
"am i crazy??''

Hey ! My name is seul gi , i am 17 years old and i have a bestfriend named Jun Hyun-Shik also known as JH. We were bestfriends since 9 years old and we still are just as close as we were last time. We would eat together, hangout together, go school and go back home together and we are even neighbours. But what JH does not know is that i have a crush on him. I was always fearful of the thought that if i told him i liked him our friendship would be over. Without him my life would have been a complete mess. I even helped JH when he was being bullied and we have always loved each other as friends since then. But everytime in class , i just cant help but look at him and imagine that he is my boyfriend. We sit together in class and i just cannot let go of the feelings i have. Usually i would not really take the things he do for me such a big deal but now everytime he buys for me a drink or even the slightest things like smile at me, i would blush like a physco.

"am i crazy ?"

JH is one of the really popular kids in school and eventhough i am not as popular as him, he doesn't act like as if he does not know me when popular girls approache him or when he is with his friends. He always makes time for me.

"how am i even going to tell him that i like him???''

" i should prepare myself for my death''

Helloo everyone !! so this is my first ever novel and this is the first chapter! more chapters and novels coming in your way !! hope you enjoy this novel and stay tuned for chapter 2 !!

aaaaassssshhhhhcreators' thoughts