
Betrothal's Price

A Human Prince and an Elven Lady are betrothed since childhood to marry and unite two warring countries. However the arrangement does not exactly go according to plan when neither child can seem to get along with one another. Meanwhile, suspicions among the inhabitants of the castle rise when members of the Human monarchy mysteriously die off. Now at 17 years of age the Prince and Lady piece together events to reveal a conspiracy in the castle threatening to destroy both lands.

EmilyAery · Fantasie
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41 Chs

Chapter 16: Few Answers, More Questions

Liam barely let the news sink in before he shot his head towards Jonathan, "Where did you say you saw her?" He asked almost instantaneously.

Jonathan thought for a minute, "Neaw… the… the tap… the tape.."



Immediately, Liam bolted. He was gonna find her. He ran like he'd never run before as he raced to get to her. Jonathan could barely keep up with him, and Levi walked, briskly following both of them.

The very second Isla was in sight, Liam sped up even more. He wasn't letting anything happen to her.

"Isla!" He called out and finally reached her. He sped up to hug her, his arms tightly holding her, without promise to loosen.

Surprised, Isla just let him hug her, but she was too confused to consider returning the tight embrace, "L-Liam?!"

Levi kept his composure when he saw Everett. He nodded, "Everett." He said with hidden contempt.

Everett did the same, "Levi."

Jonathan waved, "Hewo, Mistew Efewett! Hi, Iswa!"

Isla still stood in shock, "Um.. Liam, wh- what's wrong?" She lightly patted his back with her left hand.

Liam pulled back after 7 straight minutes, loosening his grip, and bringing his hands to her shoulders. He looked around and realized he looked like an idiot with no excuse. He looked back at her, letting his thumbs caress her shoulders. "I- um… L-Leo said you hurt yourself. I was just- I got worried."

Isla gave him a ridiculing look, "Why is everyone so worried over a papercut? Seriously, it's just a papercut!"

Liam turned red, "Oh. Well, it sounded more severe."

"Well, it's not."

"Uh.. Okay, so um.. Jon wants to play so…."

Isla glanced at where Liam's hands were, and what they were doing, "S-Sure. My last responsibilities are, in a way, postponed because of the funeral, so we can play." She agreed as her cheeks turned pink. She had a feeling that Liam was lying, but she played along to find out later. He probably wanted to talk to her.

Liam smiled awkwardly, "Great! Jonathan, you coming?" He grabbed Isla's hand, intertwining their fingers as he enjoyed doing quite often, and pulled her along to Jonathan's room, while Jonathan followed excitedly.

Levi left and rounded to Liam's destination without Everett's awareness. Coming to Petra every summer had some perks. He knew the castle like the back of his own hand.

Liam brought them to Jonathan's bedroom. No one would find or look for them there. Levi joined them shortly.

Once the door was closed, Liam sighed in relief, and he embraced her in a hug again with his free hand.

Isla gently but firmly took his arm away from around her, and looked at him like he was crazy, "Hold on. W-What's goin' on?"

Liam brought his hand to Isla's shoulder, keeping their other hands intertwined. "Isla, I know you're not gonna like this. You may not even believe me, but… how do I put this? Everett is.. he's… Everett's a Scath!"

Isla remained silent for a moment. "Wait. But h-how is he.. That doesn't…."

Levi stepped up, "Sit down. You're going to need to." He told her. "Everett has been a Scath for years."

Isla shook her head, "But wouldn't we be infected by now? And- and why would they get Uncle Everett? How would they.. How could they…" She couldn't believe it, but it - in the slightest way- did make some sense. That must've been why Everett was seeming to care, suddenly. Not because he did.

Levi sat down, and gestured once again for her to do the same.

Liam gave Isla's hand a light squeeze and they sat down.

Levi explained, "Scaths only infect others when they're caught in a plan or fulfilling one, never for spite. Everett was merely a pawn. You should know that. You met one, the day you helped that young Avain Elf, Zander. Maeve was a Scath, She must've reached him when we weren't around. As for why, To get to you. They want you."

Isla looked from Levi to Liam who was almost as confused as she was. "But why? Why do they want me? Why aren't you a target, Levi? You'd be of better use to them. What could they get from me?"

