
Berserker Ruth

Lee minho is a boy whose life has been nothing but torture, ever since he was born with a weak body. After 7 years his parents died in a car accident and he was left alone, when he started thinking it couldn’t get any worse he found himself in a forest full of dangerous monsters. Now it’s time for his comeback as a powerful being

Oto_asana · Fantasie
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4 Chs

Chapter 4: Fen’s evolution

If anyone is confused about the name Berserker Ruth,

It is not a technical error or something

You will understand why it is named after 15 chapters

Well it's probably a good idea to take him to the base, there he will be safe from monster attacks and should be able to evolve without problems

When he finished taking care of Fen, he stayed there, in case something happened, but he sat idly doing nothing, he was learning how to control mana

He knew from the novels that mana was overpowered energy that appears in fantasy worlds

But fortunately for him, he was in that fantasy world and he had mana too

He tried chanting things from novels that he read


But nothing happened, he continued chanting things from novels, hoping it would work


'ice spike'

'earth shield'




He tried everything that he could remember but nothing worked

Then he tried remembering the sensation of mana when he leveled up

He deduced that the mana was close to the stomach and tried feeling it

Nothing happened

He wanted to feel the sensation of mana filling his body again and exchanged 1 extra stat for mana

He felt mana flowing into his body and going toward his stomach

He tried controlling the flow but it was without effect

He exchanged 1 one more extra stat and tried it again

He felt the flow stopping for a second and then went towards his stomach again

He knew that this method was working and tried again

After 3 more tries, he succeeded in controlling mana and was able to make his muscles strengthen with mana reinforcing it

He exchanged 5 extra stats for this to work but did not get the ability he was waiting for

It was simple strengthening but it was still useful for him and maybe he could do it, after mastering the magic and mana

After he tried controlling the flow of mana again, he suddenly gained a skill


"You have obtained the skill: Mana control(C)

Surprised by this, he checked the skill

Mana control(C)

It helps you control the flow of mana and doubles its efficiency

It will be a useful skill for me if I master the mana

While he was trying to control the mana and checking the skill few hours passed and Fen's evolution rate reached 5%, he tried waiting for Fens evolution to end but, it was going slow and he couldn't sit idly for days here, so he wrapped Fen in wolf's fur and left to check on a trap (hole), to see If monsters fell for it

Unfortunately, there was no one stupid enough to fall into a hole, even he thought of his hole as useless.

But what if I disguise it as a ground, making a small net made with sticks and then adding leaves on the surface to make them think it's just a bunch of leaves will work, at least better than this huge hole

After a few hours of work, he made it, but he wasn't sure of its effect

After that he returned back and checked on Fen, his evolution has risen to 8%, he also noticed that Fen's status window showed that he was hungry and put a few jerkies in his mouth, after all, he didn't know how to give him food

The ability to get his partner's feelings was acquired after he got partner title, he always knew how Fen feels

He then got to making weapons, but, the last few days, he kind of forgot it and didn't make any progress on leveling the craftsmanship skill

4 days have gone by, and Fens evolution rate reached 95%, during this period I was trying not to get far from Fen for long periods, so I haven't hunted the monsters, I did encounter a few wolves but, they were not enough to make me level up, but I did level up craftsmanship skill, it finally is a level 2, now I can make small sharp objects and the edge is swifter than before

I made a few small throwing knives from the stone, its sharpness is good enough to kill a wolf in a 1 strike

I continued making various things for daily things to better my craftsmanship skills, but it was mostly waste of a time, in truth I was waiting for Fen's evolution to end

After a few hours of wasting time on useless things, it finally happened

Fen's evolution ended, and it seems that he grew in size too, I didn't notice it when he was lying down but he grew in size, and now he was finally the size of an adult wolf, Fen also evolved from normal wolf to tempest wolf but he was still level 1

Name: Fen

Race: Tempest wolf

Level: 1


Age:0 (2 months old)

Strength: 3


Stamina: 4

Intelligence: 2

Vitality: 20/20

Mana: 0

Extra stats: 0




It seems that his stats increased too, now he will be able to fight together with me

It isn't getting dark soon so maybe I should test Fen's powers and check how much mana can strengthen me

On the way, they bypassed the trap(hole) to see If anyone was stupid enough to fall

Unfortunately, it was empty and Minho and Fen went on their way to search for the pray

Of course, they did not delve deeper into the woods because Minho knew that the deeper you go into the forest, the more dangerous it becomes.

After a long search, they found their prey, it was 3 goblins, for him it was an easy pray but he was not sure if Fen could handle them alone

Minho noticed the sudden outburst of Fen, he suddenly started grinning and charged suddenly

He felt the hate Fen had toward goblins, after all, they killed his parents

Fen charged ahead and started attacking the goblins, With the surprise element, Fen had the upper hand in this battle but goblins were still overpowering him with numbers

After careful analysis, Minho grasped his partner's strength and then joined the battle

With his help, the battle ended quickly and both got out without an injury

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