
Betrayed By My Comrade

"Betrayed by my comrade" is a fictional tale that explores the concept of betrayal and its power to transform a person's outlook on life. The story revolves around a young assassin named Christie, who was taken from his home and trained to be a ruthless killer. He spent years performing his duties without question or remorse, until one day when he suddenly regains his memory. He soon realized the atrocities his actions had caused, and he begins to question the morality of his life. Despite his reservations, Christie is determined to redeem himself and put an end to the organization that turned him into a killing machine. He allies himself with other rebels, including his best friend, Sam, and together they begin to plan their rebellion. They succeeded but he was ploted against by the world and betrayed by his right hand man. Becoming a fugitive. will he be able to redeem himself and prove his innocence??

Chrisy_Garry · Urban
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21 Chs

Unlocking the limiter

During these few weeks Troy, kay and Sid seems to have getting along better though there seem to be some kind of competition between Kay and Sid which make them unable to get along together extremely well.

They just decide to be on talking terms due to Troy's influence.

The three sat down behind a long table as they were all discussing about what they've learn so far.

"So, what did you guys learn today?" Troy asked the duo while having his hands on his cheeks.

"Nothing serious, it's just the same thing we've been doing for the past two weeks and it's now getting super boring to me" said Kay lazily.

"Is it so?" Troy ask Sid, not minding kay's tone.

"That's true but I seems to be getting some weird feelings whenever I'm meditating privately these days" Sid said while looking at the other two seriously.

"What feeling is that? Is it something dangerous or something cool?" Troy ask curiously and Kay also open his ears widely not wanting to miss out on any details of what Sid is about to say.

"Actually it's something very unique, I feel like I could see something holding and pushing me back whenever I tried to move faster beyond my abilities. It kinda weird, it's like knowing that you were being suppressed by something that doesn't want you to go beyond it" Sid explained and the duo listen attentively, trying to assimilate all what he was saying.

"Suppression" Troy said shaking his head and taking a bite off the fish that was placed in a bow on the table.

"What's up with your lesson?" Sid ask curiously. He has been very interested in whatever Troy told him about his lecture, he seems to be a huge fan of learning.

"The woman is crazy" Troy pouted his lips with a saddened expression.

"Hehehehe!" Kay gloated at Troy's misfortune and the latter just ignore him and look at the horizon.

"Why are you so downcast? You think it's a pure waste to learn about the languages and business strategies? Nah!! You seems to be making a fuse over something that is very important" Sid shrugged and picked his bowl of fish up and down the soup in it.

"Explain what you mean to us mister scholar" Kay said sarcastically and throw a ridicule gaze at Sid, the latter didn't mind his antics.

Placing his bowl down he began explaining

"You see, to be called a well trained assassin,you need to well versed in all the thing that woman is teaching you. You see those languages will be useful when you were on a mission to another country who speaks different languages, when you can speak like them it makes your faked identity tailored made for you. Secondly, business strategies will be useful when you were asked to take on an identity of a business man"

Sid explained all the usefulness of the things and Troy just nodded his head boringly, he seems not to impress while Kay on the other hand didn't care about it at all.

"Time up"

The Rookies hearing the yelling of the man find their way out of the dining, each going back to his room.

"See you some other time. Tomorrow probably" Sid said as he parted with the duo and went on his way to his own room.

"That guy can bull shit from now till tomorrow" Kay said immediately he noticed that Sid had walk away from their field of vision.

"He's right and that is where he's better than you and me" Troy said nonchalantly and walk towards their room and Kay followed asking

"How is that call being better? He's just finding pleasure in some meaningless things"

He was filled with jealousy deep inside because the praise Troy give out was not given to him.

"He's better because he can see far ahead into the future. What about when we achieve supreme power and lack the true knowledge, then we wouldn't be able to reach the top in this organization. We will just be use and latter dumped" Troy said simply now opening the door to their room.

Kay on hearing his last sentence was drenched in cold sweat.

"We will become useless after passing our prime. After all their are so many who can kill" Kay said and Troy nodded.

"So, in other to be the ultimate, we need to learn this things when we still have the potential" said Troy as he lay on his bed and Kay did the same.

"AI can you transmit all the things i've learn to Kay's AI?" He asked and the AI confirmed that it can do the job.

"Great, send the database to him as soon as possible"

"Roger!! Answered the AI.


"Now today will be the final day I will be teaching you anything about limiter" said scabbard who was standing in front of the Rookies with his two sharp swords laying on his back ready to be sheathed anytime.

"Now you all should close your eyes and use your fifth sense which you've all develop to sense the air around you" He said closing his eyes and making a circular motion with his hands disturbing the flow of air in the process.

"Let your concentration be on that thing that seems to be suppressing you" his voice enter into the Rookies mind, repeating itself and guiding their fifth sense towards the limiter holding each and every one of them back.

"Suppression" Sid muttered and open his hazel eyes which shine brightly immediately it was opened.

"So that's it" another rookies said from the back as he also grasped the full concept.

All the Rookies were opening their eyes one by one until it remain Kay only.

He was sitting down and the wind around him seems to be twirling viciously without him knowing anything that was happening outside.

"When you're ordinary you are doomed, you need to be strong in other to break free from suppression" Troy's words which he has spoken to Kay long time ago rang in his kind and he smirked.

"So that is it, I refuse to be suppressed!! Kay shouted loudly as he open his eyes and looked around with great heroism.

"What a good kid" scabbard clicked his tongue as he clapped his hand applauding Kay.