
Bell Cranel of Loki Familia

What if Bell Cranel was part of Loki Familia? Will he be even stronger? who knows...unless you read this story. This is not your typical Danmachi boring story but actually a good story with based plot and Bell gaining new harem members.

Jumbo_Ignir · Anime und Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 7

On the main street of the city of Orario, where people liked to walk, chat and just enjoy life, Bell Cranel was returning home.

It was rather a good catch....he managed to obtain 40,000 vals over one raid into dungeon.

Cheerfully walking down the main street he was happy

Suddenly his sleeve was pulled by someone.

Bell hesitantly looked back only to see the blue grey haired girl in green maid uniform with an innocent smile looking towards him.


"Umm sorry mister but...."

She extended her hand holding a monster core in her hands.

"You dropped this."

Bell nervously searched his pockets and confirmed that a core was Missing.

"Thanks! Strange....how did it fell from my pockets?"

"Things happen I would say, Mister."

"You are right about that...."

Feeling that she would cheer him up despite what he says Bell gave up trying to defy those words.

"I see you are an Adventurer right?"

Bell nodded shortly.

Looking at girl now he just realized how beautiful she was. Her blue grey hair along with her maid uniform made a perfect mix.

Her face was perfectly symmetrical while she held both of her hands in her back.

"I-I am still a rookie adventurer so there is nothing flashy about me."

Scratching his back and a bit lowering his head he flashed a bit of a sour smile.....he didn't really liked to say that he was weak but the thought of lying about his strength was also kind of...bad?

"Oh don't say that Mr. Adventurer. I believe you will get strong by time....tho it depends solemnly on you."

"Thanks for this...I am really grateful that you gave me this."

Again bowing up and down he wanted to express all gratitude he had.

The maid chuckled at this thinking that it was cute.

"No need to thank me Mr. Adventurer....by the way,my name is Syr nice meeting you."

She extended her hand for a handshake.

"Pleasure is all mine....My name is Bell Cranel."

Handshaking his hand and feeling that the atmosphere between them seemed pretty good Syr decided to ask a question.

"So....you got any plans for future?"

"W-Well...for now I just want to get stronger as well as slowly explore the dung—!?"


His stomach started to growl out of blue....he just remembered that he didn't ate anything since morning.

Jeeeeez....Syr was looking towards him in silence for quite a while.

Bell trying his best to avoid her gaze was much more silent than he was from the start.

All red and flustered He wanted to fall under the ground from embarrassment.


He felt an unbelievable warmth on his ears as well as cheeks.

Syr didn't laughed,she did nothing.

"Mr. Bell...can you wait here for a moment?"


Running somewhere it didn't took long time untill she was back.

Holding a basket she handed it towards Bell.


He got the basket opening it. He saw a simple lunch consisting of many toasts with various kinds of fillings.

"That's my lunch but I'm giving it to you."

"Wh-Wha!? But I can't. It is your lunch and beside what will you eat?"

Syr chuckled.

"Don't worry about me. After all I work in Tavern so finding what to eat is walk in the park."


"Listen. I'm not giving you this for free...you should promise me to come today into this tavern,got it?"

Syr placed her finger on Bell's mouth with the sly smile on her face.

At long last Bell gave up and got the basket.

"Th-Thank you..."

"No need to. Don't forget to come today. You promised."


Adventurers Guild.

Eina was finishing to sign needed documents.

Working in guild meant a lot...the never ending files and incredible amount of adventurers everyday would make everyone go crazy...to work in here meant,that you have nerves of steel.

"That's actually amazing,Eina."

Pink haired girl said while looking towards the document resting on her hand.

"Hm? What is,Misha?"

"I mean the boy who joined Guild the day before yesterday...that white haired guy who looks like rabbit."

This took Eina's interest...after all she was his advisor.

"He is solo adventurer but in 3 days he managed to climb all the way towards the fifth floor....this kid is not half bad..."

"Yes he is....but...he is too reckless."

"Ufu? You seem worried about him aren't you? You like him???"

In teasing tone Misha had rather too smug of a face.

"D-Don't get stupid ideas I don't like hi—"

She stop mid sentence. She surely didn't hate him and she can't say that she loves him or not...well maybe she likes him...she was uncertain.

"Hehe...I see I see."

"Uhhhh! Stop teasing me and get back to work!"

"Haha! Catch me first!"

Running after Misha she had only one thought.

'Be careful,Bell.'


Lights of moon shine with silver glow through Orario.

Nighttime of this city resembled a Metropolis filled with lights.

Hundreds of shops. People having a night stroll. And happy couples having fun with each other.

As I promised to Miss Syr I had came to her Tavern as thanks for her lunch this evening.

I looked up seeing it's name.

'Benevolent Mistress.'

Shiny looking Tavern made fully from wood.

It seemed to be very popular among the people. Wave of clients was flooding in.

I hope this is the right place.

I slowly entered in seeing an amazing sight.

It was truly the place filled with beautiful maids.

There was even an elf...and elves are known for there nobility.

"Umm...Mister Bell."

My attention was switched from waitresses in tavern towards the Syr.

Standing there and clearly waiting for me she was smiling cutely with a tilt of redness in her cheeks.

"Syr-san...I came like promised."

I nervously started to pat my own hair with a smile on my face.

"Thank you for coming."

She grabbed my hand and started to lead me towards the bar.

"We have got a customer!"

She said noticing the Middle aged woman who was serving in Bar.

"Oh? So you are Syr's customer?"

