
Betrothal's Price

A Human Prince and an Elven Lady are betrothed since childhood to marry and unite two warring countries. However the arrangement does not exactly go according to plan when neither child can seem to get along with one another. Meanwhile, suspicions among the inhabitants of the castle rise when members of the Human monarchy mysteriously die off. Now at 17 years of age the Prince and Lady piece together events to reveal a conspiracy in the castle threatening to destroy both lands.

EmilyAery · Fantasie
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41 Chs

Chapter 15: Senseless Responses

Brooklynn shook her head in disbelief. "What do you mean 'gone'? He didn't disappear. He couldn't."

Leo looked at his sister, "He's dead, Brooklynn."

Brooklynn's eyes welled with tears, "No, no, no, Leo, you're joking, right? Leo, you're just kidding, right?" He couldn't be dead, could he?

Without a response, Leo broke down. There wasn't a more sure response. He really was gone.They were now all they had. Brooklynn knelt beside him, put an arm around, and grieved with him.


It was only within a week that everyone was told, but the funeral took three more. Several thousand people - both peasants and nobles - from neighboring kingdoms attended to pay their respects to him.

The funeral was extensive as Baron Julius had been well respected by many Pentarch Nobles and Officials.

The casket with Julius's deceased body stood in the center of a Church yard surrounded by the thousands of people, a priest speaking fondly of his former friend and Brother in Christ, the Baron. Everyone dressed in black, and everyone hung their heads in sorrow. King Henry quietly wept his friend's death. They'd been friends since before either had married their wives, and now he'd passed on.

Brooklyn and Leo sobbed and grieved their father's death even further.

When given the news, Liam knew one thing stood out to him. The one thing ringing in his ear. Baron Julius's cause of death; Mysterious circumstances. Nobody knew what killed him.

That was it!

He'd been thinking about it since they told him. Now, he had an idea. He leaned over to Isla and whispered in her ear, "We need to go to the Library."

Isla looked at him with disbelief as she propped Jonathan up on her hip being careful not to "crease" her skirts - as her Uncle Everett would say - trying to ignore the shiver that wanted to run down her spine at the feeling of his breath on her ear. "Now?" She whispered in reply.

"I need to talk to you. Here is not a good place." Liam uttered in her ear.

"You're talkin' now. This probably still has more time before it finishes. Isn't it rude to leave in the middle of a funeral?"

"This thing still has about four hours left to it. No one will even notice we're gone. Come on, I need to tell you something important."

Isla sighed and set Jonathan down. "Jon, why don't you go see Mr. Levi, he may have some spare SilverBerry tarts you could rot your teeth on."

Jonathan nodded excitedly and ran to Levi.

Liam chuckled at the remark. He then grabbed Isla's hand and pulled her off, after waving to Jonathan.

Liam brought her to the Library, and he closed the door with his free hand. Then he walked to the Silvestrian History Section and he turned around to face Isla, his hand still holding hers.

"Listen to me: Leo and Brooklynn's mother died, my mother died, Julius died. Two of them by 'mysterious circumstances'." He began.

"Okay, yeah." Isla nodded.

"Isla, think about it, Baroness Vanessa, Julius, Mom. What do they have in common?" Liam asked.

"They're all dead, and two under unknown situations, right?" Isla guessed like it was common knowledge, catching onto what his point was. "My parents died under a sickness of those circumstances, too." She noted.

Liam seemed thoughtful for a moment then nodded again, "Yeah, they were. Okay, the day you came, I overheard Baron Julius speaking with my Aunt Eden about how my mother's death wasn't by childbirth."

"You eavesdropped, didn't you?"

"Honestly speaking; Yes. Point is, my Aunt refused to believe, help, or even pay any mind to it, because she didn't see any proof. Later that day, I spoke with Baron Julius himself who was here. Right here, in this very spot." Liam explained as he searched for the book. "He'd told me he wanted to talk to me before and told me the same thing. He was going to tell me who killed mom and Baroness Vanessa, but then he backed out. He wanted to find more proof."

"Liam, you realize that that would mean someone in this castle is up to no good? Your mother would've called for help had she seen someone who wasn't supposed to be there. It had to have been someone she trusted." Isla pointed out.

Liam looked at her blankly for less than a second, then lit up, "Isla, you're brilliant! You're right. If it connects Petra and Silvestria, it'd have to be a Scath. It would appear as a doctor or someone that would be taking care of her and killed her. Baron Julius must've gotten too close to finding the truth." He found the book Secrets of Silvestria in the wrong shelf proving his suspicion accurate and flipped to the page Julius had been reading when Liam had seen him. Page 248. "Also when he was trying to tell me who he thought did it, Julius kept saying 'she'. So that's our clue. The possible Scath appeared as a woman."

