
Berserker's Overhaul

In a world ravaged by the devastating Phantom disease, the ambitious mad scientists of a secret organization conduct cutting-edge tests to find a cure. But their experiments backfire, unleashing a menacing phantom virus that spreads rapidly. As chaos ensues, a fearsome figure known as The Berserker emerges, notorious for his villainous acts. Unexpectedly, he becomes the guardian of the highest-ranking healer, adding a twist to the story. Now, the fate of the world rests on the shoulders of this conflicted character. Will he succumb to his dark desires or embrace his role as the savior? The lines between hero and villain blur, making for an epic battle of good and evil, with the entire world hanging in the balance.

The_Gr8est_Idol · Fantasie
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

[Dear Chihiro,

On behalf of Overhaul University, I am delighted to extend you our warmest congratulations on your acceptance to our esteemed institution. We are thrilled to have you join our diverse and vibrant community of learners, where you will have endless opportunities for personal and academic growth.

Your dedication and hard work has not gone unnoticed. We were impressed by your achievements and the passion you brought to the arena during the tournament. At Overhaul University, we strive to provide an exceptional educational experience that equips students like you with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in the ever-evolving world of heroes.

Our faculty, renowned for their expertise and commitment to teaching, are excited to guide you on your academic journey. With state-of-the-art facilities and a curriculum designed to foster critical thinking, innovation, and collaboration, we are confident that you will thrive in our learning environment.

Moreover, we understand that becoming a Berserker holds a special place in your heart. As you step foot on our campus, you will find yourself immersed in the rich culture, intellectual stimulation, and countless opportunities that this vibrant city has to offer. We believe that this unique setting will enhance your university experience, allowing you to grow not only as a student but also as the Berserker you aspire to become.

At Overhaul University, we value the exchange of ideas and the power of diversity. We encourage you to embrace the chance to connect with fellow students from different backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences. The friendships you form here will last a lifetime, and the collaborations you engage in will shape your future.

Again, congratulations on your admission to Overhaul University. We are excited to have you as part of our community and cannot wait to witness the incredible accomplishments you will achieve during your time with us. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need any assistance as you prepare for this exciting new chapter in your life.

We look forward to welcoming you to Overhaul University and celebrating your success.

Warm regards,

Tokita Himuro,


Overhaul University.]

I had been granted admission to Overhaul University. Considering the immense effort I invested in preparing for the examination, the acceptance wasn't entirely unexpected.

I was upstairs, and my brother was in his room on the ground floor. I was so hyped to tell him the exciting news. Without a second thought, I sprinted down the stairs, taking them two at a time. I dashed through the corridors, weaving past people and dodging obstacles.

Tsuneo, fully focused, intense look on his face, working on his special-grade military gun. He was in the zone, delicately implanting a chip into it. But I couldn't contain my excitement. I burst into the room like a whirlwind and blurted out, "Tsuneo, you won't believe it! I got the admission!" His concentration shattered, and he looked at me with a mix of surprise and annoyance. But I couldn't help myself. I had to share the news with him. I was just too thrilled to care about interrupting his gun-modding. Tsuneo's eyes widened after he processed the information I had given him, and he couldn't help but join in on the celebration.

About what I mentioned earlier with Tsuneo implanting a chip in his gun, he joined the army a long time ago. After serving for years, he finally came home with a whole arsenal of supercool high-tech gadgets, ammunitions, and uniforms. He had these futuristic gadgets that could do all sorts of mind-blowing things, from night vision goggles to advanced communication devices. And don't even get me started on the weapons! Tsuneo often showed me these sleek, state-of-the-art firearms that were straight out of a video game. It was mind-boggling how far technology had come. As for the uniforms, they were next level. Made from high-performance materials, they were designed to enhance mobility and provide top-notch protection. Tsuneo looked like a total badass! We usually spent hours geeking out over the gadgets, trying on the uniforms (just for fun, of course), and imagining all the cool missions he must have been a part of.