Levi nodded. "Why do you think you weren't infected when you first encountered Maeve?"

Isla shrugged, "I don't know. Maybe I didn't look useful?" She couldn't think of a good reason besides that. She had interfered with her plans. It would've made it easier to infect her than to attempt to nearly drown her or even possibly get away to Levi and Everett. But she was also a kid, what use would a child be in an army of ruthless beings.

"Useful or not, you'd interfered. She'd have the mind to infect you… but she couldn't. You are immune to infection of Scaths. That's why they want you. You're the only elf alive to be immune. I was not infected, because she knew I would be dead before of use to her. Everett was an easier target."

This time, Liam spoke, "But what's one person compared to over millions of infected ones?"

Levi gave them both a dull expression as if it should've been obvious. "Reproduction. If she were to marry and reproduce there is a good chance her children will carry the immunity. There would be no telling how far along that immunity will drag through the generations."

Suddenly the air was feeling much hotter for both Liam and Isla as they awkwardly cleared their throats and their faces burned red.

Liam couldn't find himself the courage to even look at Isla. He rubbed the back of his neck and looked everywhere, but at her. Isla neither dared to look at Liam nor even meet Levi's eyes as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

Neither could say they hadn't thought about it at all, honestly, at least.

He should've known. Levi now figured there was complete truth behind that conversation he and Isla had engaged in. She was too shy to take it as far as erotic intimacy, as was Liam. Perhaps they were more sensible than he'd assumed as well. It was clear they did fall in love with one another as Kalani had predicted. They were just too shy to confess. Perhaps, too self conscious as well, though too smart to take as far as reproduction this early.

He was about to break the awkward silence, but Isla beat him to it. "If! You know 'if'. W-worthy concern…. from a strangers stand point, I mean."

Liam agreed, "Yeah, yeah, Of course- of course."

All awkwardness set aside, Isla asked, "So why didn't Everett infect you? They have it wrong. You must be immune, too, right?"

Levi slowly shook his head, "I am not a tool they need. If anything, I've been making it easier for them to get to you." He sighed dejectedly. "Everett does not know I'm aware of his infection. So he doesn't feel the need to infect me."

Liam looked at him, raising an eyebrow. "Uh-huh." Surprised to hear his confession so casually. He wondered - even hoped - he was going somewhere with that confession and he expressed that "hope" through a look on his expression.

"Isla, I…. apologize for raising you the way I did. Though the intention was to help you, the methods might've been a tad-"

Liam paused Levi's admission with a disagreeing look. He was certainly not a "tad" anything.

Levi resumed, struggling to keep his posture as straight as he had been used to. "—Been quite harsh, excessive, and berating. Grief is.. natural. As long as you can properly let out those emotions at the right time and you do not let those emotions cloud your judgment. It would not hurt to let you do so." Levi said, obviously ego-degrading and uncomfortable apologizing.

Isla wondered, "But it's.."

"No, it is not okay. Accept my apology,... please." It pained his pride to nearly beg for her acceptance of this apology.

This was highly uncharacteristic of him, almost worrisome to hear. After all, Everett nearly pulled the same and didn't mean it. But something about this felt truthfully sincere. "What changed your mind?"

Levi glanced at Liam who looked accepting toward him, again. "Someone who seems to know you better than I."

Jonathan quickly got bored of waiting to play. He jumped onto his bed and sat beside Isla. Isla smiled, ruffled his hair a little, and put an arm around him.

Liam's expression became serious, "Lord Levi, Baron Julius wrote a letter shortly before he died. He knew about Isla. Did you ever speak with him?"

"No, I barely knew him. I had noticed he was anxious, but I had never engaged in conversation with him." Levi replied, shaking his head.

"He suspected my mother and Baroness Vanessa were aware, but were killed, before they could go public with the information. In the letter, he said he wanted us to run. Protect his kids and ourselves." Liam informed. A part of him thought it was a good idea, at least, for the time being.

Isla looked at him, "Liam, you're not really thinkin' about leavin', are you? What about Petra? What'll happen to the kingdom?" While she partially knew it was a halfway decent plan, it didn't feel right deserting Petra when the kingdom could die in their absence. Lord knew what would happen.