Isla smiled as her ears and cheeks burned red at the compliment, brilliant. "Okay, but why would a Scath want to be rid of your Mum. Everyone loved her. And they always have a motive for doin' it. Why not infect her?"

Liam put a finger to his chin. "Could be to be put in a position of power."

Isla shook her head, "Then why the Baroness? That was before your mum was killed if the Scath wanted power, why get the Baroness first? Unless she's tryin' to get rid of all officials. If she's tryin' against all nobles, Baroness Vanessa may have been just the easiest target."

"That's true. But that would mean any one of us is next. The most important one would be King Henry."

Isla shook her head, "Maybe, but in a year or so he'll be steppin' down. These deaths have been years apart."

Liam continued to flip through pages in the book. "Yeah, but what's to stop her from 'handling' everyone else? I mean, she's already infecting people."



Right on the page Liam had flipped to, he found a letter written without the King's seal. This was Julius's letter.

Liam pulled out the letter and read it; 'Prince Liam, If you are reading this then I am no longer alive. I figured you'd be piecing this together. The day we spoke I could not tell you who I suspected, even now, even if I told you as you read this letter, you would not believe me.

However, you still must know what I was trying to tell you before your dinner. I stand by it now more than ever, Shelter yourself. You must leave Petra, bring my children and Lady Isla. This matter involves her more than you know. Hide away. This whole plan is a facade of a bigger, more dangerous plot. Run! With Lady Isla gone, this plan will not fully unfold. Protect your brother, your betrothed, and my children by leaving, before you can't. You're approaching your 17th birthday and your step-father has arranged a gala to celebrate it.

Do NOT attend! October 26. Do not let anyone know you won't be attending. My fault was not telling the right people. I should've left with my children and warned the right people. Do NOT make the same mistake I did. A few years ago when I was absent I took something valuable from Silvestria, so that it will be protected. The egg of the Griffin Prince. It's hidden in my study in a passage behind the bookcase. Get it and hide it. Do not return it. Not yet.

Now, Tell my children I love them and that I am proud of them. Tell them to speak to "Someones" They'll know what it means. Stay safe and inform Lord Levi of this.'

Then Liam handed the letter to Isla. They couldn't risk speaking it aloud. "Well, there goes the 'she' theory. I don't suppose you know anything about why people are dying suddenly."

Isla shook her head, "No, I've told you just about everythin' I know. Why?" She grabbed the letter and read it. "I don't understand. What would I do? What's 'someones'? And what does Uncle Levi have to do with this?"

Liam shrugged, "I don't know, but October 26th is coming up pretty soon."

"We're not really leavin', are we?"

"I don't know. But one thing at a time. First order of business, talk to Leo and Brooklynn. Then…"

"... Uncle Levi. But we can't tell them."

"Why not?" Liam asked.

"Julius didn't die because he was a silent soul." Isla told him.

"Right." Liam realized. "We'll have them read it themselves. We'll talk about the details in a secluded area."


They returned to the lasting funeral and participated, until it finally ended. From what they could see, no one looked remotely uplifted by the loss of Baron Julius. Everyone seemed hurt by his death.

After the funeral, Liam and Isla approached Leo and Brooklynn. It felt wrong to speak to them about this now, they would've willingly admitted it, but they needed them to know this.

They spoke with them, in Liam's and Isla's adjoined bedroom. If they spoke in Brooklynn's or Leo's there would be too many possible visitors.

Liam held the letter in his sketchbook. No one would look there. He handed Leo the letter. "Your Dad left this in a book in the Library. We thought you should read it."

Leo read it carefully as Brooklynn looked over his shoulder. These were their Dad's last words. However, Brooklynn read up to a point and glared at Isla. " 'She is involved in this more than you know?' " She quoted with building anger. "You had something to do with this?!" She lashed out.

"Brooklynn, No! I don't even know how or why!" Isla defended herself.

Brooklynn stormed up to her, "He said you had something to do with this! Dad wouldn't lie! Traitor!"

Liam stepped up and put an arm in front of Isla, "Back off, Brooklynn! That's NOT what Julius meant. You can't play the blame game. He said to bring her with us. Whoever IS responsible for this needs Isla to complete his or her plan. Isla wouldn't willingly help the enemy."

"Yeah, he probably meant we kidnap her so she can't report to her boss!" Brooklynn accused. "Just because you like her, Liam, it doesn't mean she's good news."

Isla crossed her arms, "Just because you've lost someone doesn't mean you have an excuse to blame the first person you can think of. It won't bring him back."

