

Lilith is a young beautiful girl raised and nurtured by vampire parents since she was a baby she has been shown nothing but utmost love and care. But the story plays a strange game after she goes to the Hallow party thrown by the vampires Duke. she meets a crazy man who seems to know her more that she could possibly think of , he teases her and got her annoyed and abashed at the party. Fate as it always plays it games on people bring this crazy man to her life to take a role not just any role but the lead role. " do you want to test my patience Dear Lilith" he asked his Mid night black eyes stared at her as thou she was his prey. Lilith frown deepened as she stared at him " shouldn't I be doing that " you just ruined my date " and instead saying you are sorry " you're doing the clear opposite" " sorry " ? he repeated her word " well if am to say sorry at least it should worth it " don't you think so Lilith"? lily opened her mouth to yell at the man but her voice muffed as thou it was locked, lily's eyes widened when she felt the warm lips on hers

cry_stal_12 · Fantasie
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3 Chs


They both stepped into the ballroom,that was crowded by people.

Lily felt as thou she has gone back in time,the mansion's design was the type that only exist in novels and goathic movies.

Lily looked around in awe,the ball room was designed in such a manner that spooky ain't strong enough to describe it, the interior decor could scare the hell out of humans.

Thick cobwebs were hung in the ceiling were hung on the ceilings, with scary shaped pumpkins that has gold lights in them were giving faint light to the large ball room.

They were many people mostly vampires with all sort of hallow masks, some were in groups talking and laughing while some were dancing at the dance floor, most of the vampires had a glass of blood with their red pearing from their masks.

The ball room was dominated with three different type of the same race, The half vampires with orange like eyes that was very faint in colour, thou the average vampires were strong and have longer life span than human they were still close to being like humans, the average vampires had the light shade of red eyes they are believed to be many step higher than the half lins.

The dark shade of red eyes is the most important there are the pure blooded vampires that has no taint in their lineage, and they are of the highest high racy.

Lily who this is the first vampire hallow party she ever been to was astonished by the different shades of eyes.

The ladies wore heavy dresses with long inches heals that has lily wonder how they move comfortably with these, they all wore masks and their presence scream of nothing but ego and pride.

" they are so many people here mom" Lily muttered her eyes glisten under her mask.

Mrs Thompson took a glass of water from a passing servant handing over to Lily while she took another glass that has thick red liquid in it "

" it sure is " i heard the king might be showing up' no doubts every female vampire want to end up on his bed"

" they sure do ' Lily said referring to the ladies that wore over reveling clothes showing up there womanly properties

" okay Lily i will give you time to have fun" don't go near alcohols stay away from unknown vampires don't stroll away" "i will go meet lady Aurora the duke's wife " Mrs Thompson said before walking away leaving Lily behind.

Lily looked around the ball room again taking a sip from her glass

Creation is hard, cheer me up! Please love you

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