Liam shrugged, "It might be a good idea. It'll do Petra much less good if we're killed off as well. Whoever killed mom, Baroness Vanessa, and Baron Julius will try to kill us, too, the moment they know we're onto them. Isla, if you're a target, we are not risking your life. You're too important… t-to all of us." The other part of him wished they could leave, hide away, and never come back. Keeping her safe was the main thing he wanted, yet the other half shared Isla's concern for the kingdom.

Levi nodded in agreement with Liam, knowing exactly what Isla was implying in her inquiry. "You cannot save everyone. Some will die. All of Petra will have to understand that."

"But can't we try? If people don't have to die, why should we let them? What if we went public with the information now?" Isla pleaded.

Liam lightly squeezed her hand again, "We can't. Think about it, if the whole kingdom knows what'll they be able to do besides gossip to one another. If the culprits are still roaming the castle it would paint targets directly on our backs. Besides, we don't even know who exactly is responsible for it. We won't let people die. Baron Julius said that something's planned for my 'birthday gala', that's a few days from today. That gives us some time to figure out how and whom by which they were killed. But if it comes to it, we'll have to leave. I hate leaving Petra defenseless, too, but my stepdad will have things handled. He hasn't stepped down yet. They won't be entirely defenseless. They'll be fine. Trust me, okay?"

Isla nodded reluctantly, "I do." It still concerned her, but she knew some things had to be done. He was right.

Jonathan looked at Isla and Liam, randomly feeling the desire to say what he'd heard early today, "Mom was sm-smofewed."

All three heads shot towards him.

"How do you know that?" Liam asked worriedly.

"Phoeb towd me!" Jonathan chirped.

"You mean your mother's bird?" Isla wondered confusedly, looking at Liam for his response.

Jonathan nodded profusely.

Liam explained, "Yeah, but how did Phoeb just tell Jonathan? It's not like they can just mysteriously communicate with one another. J, how did Phoeb tell you?"

Jonathan sat up and changed positions to sit comfortably on Isla's lap. "I towd you. He towd me."

"Like, in English?"


Levi put a curled finger to his chin, "Hmm. Strange, indeed. Perhaps Phoeb is a Night Finch merely appearing as a goldfinch. As a Night Finch he would obtain the ability to communicate with those he wishes to. If he witnessed it perhaps.."

Liam caught on instantly, "Jon, did Phoeb say who smothered Mom?"

Jonathan shook his head, "No. But I can ask!" He offered.

"No, no. That's okay. Excellent work!"

Jonathan smiled proudly.

Liam and Isla exchanged looks.

Levi nodded, "Alright, then, I will see what I can dig up. As for the three of you, stick to what little of a plan we have. Inform me whatever you may find. And most of all, be careful." And he left the room.

Liam thought about how Phoeb knew what had happened to Kalani, and came to an unfortunate conclusion. The day Julius and he discussed Julius's concerns about this, Phoeb had been flying around. Phoeb not only heard it, he could've snitched. Phoeb likely knew people died, how they died, and likely by whom, and had he been as Kalani had always described him, he would've tried to get the attention of someone who could help. Jonathan just surprisingly struck enough conversation with him to hear it straight from the bird's beak.

With a snitch like Phoeb, flying around tattletaling on whomever caught onto the antics of this scheme, someone had to have been pulling the strings.

Now, Liam felt a pang of guilt, he was the one who let Phoeb perch on him. If he hadn't, Phoeb might've flown right by, and not known what Julius was discussing with him.

"Liam." Isla addressed him, with a finger to her chin in thought.

Liam turned to look at her.

"I think I may know who's behind this."


"First ask yourself these questions; Who would you least expect to be behind it? Julius said you wouldn't believe him if he told you. Who has the resources to pull all this off? Who did Julius not mention gettin' to safety? He said he wished he could have hidden his loved ones. He missed one of yours in his letter."

Liam furrowed his eyebrows in thought.

Isla added, "A little bit before you came up to me, Everett told me somethin' about Petra bein' a place where 'dead bodies are found by the one that governs them.' Whose bird is Phoeb, now? Everett told me without even knowin' it."

"King Henry killed them." Liam murmured in realization.