
Betrothal's Price

A Human Prince and an Elven Lady are betrothed since childhood to marry and unite two warring countries. However the arrangement does not exactly go according to plan when neither child can seem to get along with one another. Meanwhile, suspicions among the inhabitants of the castle rise when members of the Human monarchy mysteriously die off. Now at 17 years of age the Prince and Lady piece together events to reveal a conspiracy in the castle threatening to destroy both lands.

EmilyAery · Fantasie
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41 Chs

Chapter 27: A Settlement To Get Used To

When Ash finally landed, they got off and entered Taylor's underground hideout. Taylor led Liam and Isla to his old underground home. He gave them a small tour of the place, so that they would know ways around it. It was quaint and thankfully functional for the most part. He'd shown them to the small kitchen, the dining area, the subtle escapes, and was currently showing them the washing room and the "restroom".

"This is the little elf's room built for the occasional tinkle and number two, and washing. There's only one of these little rooms, but there are only two of you. Taking turns should be a breeze. Hot water will be a harder fix. You may have to share the water together." Taylor briefly explained as he turned to look at them, noticing two red faces.

"I-I'm not sure of the need to share in particular, at least not at the same time." Isla put a closed fist to her mouth, knowing how red she was and refusing to look at Liam. She hoped her blush didn't show as much as she felt it.

Liam nodded, doing and feeling the same, "Yeah- no-not at the same time obviously."

Taylor tilted his head in confusion. "You could share it separately if you prefer it that way, it's not that big a deal. You'll just have to reuse it."

The other two just rapidly nodded in hopes to move on from the subject.

"Ookay. Anyway, follow me. Here's going to be the interesting part." Taylor walked around them, leading them to the final installment of the tour.

Liam and Isla exchanged worried looks. Taylor led them into the bedroom. ".. There's only one bed. It was just me at the time so I only really needed one bed. I'm sure you shouldn't mind sharing it. Brooklynn says you're quite close. And judging by the cozy position you were in about three weeks ago, the night we stayed in Littus, you should fare quite well. Anyhow, this is the last place you hadn't seen, and now you've seen it. So I guess this is when I leave." He concluded as he swung his arms forward and backwards, seeing the awkward looks they gave the bed.

Liam sighed. It wasn't Taylor's fault, Brooklynn had a big mouth or that they did nothing but feed his assumptions throughout the entire trip "Thanks, Taylor. You didn't have to let us borrow your old home, but you did. We appreciate it. We'll manage with what we have."

Isla agreed, "Yeah, thanks." She said as Liam extended a hand to put it on Taylor's shoulder, but Taylor uncomfortably moved before he could touch it, and he shook his hand.

"No problem. Any questions? No? Good, I'll go then." Taylor left to the surface and readied to ride Ash back to Petra.

Liam turned to face Isla, "Did he seem uncomfortable to you? Or was it just me?"


Levi rode a Pegasus with Jonathan sitting in front of him, carrying the backpack with the Griffin egg in his lap. They rode for weeks, before they reached their destination; Ignis Forge, the sanctuary of the Fire Elves.

The exterior of the Ignis Forge was golden and over 70 feet high. The golden columns held up a structural second level of the tall monument. Little past the columns were golden Cresson doors, with stained glass windows containing moving flames within the glass. The doors were opened at the sight of newcomers but guards behind them appeared to monitor their every movement.

When led inside, the interior grew larger. The walls were a golden marble with freshly welded iron window trimmings. Marbled wall detailing protruded from and consumed every inch of every wall. Warmly colored concrete columns stood throughout the impressive complex.

Bits of furniture of only the finest gold welders of Fire Elves were just as fine and detailed in exclusively Fire Elven details and patterns. Every bit of the Ignis monument was just as impressively beautiful as told in tales. It was bathed in gold and iron as if they were newly welded every hour.

Walking up the high placed throne in the Throne room, Levi presented himself as well as Jonathan to the Queen. He bowed, "Greetings, Queen Delphine of the Ignis Forge. I am Levi of the SilverLight Village, Moon Elf Assassin for King Ewan and Queen Zara. This is Prince Jonathan of Petra, the Kingdom that has seeked a treaty with Silvestria.."

".. Oui, Oui, I know where he is from. I can see what you are. Why are you here?" Queen Delphine waved her hand in annoyance, speaking with an accent, and urging him to quickly get to the point.

Levi resumed, "I bring dire news to you. I regret to inform you, there's a dangerous threat spreading through Silvestria, along with the Human Kingdoms. Precautions need to be taken. Scaths are spreading once again, and they are spreading quickly." He informed, gaining only few gasps through the Throne room.

Delphine snapped, "Do you not think I am aware of that?! My little sister, Celine, had been infected by one of those things. My own brother, Jean, was forced to murder her. I do not need Ewan's underlings to tell me what I already know."

"This message was not sent by King Ewan. This is sent from Petra. The spreading of Scaths has increased far past Silvestria. They request your assistance. The assistance of all the soldiers the Ignis Forge can give. A war is upon them, and they need your troops to help them. You must pick a side in this upcoming war. Or you may be short of defenses." Levi requisitioned.

Delphine scoffed, "If this is a human problem in need of Ignis Forge's help, why send this mere child Prince to ask for it? It is barely old enough to be aware of this. Why not send the King or the Prince betrothed to one of your Moon elves?"

"The king is suspected to have willful contact with the Scaths, and is seeking out the betrothed Prince."

"Ha! How fitting! Then why do you come here, when the King is tainted? Ignis Forge has no such resources to fix this problem for the pathetic humans. We are already doing our best for ourselves, now you expect us to risk our lives for a tainted kingdom."

"The spreading of Scaths does not intend to stop at Petra. They came from Silvestria. I do not ask for you to fight them by yourselves, but that you aid us in the defeat of this plan. It is true, we do not know how to be rid of the Scathian disease, but we must get them into hiding, at the very least. You know, the Source would do the same. Put aside your pride and help, put your troops to better use than infection material, unless you wish your people to be rid of themselves. If so, then we've wasted our time here. We have no time nor patience to deal with your pride." Fed up with her mockery, Levi made it plain and simple.

Jonathan just waved at everyone he saw, saying, "Hi!"

Levi took his hand and began to walk out.

"Wait!" Delphine called out to him, groaning in frustration. "We will help. But we are not responsible for those you will lose. We will fight this battle. I will prepare my forces for when the time is right. I should assume that your human allies will coordinate a new attack plan when the time is right."

"When it is, I will bring more than just this young Prince. For now, you will stay here and do nothing out of the ordinary. Can you do that?" Levi questioned.

Queen Delphine rolled her eyes, "Do you think I am stupid? I know how to wait. You be sure those humans of yours are prepared to plan such elaborate war strategies, or by the Source, we are all infected."

Levi just walked out with Jonathan.