Liam stood his ground and spoke up, "Think, Brooklynn! If you read the entire letter he mentions protecting her. You don't protect your enemy."

Brooklynn shook her head, "That doesn't mean it isn't HER fault for Dad dying! If they didn't need her, Dad would be alive." She fought tears.

Liam glared daggers at her, "Cut it out, Brooklynn! It's not her fault. Leave it alone."

Isla backed up, "Levi needs to know what's goin' on. I'll just go tell him, it'll spread the word faster. She muttered giving Liam a "Leave it be" look and walked out, closing the door behind her.

"Isla…" Liam tried to page her, before she left, but failed in his attempt. He turned back to Brooklynn. "I hope you think you're smart."

He readied to follow after Isla, but Leo spoke up keeping him there, "Brooks, it's 'someones'. It's time. We need to tell them."

"What's 'someones'?" Liam questioned.

Brooklynn rolled her eyes, "You mean, who's."

"Who's 'Someones'?" Liam fought the urge to roll his eyes.

Leo elucidated, "'Someones' are… is … are two people Brooklynn and I know. They're our.. Suitors of sorts. Taylor and Amari. They're elves. On a trip to Silvestria with Dad three years ago we met them. Taylor is Brooklynn's boyfriend. And Amari is my girlfriend. We've been going around in secret."

Liam couldn't believe it, "You guys have been dating?"

Brooklynn shook her head, "No, we're not dating. Leo and I are family, that's gross."

"Yeah, that is disgusting. That's not what I was saying. I'm surprised you guys are dating people. I had no idea."

"Duh. That's the point of dating in secret."

Liam's face dulled and he grabbed the door handle. "I'm gonna find Isla." And he walked out without another word.

Meanwhile, Isla searched for Levi through the castle, while she tried to reassure herself. She didn't need another scolding from him about being emotional.

"It's fine. Just because she said it doesn't mean… Nope, she's right if I am a target then I probably am the reason Julius is dead. She has a good reason to hate me." She crossed her arms and stopped in one of the halls as she stared out the large window. Nothing but acres of land and forests lied as far as the eye could see.

Suddenly she found herself homesick. At least, back at home she knew how people felt about her. She only had to fend for herself and most importantly it was never a question if someone didn't care. She knew they didn't. She never pleased anyone so she never tried… anymore. There was the kid Zander, she'd helped, but it was hardly pleasing.

But now the more she thought about her life in the SilverLight Village, the less homesick she felt. She had something here. Some people here cared about her. At the top of the list was Liam then keeping close behind Jonathan was second. It was amazing how much Liam had been there for her.

She'd never believed he ever would, but he was and she wouldn't change it for the world.

Liam was amazing. He was so sweet and gentle with her, but at the same time he was firm enough to withstand her pushing him away. He wouldn't hesitate to tell her when she was wrong. His number one argument was that he said she was beautiful.

Frankly, Isla didn't see it. Yet, he'd argue to the moon and back until she'd relent and stop arguing. What was beautiful about her? Her hair was a rat's nest half the time. It was curly and got frizzy easily. Her eyes were… Well, there wasn't much to say about her eyes.

She didn't see what he did, but it still made her try to see herself differently. If he thought she was pretty, maybe there was a chance she was.

"Isla?" A voice pulled her from her thoughts.

"Uncle Everett. Hey, I was lookin' for Uncle Levi, have you seen him?" Isla greeted the voice.

Everett nodded with annoyance, "Yes, I do. He's busy at the moment. Perhaps I could send him a message. Tell him for you." He offered.

"Thanks, Uncle Everett, but no offense, I kinda would like to tell him myself. You know without an argument, again, no offense." Isla cordially denied.

Everett smiled sympathetically, "I see."

Isla hung her head and looked out the window once more. "Thanks, anyway." She thanked and readied to walk past him.

Everett noticed her stature and wanted to help her. He didn't know how, but he was gonna try. "Isla."

Isla stopped and looked at him.

"If your uncle and I do go our different ways, you know you're welcome to stay with either one of us. You don't have to stay here where dead bodies are found by the one that governs them. You could stay with me and not worry about any problems. You can be with the one person that cares about you." Everett suggested, almost making the offer tempting for Isla to take. But she quickly shot the idea down, she was best here and nowhere else. Whether or not Everett were to move.

He glanced at her hand and worried.

"Uncle Everett, how did you know about the dead bodies? It's only been one in the month you've been here." Isla inquired curiously.

"Human's gossip, Isla. No one truly lets anythin' go. What happened to your hand?"

