
Belial, Lord of Darkness

Four young women find instructions online to summon a demon. They decide to try it. They do their enchantment and it is heard by Belial, Lord of Darkness. He visits them and chooses them to do his bidding. They are given powers and are taken with him on adventures to find powerful magical items he desires. They discover the fine line between hero and villain as he takes them to other worlds and times. As they continue the journey they are drawn to him by the power he shares.

DustyOlivia · Fantasie
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100 Chs

Trials in the Forest

The second day in the forest dawned with a crispness to the air, the sun casting dappled shadows through the dense foliage overhead. The Belial and the girls set out on their journey, their senses heightened and their weapons at the ready, ever vigilant for the dangers that lurked in the wilderness. Yesterday had taught them that danger can be anywhere and they must be cautious.

As they traversed the forest path, the air was thick with the earthy scent of moss and pine, and the only sounds that broke the silence were the rustling of leaves and the occasional call of a distant bird.

As the group ventured deeper into the forest, the dense canopy overhead filtered out the sunlight, casting shadows on the forest floor. A rustling ahead caught their attention, drawing their gaze toward a clearing up ahead. Without a word, they moved forward cautiously, their steps light as they approached the source of the disturbance.

Suddenly, as they rounded a bend in the path, the group came upon a heart-wrenching scene. Peering through the brush, they witnessed a family—a mother, father, and two young children - huddled together in fear as a pack of wolves closed in on them, their snarls and growls echoing through the forest.

Without hesitation, the group sprang into action. Claire, the leader, signaled to her companions, her eyes flashing with determination as they prepared to defend the helpless family. Rachel and Ellie flanked her, their weapons at the ready, while Hannah moved with stealth and agility, poised to strike from the shadows.

As the wolves lunged forward, the group met them head-on, their weapons flashing in the dappled sunlight as they fought with all their might. Claire's sword sliced through the air with precision, while Rachel's mighty blows sent the wolves reeling. Ellie's healing magic lent strength to her allies, while Hannah darted between the trees, striking with deadly accuracy.

The battle raged on, the sounds of snarling and growling filling the air as the group and the wolves clashed in a frenzied melee. But despite the ferocity of their adversaries, the group fought with unwavering resolve, their hearts filled with the determination to protect the innocent family at all costs. The family met nothing to Belial, while he did not stop them from their rescue attempt, he did not offer his assistance either.

With each passing moment, the tide of battle turned in their favor. The wolves, sensing the strength and unity of their opponents, began to falter, their ranks thinning as the group pressed forward with relentless determination.

At last, with a final flurry of blows, the group emerged victorious. The wolves, sensing defeat and broken, slunk away into the shadows, leaving the forest eerily quiet once more. With a sense of relief, the girls helped the family to their feet. As the family emerged from their hiding place, their faces filled with gratitude as they thanked their rescuers for their bravery and selflessness. After offering words of comfort and reassurance the girls continued along the path.

As the group continued on their journey through the forest, their bond stronger than ever, they knew that they had made a difference in the lives of those they had just saved. And as they disappeared into the shadows of the forest, they did so with the knowledge that they had faced danger and emerged victorious once again, united in purpose and resolve. 

While Belial may not consider them hero's or even support the idea of them being seen that way, in their own mind they know to the four lives they had just saved, that is fact is what they had become.

As the group continued their journey through the forest, their respite was short-lived, the tranquility of the woods shattered by the sudden appearance of a group of bandits. Emerging from the shadows of the trees, the bandits surrounded them with menacing grins, their weapons glinting in the dappled sunlight.

Without hesitation, the bandits launched their attack, their numbers overwhelming the girls as they fought with swords and daggers. Claire, Rachel, Ellie, and Hannah fought valiantly, their blades flashing in the air as they defended themselves against the onslaught.

But despite their skill and determination, the girls found themselves outnumbered three to one, the bandits closing in on them with ruthless efficiency. Sweat beaded on their brows as they fought for every inch of ground, their hearts pounding with adrenaline as they struggled to hold their own against their assailants.

The bandits, sensing their victory, pressed their advantage, their attacks growing more ferocious with each passing moment. The girls fought back with all their strength, but it was clear that they were close to being overwhelmed by their foes.

Desperation gnawed at their hearts as they battled against the odds, their breath coming in ragged gasps as they fought to stay on their feet. The bandits, emboldened by their apparent triumph, laughed and jeered as they closed in for the final blow.

The girls fought back with a ferocity born of desperation, their movements swift and sure as they engaged the bandits in combat. Despite their best efforts, however, they found themselves outnumbered and outmatched, the bandits pressing their advantage at every turn.

But just as it seemed that all hope was lost, Belial stepped forward with a grim determination, his eyes burning with a dark fire as he confronted the bandits. "You should not have attacked me," he intoned, his voice carrying the weight of his wrath.

With a wave of his hand, Belial unleashed a wave of dark energy, and one by one, the bandits' necks snapped with sickening cracks, their bodies falling lifeless to the forest floor. As the bandits realized what was happening, fear set through their bodies. Many turned to run but it was already to late for them.

As the last of the dropped dead on the ground, Belial turned to the girls with a chilling reminder of his true nature, and the power he possessed. "Remember," he said, his voice cold and unforgiving, "just because you saved the family does not mean I am not the evil demon you tried to summon. Don't forget that."

The girls exchanged uneasy glances, the weight of Belial's words hanging heavy in the air. They knew that their journey with him was far from over, and that they must remain ever vigilant if they were to survive the trials that lay ahead. They knew he was testing them, testing their skills and helping them to grow stronger. And as they continued on their path through the forest, they did so with a renewed sense of determination, knowing that they must tread carefully in the presence of such darkness, lest they be consumed by it.