
Belial, Lord of Darkness

Four young women find instructions online to summon a demon. They decide to try it. They do their enchantment and it is heard by Belial, Lord of Darkness. He visits them and chooses them to do his bidding. They are given powers and are taken with him on adventures to find powerful magical items he desires. They discover the fine line between hero and villain as he takes them to other worlds and times. As they continue the journey they are drawn to him by the power he shares.

DustyOlivia · Fantasie
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100 Chs

Bank Day

Keel's lips curved into a knowing smile as he addressed the girls, his voice conveying a mixture of pride and anticipation. "Enjoy yourselves for the time being, my dear companions. It will soon be time for you to set off on our most challenging quest yet." With a wave of his hand, he disappeared, leaving the women alone in the familiar confines of the attic.

The four girls exchanged glances, their minds whirling with the implications of Keel's words. The financial windfall they had received was a testament to the power they had wielded, and yet, they could not help but feel a sense of unease about the challenges that lay ahead.

As they pored over the documents, their fingers tracing the intricate designs on the bearer bonds, they found themselves drawn once more into the allure of the magical realm Keel had introduced them to. The promise of a new and more formidable quest loomed on the horizon, and they could not help but wonder what trials and tribulations awaited them.

Keel's departure left the women in a pensive silence, their minds swirling with the implications of his words. They knew that the respite he had offered them was a chance to settle their affairs and prepare themselves for the challenges that lay ahead, but the uncertainty of what was to come weighed heavily upon them.

As they settled into the familiar surroundings of the attic, the women found themselves drawn to the bearer bonds, their fingers tracing the intricate designs that adorned the documents. The wealth they had been entrusted with was a testament to the power they had wielded, and yet, it felt like a double-edged sword – a blessing and a curse, a responsibility that they were not entirely sure they were ready to bear.

"What should we do with these? Can we just take them to the bank? Hannah asked.

"I think so, it should be just like bringing in cash." Clare replied.

"Let's all take them in at the same time." Ellie Suggested.

Clare added, "They may wonder where we got them so we should have a story that makes sense."

Rachel spoke up, "You mean like that old man we use to care for when we were younger gave them to us when he passed away. I could cry if it helps."

Clare smiled and nodded, "That should do the trick."

With a sense of exhilaration and trepidation, the Clare, Rachel, Ellie and Hannah, made their way to the bank, the folders containing the bearer bonds clutched tightly in their hands. As they stepped through the grand revolving doors, the opulent marble interior and the hushed conversations of the other patrons lent an air of formality and importance to their task.

Approaching the counter, they presented the documents to the attentive teller, who listened intently as they spun a tale of a wealthy relative's unexpected bequest. The teller's eyebrows rose in surprise, but their professionalism never wavered as they efficiently processed the transactions, transferring the funds into each woman's personal account.

As the four left the bank, their steps felt lighter, their minds already turning to the possibilities that this newfound wealth could unlock. Yet, the looming uncertainty of Keel's words and the challenges that lay ahead remained a constant presence, a reminder that their journey was far from over.

Wanting to celebrate, the girls found themselves in a lavish downtown restaurant, their senses enveloped by the rich aromas of expertly prepared cuisine and the soft, ambient music that filled the air. As they settled into their plush, high-backed chairs, they marveled at the elegant décor that surrounded them – the shimmering crystal chandeliers, the ornate wall sconces, and the pristine white tablecloths adorned with vibrant floral centerpieces.

With each course that was served, the women indulged in the flavors and textures that danced across their palates. Tender, melt-in-your-mouth filet mignon, accompanied by a velvety béarnaise sauce; crisp, golden-brown calamari rings with a zesty, tangy dipping sauce; and a decadent chocolate soufflé, its molten center spilling forth like a river of rich indulgence.

As they savored the delectable dishes, their conversation flowed like the fine vintage wine they sipped, the weight of their recent experiences momentarily lifted as they reveled in the comfort and luxury of their surroundings.

The four women, their laughter echoing down the street, paused as they passed the movie theater. Their eyes were drawn to the bold poster advertising a new film about a demon's nefarious plot to conquer the world. 

"Can you believe that?" Ellie exclaimed, a playful grin spreading across her face. "It's almost as if they know something about our own adventures."

The others giggled in agreement, the weight of their recent experiences momentarily forgotten. Without hesitation, they purchased their tickets and made their way into the darkened theater, settling into the plush seats as the opening credits rolled across the screen.

As the movie unfolded, the women found themselves drawn into the narrative, captivated by the on-screen demon's grand schemes and the valiant efforts of the human heroes to thwart its sinister plans. Occasionally, they would exchange amused glances, recognizing the echoes of their own journey in the fictional tale.

By the time the closing credits appeared, the women emerged from the theater, their spirits buoyed by the shared experience. The respite had done them good, reminding them of the simple pleasures they had once taken for granted.

As the girls emerged from the movie theater, their laughter and light-hearted chatter filled the air, a stark contrast to the ominous images they had just witnessed on the silver screen. The exhilaration of the shared experience had lifted their spirits, momentarily distracting them from the weight of the quest that lay ahead.

As the girls bid their farewells and made their way to their respective homes, the streets grew quiet, save for the gentle hum of the evening breeze. Each of them settled into the familiar comforts of their abodes, their minds still abuzz with the events of the day.

Rachel found herself drawn to the window, gazing out at the twinkling stars that dotted the inky sky. A sense of tranquility washed over her, momentarily easing the burden of their quest. She knew, however, that come morning, she would need to gather her resolve and rejoin her companions in charting the path forward.

Across town, Ellie sank into the plush cushions of her couch, savoring the warmth of a freshly brewed cup of tea. She allowed her thoughts to drift, contemplating the newfound powers that had been bestowed upon them and the responsibility that came with such gifts. A faint smile played on her lips as she considered the adventures that lay ahead.

As the four prepared for the restful slumber that would replenish their spirits, Keel's presence loomed ever present in the back of their minds. As the women gathered at their favorite café, their faces glowing with the warmth of the morning light. The scent of freshly brewed coffee and warm pastries filled the air, creating a cozy and inviting atmosphere.

Hannah nestled into the comfortable booth, savoring the first sip of her aromatic beverage. A sense of contentment washed over her as she reflected on the remarkable journey she and her companions had undertaken. The power they had been granted still thrummed within her, a constant reminder of the responsibility they now carried.

Beside her, Clare gazed out the window, her fingers tracing the intricate designs etched into the tabletop. The weight of their quest had not diminished, but in this moment, she felt a renewed sense of purpose. The bonds they had forged would be their strength as they navigated the challenges that lay ahead.

As the women engaged in animated discussions, sharing their hopes and concerns for the future, their desire to harness the gifts he had bestowed upon them for the greater good.