
Berserk of Gluttony Complete

Sir_Smurf2 · Fantasie
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57 Chs

Eat All the Things

I HID IN THE GRASS at the edge of the Goblin Grasslands. Just a short distance

away squatted a goblin, yawning. The green-skinned monster stood about as

high as my waist, and its tattered clothes looked stolen.

The goblin hadn't noticed me. Its guard was down. I scanned the immediate

area, but the monster seemed alone. Holding my breath, I circled toward the

goblin's blind spot, where I used Identify.

Goblin Fighter, Lv 3

Vitality: 30

Strength: 40

Magic: 10

Spirit: 10

Agility: 30

Skills: Strength Boost (Low) A goblin fighter… It seemed goblins came in a

few different classes. This one's stats were much lower than mine.

Next, I used Identify on the goblin's skill.

Strength Boost (Low): Slightly increases the power of physical attacks.

The skill was a stat boost, then. If this Strength Boost was low, that meant

there were probably medium and high versions, too. I needed to start grabbing

useful skills wherever I could.

The goblin finally lost out to sleepiness and drifted into slumber. This was my


I leapt out from the grass and dashed to close in on the goblin. It awoke to the

sound of my furious footsteps and turned to face me, but it was too late. The

black sword Greed cleaved a smooth arc through the air, severing the goblin's

head from its shoulders. The goblin died before it even had a chance to cry out,

let alone fight back.

As it died, a familiar metallic voice echoed in my head.

Gluttony skill activated. Stats increased: Vitality +30, Strength +40, Magic

+10, Spirit +10, Agility +30. Skill added: Strength Boost (Low).

Yes! Just to be sure, I used Identify to analyze my stats again.

Fate Graphite, Lv 1

Vitality: 151

Strength: 191

Magic: 111

Spirit: 111

Agility: 161

Skills: Gluttony, Identify, Telepathy, Strength Boost (Low) My stats were

rising. I was getting stronger.

Greed chuckled as I stood there, lost in joy as I gazed at my stats and skills.

"Overreacting a little for a measly goblin, don't you think? If we have to do a

victory dance every time you kill such a wretch, we won't get anything done."

"Give me a break, would you? I just killed my first monster."

Maybe a "measly goblin" didn't mean anything to the other adventurers, but

until yesterday, I'd lived in honest fear of all these beasts. I felt an indescribable

new freedom now that the tables had turned.

I cut off the goblin's ears as proof I'd slain it. The kingdom rewarded anyone

who helped keep the monster population down; you exchanged proof for

money at the designated trading post. One pair of goblin ears was worth ten

copper coins, which was more than my daily gatekeeping wages. Adventuring

was dangerous, but the money was great. I tucked the goblin ears in a burlap

bag I'd brought with me. It was time for the next target.

I cautiously continued through the field until I found two goblins in a clearing.

I could tell one of them was a goblin fighter, based on the sword he carried, but

the other held only a large shield. Fortunately, I didn't need to stand around

guessing what that meant. I had Identify.

Goblin Guard, Lv 3

Vitality: 40

Strength: 20

Magic: 10

Spirit: 10

Agility: 10

Skills: Vitality Boost (Low) The goblin guard had a touch more health than

the goblin fighter and, to go with it, a low vitality-boost skill. But I figured

that, as long as I could avoid letting my attacks bounce off that shield, this

battle was mine.

I watched the two goblins from the shadows of the high grass, deciding which

to take first. At a glance, it looked like the sword-wielding goblin fighter was the

better option. But if my first attack failed, or the goblins noticed me coming,

that shield-carrying guard would be a problem while I took on the fighter.

Though I suspected I could have overwhelmed the two goblins by force, I

wasn't used to battling monsters. I wanted to be certain of my attack plan, so I

decided to start with the guard.

I waited for the goblins to separate and put a little distance between



I dove out of hiding while the guard faced the other way, but its reflexes were

sharp. It sensed me coming and turned with its shield at the ready. Greed was

already flying through the air; my sword was going to bounce off the goblin's


Or so I thought.


The guard let out a scream as the black sword carved through goblin and

shield as if through paper. It seemed Greed was far sharper than he appeared. If

that was the case, these goblins had no chance of stopping my attacks.

Gluttony skill activated. Stats increased: Vitality +40, Strength +20, Magic

+10, Spirit +10, Agility +10. Skill added: Vitality Boost (Low) The metallic voice

rang in my head as I dashed toward the remaining goblin. It had noticed me,

of course, and now waved its sword menacingly. I kept a close eye on it as I

paused to ask Greed something.

"Hey, Greed," I said.

"Hey, what?"

"If you're so sharp, why were you being sold for practically nothing?"

"It's simple. I choose who wields me."

"Does that mean you've accepted I have the right to handle you?"

"Ugh. Shut it."

Greed's voice was sulky, but his blade glowed with a keen light. His words

were often spiteful, but in his own way, Greed had taken to me. I intended to

live up to his expectations.

The goblin fighter swung its sword wildly in an attempt to intimidate me, but

it made no difference. I cut both it and its sword clean in half and watched as

the goblin fell, its eyes rolling back into its head.

Gluttony skill activated. Stats increased: Vitality +30, Strength +40, Magic

+10, Spirit +10, Agility +30

This time, I didn't acquire any skills. It seemed I couldn't stack skills I already

owned. If I wanted new powers, I would have to hunt different monsters. But

even the stats alone were delicious enough.

I hunted a further twenty-five goblin fighters and ten goblin guards, until my

bag was almost full of goblin ears. Then I checked my current stats with Identify.

Fate Graphite, Lv 1

Vitality: 1,371

Strength: 1,451

Magic: 481

Spirit: 481

Agility: 1,051

Skills: Gluttony, Identify, Telepathy, Strength Boost (Low), Vitality Boost

(Low) My vitality, strength, and agility stats had all reached four digits,

though my magic and spirit stats lagged, because my enemies were also

lacking there. It was almost impossible to believe that, just yesterday, all my

stats had all been a single digit: one.

One thing bothered me, though—my level. I'd defeated enough enemies to

earn the Spheres required for a level up. But something was weird; my level

hadn't changed at all.

Greed chuckled at my confusion. "It's an effect of your Gluttony. Those whose

skills violate the natural order of the gods cannot receive the blessings of


"'Violate the natural order of the gods…' What do you mean?"

"That's what you're doing. The act of devouring the stats and skills of your

enemies through their death is the rejection of the natural order and the very

concept of levels. There are no blessings for such people. Your stats were meant

to be all ones. And…"

Greed paused. Something was on his mind.

"No. It's nothing. It's almost lunch. Shouldn't we be getting back to the


I was curious and wanted him to continue, but also he was right, I was getting

hungry—in the more traditional sense. It was time to finish up and head back to

Seifort. My stats had broken four digits, and that was enough for today. Also, I

didn't know exactly why, but the goblins had started getting desperate—near

vicious—in their attacks. I worried it wasn't safe to push them further. In any

case, with my new stats, I could continue on my next hunt—perhaps as far as

the forest, to hunt hobgoblins. They were a rank up from ordinary goblins, so

they'd fill me up even more.

In high spirits, I began the walk back to the Kingdom of Seifort.