

"I'll make them pay, I promise you they all will, they laugh rejoicing that you are dead but I promise you that I will hunt all those pigs down especially that mad man" Jason said as he stood over Bruce's grave. Jason once again Don's the infamous red hood to seek revenge and to set this crooked city into a flourishing capital. He will make sure that no child will ever have to worry about being shot on their way to school or any parent have to see their childs corpse. This wicked city better beware as it had just made itself the enemy of a very terrible person and it will pay its wrath.

Ahmed_Mohamed_6052 · Aktion
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1 Chs


This story is set in universe 666, a darker universe where the joker kills Batman in front of Jason. Haunted by memories and guilt Jason suits up and Don's his infamous mask striking terror into the heart of all criminals.

Gotham would no longer be a crime haven, no under the red hoods wings it will be a safe haven for all the citizens.


For all of you wondering it's a simple revenge story that will branch out later on. It is set in Gotham and will mainly focus on the Jason's revenge fuelled path and will later on branch in the justice league.

I plan on making it 50 chapters at max unless it does surprisingly well, I will increase for readers.

Updating stability: To be honest, I have no idea, I will most likely release 5 chapters a week and then rest for a week and then write another 5. But who knows lately I'm getting more lazier than ever.


If you have any questions feel free to ask before you start reading and the story begins.