Looking at her now I noticed what kind of woman she was.

She was rather buffed up, really tall and seemingly warrior type of person... looking at her you would never guess that she belongs to dwarf race.


I said hesitant and nervous.

"Hahahaha! You are are cute for an adventurer aren't you? I heard from Syr that you are a total Glutton and would surely spend all money in here."


I obviously looked towards Syr as she looked away not wanting to meet my eyes.


"No need to be shy....my name is Mama Mia I'm owner of this place. Since Syr talks so highly about you I will do my best cooking for you!"

I was surely thankful but....I am afraid that I won't afford dishes in here.

Looking at Syr I saw that she was innocently laughing.


"Don't 'ehehehe' me! I C-Can't eat that much!"

Suddenly she placed her hand on her forehead and made rather tired expression.

"Wah... I'm so tired and out of energy because I didn't eat my lunch today..."

"Wh-What, really!?"

So she didn't ate lunch? It was my fault.

Going towards her I wanted to help.

"I'm joking."


"Hahaha...I can't believe that Mister Bell believed me."

....She surely was bizarre type of person.

"D-Don't scare me like that...."

"Hm? Are you worried about me?"



Huh? Why did her face became red all of a sudden?

I could only wonder.

After eating the dish which was cooked by Mia Mama...I was like a balloon full of air.

"That was delicious...."

"See? I told you that dishes here are much more delish rather than in any other part of Orario."

"It really is...and atmosphere here seems to be good as well."

"Hehe...this place is filled with various kinds of people...You know,I like to talk with people so this work is to my liking."

Syr was really good person.... despite her genius plan of me spending my money.

Just at that time I heard a sudden ding sound.

Looking forward I saw them... members of my Familia.

"Hm? You are interested in Loki Familia,Bell? Well they are our often customers. Goddess Loki love this tavern."

I wasn't listening to Syr at all...My attention was swayed by them.

Sitting there they were talking among themselves and having a good time.

I looked forward and saw that it was main squad of our Familia.

Mister Finn,Riveria-san,Tiona and Tione,Aiz-san and many others with them and that werewolf guy...Bete,if I'm right.

Come to think of it I had never spoke with them.

But I didn't wanted to ruin there time.....


"Hey,if it isn't Bell~!!!"

Suddenly Loki-sama waved towards me....god,she was drunk again.

"Bell-san? You know Goddess of Loki Familia?"

I nervously scratched my cheek.

"I-I am....part of Loki Familia actually."

"Oh really!? Wow! That's great than. You should greet them."


I left the money for the food I ate and got towards there sit.

"Hahaha! Bell,my boy!"

Goddess jumped up towards me.

"What are you doing here at such a late time?"

"I c-came here because one of the waitresses in here invited me..."

"Haha good than! C'mere have a sit will ya?"

I sat down...all eyes were at me especially Aiz-san's.

"Hey~! Aren't you that kid whom we saved?"

The tanned skinned Amazonian girl got my attention...her name was Tiona.

"Y-Yes...thank you for saving me that day."

"Hahaha no need to! Just the way you ran away was hilarious...."


That was really stupid of me to run away.

"Now Now everyone...stop bombarding him with questions."

Finn,the captain of the Loki Familia,seemed to be a good and charismatic person. Out of all people he and Miss Riveria seemed to look at me more intense than others.

Everything was going alright untill.....

"So you are that Tomato Hero!? Bwahahaha!"

The werewolf guy,Bete, screamed while holding a huge cup of ale in his hand.

"Tomato Hero?"

Riveria asked raising and eyebrow.

"Yes! He was saved by Aiz and was soaked in Minotaurs blood. Hahaha could you believe at it? Pfft haha."

He was mocking me...I was silent.

"Stop it,Bete. It was our fault that Minotaur got into an upper floors"

"So? Aren't you ashamed? Hahaha weakling and level one...pfft total disgrace to our Familia."

"Stop it Bete you are ruining my drinking mood."

Goddess tried her best to make the things go peaceful.

But he was right...I was worthless.

"The way you ran away and cried...you know,that was worthless and you pissed me off!"

"Bete you are drunk." Tiona said but was completely ingnored.

"What is wrong of calling Garbage boy 'Garbage'!? He shouldn't have become an adventurer if he was that weak!"


"Hahaha see!? He is even apologizing! If ya wanna apologize than bow down and lick my boots."

"Stop it....You are pissing all of us off."

This time it was Tione who took my side. She was silent all the time but decided to speak now.

"Hahaha! Everyone are at his side....Than here is a question...Aiz giving a chance, with whom would you date...Me? Or that Weakling near us?"

She calmly took a sip of her glass.

"I would never be with you even if you would be last man in the whole universe."

"Pfft you got rejected,Bete."

"Shut up,hag! I'm not a good guy to say things such as 'it is okay'. Maybe if you would have died in dungeon that would be good?"

Silence. Not even a soul spoke...they were filled with rage.

He was right...I can't deny anything he said and am too wimpy to do anything.

I felt a liquid fall from my eyes....it was tears.

I was crying...not from his mocking...I was crying at my own pathetic self.

I immediately stood from my place.

"Th-Thanks for the food."

Trying to remain as calm as possible with tears still on my face I started to ran...I didn't cared about anything at that moment...the only thing which I reflected on was...my weakness.


Goddess stood up wanting to stop me but it was late...I was already far away.

Next to her was Miss Aiz she held her hand on her heart...

"Bell Cranel....right?"