
Betrothal's Price

A Human Prince and an Elven Lady are betrothed since childhood to marry and unite two warring countries. However the arrangement does not exactly go according to plan when neither child can seem to get along with one another. Meanwhile, suspicions among the inhabitants of the castle rise when members of the Human monarchy mysteriously die off. Now at 17 years of age the Prince and Lady piece together events to reveal a conspiracy in the castle threatening to destroy both lands.

EmilyAery · Fantasie
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41 Chs

Chapter 14: Just Us

Isla looked from one side to another, "I suppose we did. He has some pretty good advice and other news he heard from Uncle Everett. Why- why does he bother you so much?"

"B-bother me? Why- why would he bother me? I didn't say- he doesn't bother me." Liam excused.

"Now, who's lyin'?" Isla crossed her arms. "You seemed pretty bothered when you mentioned his name. And when you mentioned the fact that he knew where I was. I thought you two were friends."

"We are- we are. I'm not bothered by him. I just- you two were flirting when you first met and- and- and Brooklynn was.. Uh.. concerned for.."

Isla shook her head disapprovingly, "You're a terrible liar. For your information, we weren't flirtin'. It was playful banter. There was no intention behind it. But you were bothered. He seemed like the kind of person that is secretly taken or somethin' like that. Why? Are you jealous?" She smirked, placing a hand on her hip.

"No- No! No of-of course not. W-w-why would I be jealous? It was playful, and I knew it was. I was just making sure."

"I don't know, you tell me." Isla giggled.

"Uh- I- I'm not jealous, just- just curious. But um.. I wanted to ask you something. Brooklynn asked me something and told me to ask you."

"Okay, shoot."

Liam relayed the information Brooklynn had given him, interrupted by a few more calls to Isla's name.

Isla brought a finger to her chin. "That's odd, but I recognize that description. Uncle Levi has told me stories about them. They're called Tenebris Dryadalis or for short, Scaths. They're said to be dark elves that infect any livin' bein' in its wake. Then it spreads like a sickness. Once one is infected, it rids the host's original form only projectin' it when in public turnin' that host into one of its own. After one is infected, that one spreads it. It infects someone else and it goes on. Scaths are ruthless and deceptive. You never know if someone is infected until you're one of them. Levi says some use alchemy to give 'powers'. You're sure that's what Leo saw?"

Liam pursed his lips, "To be honest, Leo told Brooklynn and Brooklynn told me."

"Oh." Isla nodded in understanding. "You know what this means. If that is what Leo saw, this won't be pretty. For the safety of Petra, let's hope he was just havin' a bad dream. We'll need to keep an eye out and be careful. If the wrong person finds out, this whole kingdom is sunk. Be careful who you trust, Liam. Only tell Brooklynn and Leo, no one else."

Liam nodded and Isla was called again.

"I'm comin'!" She called back. "That's Uncle Everett. I should…" She looked back.

Liam smiled with his arms open, "Am I allowed or.." He put his arms down.

Isla wrapped her arms around his neck. "Yeah. Thanks, Liam." Her hand brushed through the back of Liam's hair. "No more secrets. No more sorries. I'll do my best."

Liam grinned wide, putting his arms around her. "You're welcome, Isl, your best is enough, just so you know. I'm here to help you, not whine about you."

They pulled away and Isla left to see Everett.


Liam told Brooklynn about Isla's concerning reply. And Brooklynn went searching all over the castle for Leo to tell him the news.

Finally, she found him walking out of the Throne Room sullen.

"Hey, Leo-Lion! You wouldn't be– Leo? What's wrong?" She quickly noticed the sullen look on his face.

Leo's lip quivered, "It's Dad." His eyes watered. "He's gone."