
Beta Testing the Apocalypse

MC accidentally gets shot in the head and ends up meeting a being known as a Transdimensional Fairy. After forging an agreement, he is sent to a localized world in Purgatoria to become a Beta Tester for humanity's upcoming apocalypse. His objective is to conquer a Tower of unknown height and to aid him in his journey, he ends up summoning various characters from his memories, the first being Mordred Pendragon from the Fate Series.

Einlion · Anime und Comics
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91 Chs

Chapter 047

Though he had no idea what the setting of the Fourth Floor was, a bit of experimentation revealed that the Zombies, known as Husks, could only be killed after being doused in salt or purified using Holy Magic. Leon had a fairly easy time dealing with them, as he could draw water from the sea, store it in his Storage, and then unleash it like a deluge, but as most of the Frontier Expedition Squad members lacked Holy Magic and weaponry, the majority remained on the Third Floor while Wil, Rosanna, and a handful of other artisans, worked on preparing effective weapons.

Fortunately, while exploration of the Fourth Floor was slow, and the drops were terrible, it was a veritable treasure trove in recyclable materials and technology. Bulma, in particular, was having a field day, having Leon bring back pretty much anything he could fit into his Storage. Mordred wasn't too happy about her using him like a gofer, but as he had failed to acquire the necessary crystals to honor their agreement, Leon didn't mind running a few errands to substitute what he owed...




"Mind repeating that...?" asked Leon, gently tracing his fingers around Ram's navel as she lay across his lap in his plush, leather, fur-covered armchair.

"I want you to break the spell Basuru has on my sister..." repeated Ram. "I despise how he treats her as a contingency, a mere reserve who can only receive his love if Lady Emilia permits it..."

"And how do you suggest I do that?" asked Leon, placing his palm against Ram's lower abdomen and rubbing it in tiny circles as he added, "Contrary to what my relationship with Miu might suggest, I'm not into stealing away girls who have feelings for other guys..."

"Rem feels that she owes me an unpayable debt..." revealed Ram. "If I confess to her that I'm having difficulties meeting your needs, she will approach you of her own accord to alleviate my burden..."

"That's a little callous and manipulative, don't you think...?" asked Leon.

"Then, tell me..." said Ram. "Among the memories you have of our world, is there a time and place where Basuru makes my sister happy...?"


Interpreting Leon's lengthy silence as confirmation of her beliefs, Ram's expression hardened as she stated, "Rem is the only thing I care about, no matter the world or circumstances. She has already sacrificed herself for that man once, and what did it get her? She spends hours each night venturing into the Tower alone, risking her life to finance the obsession of a man who failed to protect her and offers no solace to her yearning..."

Guiding Leon's hand to the hem of her white, red-ribboned panties and into them, Ram's expression remained unchanged as she added, "Also...if we make it truth, I won't be lying to her. I would gladly relinquish my body and soul if it would free Rem from the torment she's forced to endure as a result of that man's egocentric fixation on a woman who doesn't even love him back..."


Though he tentatively slipped his middle finger between Ram's folds and began probing the entrance to her pussy, Leon still had misgivings about accepting her request. Subaru wasn't a paragon by any means, but Leon felt that once he reached the end of his journey, he would have probably made good on his promise and taken Rem as his second wife or mistress. Unfortunately, as a result of his failures while looping, Ram's affection for her sister gets redirected to a man she's supposed to hate, causing her to sincerely fall in love with him despite the fact he allowed her village to be wiped out and basically groomed her and her sister from childhood.

As his finger began to slide in and out of Ram's pussy, Leon gave a curt nod and said, "Fine. Subaru will probably hate me for it, but I'll lend you my assistance. My only stipulation is that we'll call the whole thing off if your sister is noticeably troubled or reticent. I'm many things, but I'm not the kind of guy that would force himself on someone unwilling..."

"Back in our world, it was 'expected' that a Maid would provide certain services to her Master or his guests," replied Ram. "My agreement with our former Master prevented Rem from having to perform such acts, but she is aware and has 'rehearsed' them on many occasions. That's how I know that if she experiences the pleasures of a woman, she will become disillusioned with Basuru..."

"I'll take your word for it..." said Leon. Then, though Ram's breasts were nowhere near the size he preferred, he bent down, nudged her somewhat unnecessary lace bra out of the way with his nose, and began sucking her soft pink nipple. What followed was a fairly intense session of lovemaking, but since they were supposed to be making it 'difficult' for her, Leon gave it his all to get the ice-cold woman to melt...



"I'm going to ask one final time...are you absolutely sure about this...?" asked Leon, tapping his cock against Rem's sopping wet pussy as Ram sat atop her pushed-up legs, basically pinning her to the bed.

"It is my pleasure to be of service..." replied Rem panting heavily as she used her fingers to spread her ass. She had requested they not use her pussy, but she seemed borderline 'enthusiastic' to be able to service him with her ass.

"Well, here goes..." said Leon, sinking his cock into Rem's ass, causing her to tremble and twitch as a sensual "Hwaaaaa~" emanated from her throat, compelling Ram to look back at him with a somewhat helpless smile and a look that conveyed, 'See what I mean?'

Returning a nod, Leon began to move his hips slowly and deliberately so as not to damage Rem's ass as he rubbed her slit and stimulated her clit. Vaginal sex was off the table, but since he was supposed to be showing her how 'difficult' Ram had it, he had spent a solid half-hour fingering her pussy and peppering her shoulders with kisses before they finally moved on to the main event.


