
Benders slice of life

It Will be updated when I can legend of korra fanfic. Ocxkuriva/lin beifong/maybe p’li

MikeyAgoat04 · Anime und Comics
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9 Chs

Ch.5: Talks

[Mc pov].

It was silent for a minute while everyone looked at me with questioning looks. Still patting Korra's head she blushed.

"Alright enough of the head pats! Is no one going to say it's kinda strange he just fell out of the sky right here?!".

Korra blushed pulling away from my hand and started to wake everyone up to what just happened.

"We all have our questions Korra, I'm sorry I still can't believe what is happening".

Tenzin shook his head coming back to his senses, looking at everyone who had looks of confusion.

"I understand I know it's sudden but I can't explain that part one minute I was in the spirit world the next I was free falling. It's a long story so mom could you allow us to eat and talk. I haven't ate anything like your cooking in a life time".

I spoke to everyone with a look of being just as confused. Turning to Katara and asking her for a meal.

"Of course, you were always the one who couldn't stop eating. I know everyone is curious but I've seen many strange things in me and aang's travels all I can say is welcome home Jin".

Katara gave a warm smile and a hint to everyone else that they were focused on the wrong thing. I have been gone 12 years and all they could ask was how was I here.

"It's good to have you back Jin, I was just a little overwhelmed. I didn't think we would ever see you again.".

Tenzin understood his Mother's words and said while Pema walked up to me.

"Welcome back jin" Pema hugged me while meelo and Ikki jumped around asking questions.

Korra looked on as we all moved away, her spiritual side felt a connection but she didn't understand.

"Are you coming avatar? I mean you are someone important I want you to be there".

Turning my head back to korra I smiled, waving her to come along. While the rest talked and walked forward.

Walking while i talked to tenzin and Pema about the kids. We made it to the large eating area. Pots we're hung over dugout tables were food was cooked on a small fire. Sitting down Katara went off to cook for all of us.

"Uh, Jin right? Can I ask what you meant by saved me I can't remember, every time I think back on it, it feels like it's blank" Korra was unable to contain her question sitting next to me.

"Long story short, what seems like a life time ago when you were young a group of people wished to harm you. Me, tenzin, kya, lin, bumi and others came to stop them. They did all they could to get to you due to this you were forced into the avatar state along with help from a powerful spirit, still you were young you did not have a grasp on being the avatar yet, I couldn't just stand by so I fought with my life on the line. Along with many others who wished to save you Korra but I was hurt during the fight the only way I could survive was to let the spirit inhabit me but I didn't know I would have to go to the spirit world. I was placed in the water of beginnings which took a very long time to heal my wounds. When I was strong enough the spirit left my body to heal itself. Unknown to me the spirit had left a part of his power with in me, that's why I haven't aged. I couldn't tell time as there was no day and night, the only thing I could see was the rift that separated the two worlds as I waited guarding the spirit. The rest was a blur it felt like an eternity but all of a sudden I was falling".

Making a small wind sphere on the top of my pointer finger I thought back to what had happened, looking up to the ceiling and taking it all in, the fresh air, cold snow and the feeling of talking to people I had cared about.

"So you were trapped in the spirit world because of me?" Korra thought about what I had said and question in a somber tone.

"Korra it is fine".

"How is that fine?! You were trapped for years in the spirit world because I couldn't stop them?!".

"You were five Korra what could you do?".

"I don't know anything? 12 years you were trapped!".

"Listen to me Korra, no matter how you think of it I would do it again. I could have come back and everyone be long gone? Or I could have been trapped forever it's ok. I made my Choice isn't that right tenzin".

Both me and Korra spoke to each other as Korra some what blamed herself for what happened. After saying what I did I looked at tenzin who has a look of sorrow on his face.

"Korra we all wanted to save you. Sometimes to do that you can not always expect for there not to be sacrifices. What he said is true I would have done it again to save you. Even if it played out the same way again" tenzin looked over to me with a strange look before pema grabbed his hand.

"I guess I'm the only one who understands it's not right?!" Korra yelled only to have ice cover her mouth.

"That's enough Korra, what your doing now is telling them there sacrifices were nothing? Jin wished to protect you and in exchange had to leave but look at him. I think he is proud that you grew up into what you are now.. the life he saved was not wasted".

Katara unfroze korra's mouth after placing down the food. Speaking to her like a grandmother would and trying to help her understand. I leaned back on one arm closing my eyes with a smile.

"She's right Korra, I can tell your hot headed but I know you'll be a fine avatar. I'm glad I was able to save you I truly am".

In a sincere voice I smile at her with my eyes closed. A smile that had no animosity or regret just a smile to show i was happy she got to grow up.

"I understand, allow me to say thank you Jin. Thank you for saving me" Korra bowed a little as she thanked me and seeing my smile a smile grew on her face