Kevin Ethan Levin :
Appearance : Depending on your preference, I choose Jackie Estacado personally.
[ Harem members (Decided and will add more in the future.)]
[Aliens collection]
1. Heatblast - Pyronite
2. Wildmutt - Vulpimancer
3. Diamondhead - Petrosapien
4. XLR8 - Kineceleran
5. Grey Matter - Galvan
6. Four Arms - Tetramand
7. Stinkfly - Lepidopterran
8. Ripjaws - Piscciss Volann
9. Upgrade - Galvanic Mechamorph
10. Havoc Beast (need a name)
11. Wildvine- Florauna
12. Ghostfreak- Ectonurite
13. Null Void Guardian (need a name)
[ Chimera form]
I'll include some forms here so that you guys can vote for which one you would like to see the most.