Still bursting with excitement, I couldn't contain myself. I sprinted out of Tsuneo's room, racing through the hallways of our house once again. My heart was pounding, my feet barely touching the ground with a grin on my face stretching from ear to ear. I burst into the living room, where Mom was peacefully sipping her tea.

With a grin that could rival the sun, I eagerly approached Mom, practically bursting with excitement. I couldn't wait to show her the admission letter that held my dreams coming true. As I handed it to her, her eyes widened, and the cup slipped from her hands, but she quickly recovered and pulled me into a tight hug.

"Congrats, my dear!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine awe. It was a mix of surprise, pride, and pure elation. "I had no idea they had started sending out admissions!"

You know what? She made a really good point. I mean, it totally caught me off guard too. Only two days after the tournament and bam, admission letters were already being handed out! It felt like time was on hyperdrive or something. But hey, I'm not complaining! It's just that it seemed a little early.

So, there I was, bursting with incredible news, but with my dad out of the house, I couldn't share it in that moment. The excitement lingered within me, like a vibrant energy waiting to be released. Determined to make the most of the situation, I made my way to my room, a place filled with memories and dreams. As I grabbed my boxes, the anticipation grew stronger, tinged with a touch of nervousness. With each item I carefully selected and packed, my mind danced with thoughts of the upcoming school year. Rummaging through my closet, my fingers brushed against forgotten treasures, reminding me of cherished moments. It was a delightful mix of nostalgia and preparation. I meticulously checked and rechecked, ensuring that I hadn't forgotten a single essential item. The room was filled with a sense of purpose, as every item I placed in the box brought me closer to the adventure that awaited. It was a moment of quiet contemplation, as I reflected on the past and eagerly looked towards the future.

I'm in the middle of packing up all my stuff, getting ready for school and feeling pretty productive. But then, out of nowhere, the ground beneath me starts shaking like crazy. It's like a full-on earthquake or something wild like that. The whole atmosphere around me just instantly changes. The air becomes thick and heavy, almost as if it's holding its breath. And when I look up, the sky has this dark, ominous cloud cover. It's like Mother Nature's about to unleash a massive storm, with rain pouring down like there's no tomorrow. Just when I was trying to get everything organized, the universe decides to throw me a curveball.

I suddenly hear these piercing screams filling the air, and people start running in all directions. It was pure chaos! After a few nerve-wracking minutes, when the ground finally stopped shaking to some extent, I cautiously decided to stick my head outside the window. I was met with a sight that completely blew my mind. There, in all its awe-inspiring glory, stood none other than "The Annihilator." I mean, imagine the sheer scale and power of that moment! It felt like being transported into an epic battle scene.

The atmosphere was charged with an unmistakable buzz of adrenaline, sending shivers down my spine. My heart was pounding so hard in my chest, I could practically feel it trying to burst out. And then, out of the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of Tsuneo, an extraordinary soldier, zipping through the chaos on his high-tech powerbike. But that's not all. As I strained my eyes to see what was happening, I noticed a group of soldiers, decked out in their gear and armed to the teeth, rushing towards the location of "The Annihilator," the notorious rogue hero causing mayhem. The scene was straight out of an intense sci-fi thriller, and I couldn't help but feel a mix of awe, exhilaration, and a hint of danger.

This is not exactly an everyday occurrence, but it's happened before. Sometimes these heroes, who were once on the right side of justice, go all rogue and wreak havoc, causing a major uproar that gets everyone on edge. It's like they want to make a big statement, like they're out to prove something. It's a serious threat, putting innocent lives at risk and sending shockwaves through the city.

Things got a little bit crazier. The city was in a state of chaos, with heroes and authorities scrambling to contain the situation. The rogue hero, known as "The Annihilator," was on a rampage, causing destruction left and right. But our soldiers didn't back down. They rallied together, determined to protect the innocent and bring justice back to the city. It was a battle filled with intense action and jaw-dropping moments. And they actually managed to subdue "The Annihilator" and restore peace once again. The cheers and applause from the grateful citizens echoed through the streets as our heroes emerged victorious. It was a moment of triumph.