That reminded Isla of the fact that elves were just as bad. They'd spread rumors all the time. "Right. It's just a papercut. I was readin' in the Library and I got one. Everyone gets them at some point in their life. It's fine. It doesn't even hurt." She informed, but noticed him staring intensely at it. "Um.. Uncle Everett, You okay?"

As if snapped out of it, Everett looked back to her face. "Yes, but I should clean that up for you."

Isla's left brow sunk to her eyelid. That was odd. He never did stuff like that. "Why? It's not even bleedin'. It's fine. I told you it doesn't hurt. Why are you so concerned over a papercut?"

Everett relented, "Sorry, but it's just that I'm concerned for you. You must be goin' through a lot. I want to let you know, from now on I'm here for you."

Isla smiled. He wanted to be there for her. He did care. "Thanks. And Uncle Everett?" She requested.

Everett replied, "Yes, Isla?"

"Do you think I'm beautiful?" She asked.

After a moment, Everett smiled, "Yes, I do."


Liam looked for Levi. He knew that if he found him, he'd find Isla.

After asking around a bit, Liam found him in the Castle's second courtyard. Of course, he'd be in a courtyard. The guy was almost always training. One would think he was planning on going to war.

Liam looked around, but couldn't spot Isla. He wished he didn't have to talk to him, but if it helped him find Isla, he had to.

He walked up to him, steering cautiously clear of Levi's blade. "Lord Levi, Sir!" He paged him, relieved that he didn't lose his head in the process.

Levi paused and put his blade away. He surprisingly didn't look angry or annoyed at him. "Yes, Prince Liam?" He replied.

Liam brought a hand to his own neck, rubbing it nervously. "Uh.. Do you know where Isla is? Did she tell you where she was going?" He was just about ready for some sort of complaint about his asking of Isla's whereabouts.

Levi raised an eyebrow, "No, why would I know where she is? I have not seen her since the funeral." He asked.

Liam looked at him with confusion, "She didn't come to tell you?"

"No, tell me what?"

"Well, she said she was going to tell you. I thought she'd be here, you know, telling you."

Levi now looked confused, "I have not seen her. I assumed she was with you or the little one going about royal events, duties or playing as she regularly is."

Liam shrugged, "Brooklynn… ticked her off. So she left to talk to you about something."

Levi shook his head, "She is alone? She hurt her, correct? She did not 'tick' her off." He guessed without question.

Liam was having just about enough of this "She-Can't-Cry'' nonsense. "Look, she's still living. You can't make her put her emotions on hold. She's been through enough without adding the inability to show her emotions to it. That's not fair for her. She doesn't deserve that. You- You're controlling her. She should have the ability to choose how she wants to live her life. She should be able to choose it, not have the choice made for her!"

Levi looked around, then said, "Sit down."

"Wait… why?" Liam questioned, not sitting until he knew.

Levi explained in a low tone of voice, almost growling, "These rules are made for her own good. You cannot begin to understand how much danger she could be in if she lets her emotions cloud her judgment. You must be willing to do what needs to be done, saddening or not. You are not helping her if you're telling her to go around like a sap, weeping about the dead."

"You were the one adopted into Finlay's family, weren't you? Everett is her biological uncle, isn't he? That's why it doesn't upset you."

Levi nodded.

"I understand your point contrary to your belief, but she still needs the ability to let out grief. You're not helping her if you don't let her get out her emotions. If she keeps this up, it will destroy her in the long run. You are hurting her. She feels like she's always wrong, because you are always scolding her. You should let her grieve, and be who she is. Being mindful of her judgment is fine, but you're taking it too far. She needs to get out her grief somehow, and I'm gonna be here for her whenever she needs me. I'm gonna be here when she needs to cry." Liam held back from raising his voice with determination. He stood and looked at him. "I'm going to find her." With that he walked away.

"Everett did not grieve, either." Levi pointed out. "But not for my reasoning."

Liam had stopped then walked away. That was when he saw Jonathan running up to him. Liam knelt and hugged him, "Hey, Jon, How was spending time with Dad?"

Jonathan smiled, "He's okay. Can we get Iswa so we can pway?"

Liam grinned, "Well, her duties have been done early so sure. I was just looking for her. I don't suppose you've seen her."

Jon beamed, and nodded, "She's tawking wif Mistew Efewett!" He exclaimed.

"She is? Good detective work, Doctor Jonathan." Liam cheered and Jonathan giggled.

Levi stood up, "Prince Liam!" He approached him. "You must get her! Do not leave her alone!" He ordered urgently.

"I'm not. Jonathan and I are going to get her. Why?" Liam asked, not understanding his point.

"Everett is a Scath. I do not expect you to understand what that is, but trust me when I tell you he is not there to spend quality time with her."