don't need to?" His lips broke into a slightly flustered, but teasing grin. "Can you elaborate?" It was an interesting statement. Did she want to keep seeing him shirtless?

Isla sat silently blinking, before she attempted to fix this mess of a circumstance her stupid mind and mouth had to get her in. "Uh- I didn't mean it like that obviously. I-I meant you don't really need to borrow one of Levi's old shirts, be-because- because.." She looked around for an excuse. Um.. I'll help you look through your baggage." She gave him a nervous smile to sell it.

Liam didn't buy it, but nonetheless gestured for her to come and help. "Okay, then. You gonna help?"

Isla felt a shiver shoot down her spine. "Ab-Absolutely." She stood on her feet and walked over to aid him in searching through his luggage. She knelt down less than a foot across from him and helped him look through one of his bags. She felt as if she'd been set on fire, then thrown into a vat of lava.

He was right there in front of her, onto her antics, he was shirtless, and he grinned a smile that made her want to kiss him. And not to mention, he smelled amazing. Like that was what she needed. Her eyes kept gravitating towards his actually quite nice chest and arms.

She hoped Liam couldn't tell what was on her mind, wishing he couldn't see how red she was sure she was blushing.

But much to her not-so-good-luck, Liam spoke, "You okay? You're really red." He brought a hand over her forehead. "And you're really warm." He added.

Isla took a minute to process it, then she shook her head. "No, I-I'm fine. Would you like a blanket to cover up, you know, for now to feel more comfortable?"

Liam rubbed the back of his neck, blushing a little, "Well, I did, but, now I think it's fine. It's just you and me here."

He seemed okay with it, but she was a mess.

Isla focused on the baggage to find a shirt for him, internally trying to calm herself. He was only shirtless. She just needed to pay attention to the job at hand and not look. His flustering smile became his cute flustered smile. His proximity?.. Well, she'd been closer; she should be able to handle this. But if he knew she was looking, he'd be highly uncomfortable. She had to be respectful.

"A-Are you sure you don't want a blanket or somethin'?" She knew, he was blushing. But it was likely because he was uncomfortable.

What was wrong with her? She should not have been acting this way. Especially not with him. She needed to get a grip on her emotions and eyes. In love with him or not, she had no excuse. She should not have been looking at him like this. She needed to respect his privacy.

Liam raised an eyebrow, "For me or for you?"

"Ah-Ha!" Isla dramatically cheered as she pulled a shirt from one of his bags.

Liam placed his hand over hers. "Thanks, Isl, but you know you can be honest with me. You don't need to find an excuse. I'll understand." He offered her a sweet smile, then as if reading her expression, he said, "Do you have issues not looking at me, because I have no shirt?" He could already feel the blush creeping up his neck.

Isla remained silent, neither agreeing nor disagreeing.

Liam tried to hope the wide smile that fought to form on his lips wasn't showing, "It's okay. I'm not upset about it. I-I understand. You've never seen a guy shirtless."

Eh. He explained it,.. platonically. If only she could say it were superbly true. It was true, she'd never seen a guy shirtless, but it didn't make her uncomfortable, she just liked what she saw.. too much. He didn't seem bothered by the fact that she was looking, but then again he saw it differently.

Still guilt stuck to her thoughts and emotions, til' she began spewing the truth as she looked around furiously rubbing her neck. "Look, I'm sorry. I shouldn't be lookin' at you. I have no excuse. I- I just- you have a nice shape- build, I mean it's not that I think-"

"Isla!" Liam stopped her rambling. "If you're saying that you've been ch-checking me out, don't apologize. I'm actually flattered that you think so. Especially you." He briefly removed his hand from atop hers and put the shirt on. Maybe she'd start catching onto his dropping hints and they could eventually finally think about themselves as a pair.

Isla took a moment to process his statement, and her shoulders relaxed, "You mean you don't.. Flattered? Really- Oh." She felt kinda stupid, maybe she was a little too disbelieving about his opinions of her. He actually didn't mind.

"Isla, you promised. No more unnecessary sorrys. It's not your fault. Not everything is your fault. You can't carry the burden of guilt for everyone. Some things aren't your fault." Liam put the rest of the clothing away, put on the shirt Isla had found for him, and stood, holding his hand out to her.

Isla sighed and took his hand. "Liam, it's still your privacy. I should be more respectful." She still found it slightly hard to believe he was okay with her excessive staring or maybe he didn't notice that part. However he did know she'd been checking him out. But most importantly his assuring her to not apologize - that not everything was her fault - felt good.

Liam lifted her to her feet and wrapped his arms around her, putting his right hand on her hair and softing it. She needed to understand that he really thought that it was okay. It was nice to know, she was attracted to him.

Isla reciprocated, embracing him tightly. He truly was amazing. However, in imagining how Liam was so okay with this, she felt less and less sure that he was just "weirdly okay" with her checking him out.

Maybe there was more to his opinion of feeling especially flattered that she'd check him out? Maybe there was more to his care of her.

But that just made her hold him all the tighter.