Though she wanted to ask Leon to please not tease her ass and pussy at the same time, Rem was foiled by Ram adjusting her position and putting more weight onto her legs, bringing her pussy right in front of her sister's face and mouth. The already deep flush on Rem's face became even more notable, but instead of protesting, she closed her eyes, placed her hands on Ram's outer thighs, and began licking her sister's slightly swollen and dripping wet pussy as if to try and comfort it.

"Thank you..." muttered Ram, her words intended for both Leon and Rem as she placed her hands on the latter's head and lowered her hips even further, enabling her blue-haired twin to lick the interior of her pussy, not just the outside. As for Leon, he focused on maintaining a steady pace so that Rem would have an easier time. He found it curious when they both climaxed at the exact same time, but as it was the perfect opportunity, he focused on fingering Rem's pussy so she would gradually get used to him sticking things inside.

Waiting until the girls were coming out of their climax, Leon relieved some of the pressure on Rem by grabbing Ram's hips and saying, "Move back a bit..." as he guided the duo's drenched pussies to overlap. Then, removing his cock from Rem's ass, he caused her to feel slightly panicked as he slid it along her slit.

"Don't worry," said Leon, softly assuring, "I'm a man of my word..." as he began thrusting between the duo's squished-together pussies, something he had always wanted to try. The angle of his dick and Rem's body nearly resulted in him slipping inside her a few times, but since that would likely aid in their endeavor, Leon waited until their pussies began twitching in concert before shoving his dick into the pink-haired older sister. Then, as Rem watched on with an anxious and slightly troubled look, he focused on fucking Ram on top of her.

Realizing Leon's intentions, Ram played along by panting heavily and even allowing a bit of drool to trickle from her lips as she gazed into her sister's eyes, their faces separated by fewer than ten centimeters. Her pussy was sore from the pounding Leon had given her earlier, but she made sure her expression was as slovenly as possible to show that, while it could hurt at times, sex felt amazing...

Feeling a little neglected, Rem began rubbing her pussy before slipping two of her fingers inside. Unfortunately, they were too short and slender to reach the places that required relief. As such, she could only rub her clit while feeling...envious of the pleasure her older sister seemed to be enjoying.

'Why is it always her...?' Rem asked herself, her deeply ingrained feelings of inferiority toward her sister rearing its ugly head. She had thought she had finally gotten an edge on Ram by finding a boy she liked and having her breasts develop more quickly, but looking at their positions now, Rem realized that she was, once again, far behind her beautiful and mature big sister...

After releasing a load of what was effectively a sweetened, slightly viscous saline solution deep into Ram's convulsing pussy, Leon exhaled a contented sigh, gave her ass a light smack, and stated, "That was great..." before pulling out. Rem immediately used her fingers to respread her ass, but instead of sticking his dick inside, Leon awkwardly scratched the back of his head and commented, "Sorry, Rem. I thought it would be interesting to try something new, but I guess I'm just not into anal."

"But...but I..."

Unsure of what to say, Rem's words trailed off before she could form a complete sentence. However, the straw that broke the camel's back was Ram gently caressing her cheek, an apologetic smile adorning her face as she said, "Sorry, Rem...you don't need to help me anymore. I'll see if Ms. Oshitari or someone else can lend me a hand..."

"No..." muttered Rem, tears building in the corners of her watery blue eyes as she stated, "Onee-sama and I are twins...anything you can do, I should be able to do..."

Though Leon felt a pang of guilt seeing Rem fall so thoroughly into Ram's trap, he didn't hesitate when she moved her faintly trembling fingers from her ass to her pussy, spreading it wide as she expressed, "Being a Maid is the only thing I've ever been the best at...I won't let Onee-sama take that away from me..."

Positioning his dick at Rem's entrance, Leon gave her a few seconds to reconsider as he moistened his glans between her vulva. Unfortunately, Ram didn't afford her the opportunity, as she combed aside Rem's bangs, her expression and tone filled with tenderness as she whispered, "You're all grown up..."

Interpreting those words as the signal to begin, Leon slowly sank his dick into Rem's well-prepared pussy, causing her to exhale a sensual, mewling sigh. She was still a virgin before his entry, but since she had 'practiced' quite a bit, there was no notable pain or blood, causing her to feel a mix of shame and embarrassment.

Deciding to reward Rem's resolution and hopefully ensure she wouldn't feel regret the moment things calmed down, Leon pandered to her ego by triggering his ejaculation the moment he reached the depths of her pussy, causing it to clench around him. He might have laid it on a little heavy by exhaling loudly, shuddering, and whispering, "Amazing..." in an awe-filled tone, but judging by how Rem's pussy twitched and convulsed, she really enjoyed hearing his 'inadvertent' praise.

Using that timing to get off her sister, forcing Rem to face the reality she had just given her virginity to someone other than Subaru, Ram grabbed and squeezed the former's hand, whispering, "Thank you, Rem..." before closing her eyes and pretending to fall asleep. Rem felt exposed without her sister as a shield, but when she saw the extremely gratified look on Leon's face, head tilted back, eyes closed, and mouth hanging open as if he were in a state of euphoria, a faint smile invariably found its way to her lips as she lowered her slightly sore legs, relaxing them into an m-pose as she extended her arms silently.

Noticing Rem's actions, ostensibly encouraging him to settle into her embrace, Leon readily complied, allowing her to direct his mouth to her left breast before keeping him there with a hug. Then, so as not to 'wake' her sister, they made slow and gentle love until Leon genuinely lost track of time...




(A/N: 232976)