
Belial, Lord of Darkness

Four young women find instructions online to summon a demon. They decide to try it. They do their enchantment and it is heard by Belial, Lord of Darkness. He visits them and chooses them to do his bidding. They are given powers and are taken with him on adventures to find powerful magical items he desires. They discover the fine line between hero and villain as he takes them to other worlds and times. As they continue the journey they are drawn to him by the power he shares.

DustyOlivia · Fantasie
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100 Chs

A Tough Battle

As the group pressed deeper into the mountain, the air grew thick with an eerie, pungent smell that clung to their clothes like a bad omen. The darkness seemed to writhe and twist around them, like a living entity that sought to consume them whole. Rocks jutted out of the ground, jagged and sharp, creating shadows that danced menacingly in the flickering light of their torches.

"What is that smell?" Rachel whispered, her nose wrinkling in disgust.

"Brimstone," Belial replied, his voice steady. "It's a sign that we are nearing a demons' lair."

The path narrowed, and the oppressive atmosphere seemed to press in on them from all sides. The air was filled with a low, almost inaudible hum that set their nerves on edge. Every step echoed ominously, bouncing off the cavern walls and amplifying the sense of foreboding that hung over them.

Suddenly, they were faced with the first major obstacle of their journey—a fierce band of demons that guarded the entrance to the part of the cavern where Belial's father awaited. The creatures were monstrous in appearance, their twisted forms hunched over, with skin that looked like cracked leather. Their eyes glowed a sinister red, and their razor-sharp claws glinted menacingly in the dim light.

Rachel's eyes widened in terror as she took in the sight of the demons, her heart racing with fear. "What do we do?" she whispered to Belial, her voice trembling.

Belial's eyes blazed with determination as he stood at the forefront, his hand on the hilt of his sword. "We fight," he said, his voice low and steady. "We've come too far to turn back now."

The girls nodded in agreement, their faces set with determination. They drew their weapons, and prepared their magic, their hands shaking slightly as they prepared for battle. Clare's eyes were fixed on the demons, her mind racing with strategies.

"We need to take out their leader," she said, scanning the horde for any sign of a dominant figure. "If we can get rid of him, the rest will fall back."

Amanda's eyes were fixed on the demons' claws, her mind racing with tactics. "We need to be quick and precise," she said. "We can't afford to waste any time."

The demons snarled, their growls reverberating through the cavern like a death knell. With a roar of defiance, they launched themselves at the group, their claws slashing through the air with deadly precision. The clash of steel against demonic flesh filled the air, mingling with the acrid scent of brimstone and sweat.

Rachel's sword flashed through the air, her movements swift and precise as she struck down demon after demon. "Stay together!" she shouted, her voice barely audible over the din of battle. "Don't let them separate us!"

Clare conjured a barrier of light, pushing back a group of demons that threatened to overwhelm them. "Focus on the leader!" she called out, her voice strained with effort.

Ellie moved like a shadow, her daggers finding the weak points in the demons' armor-like skin. She fought with a fierce determination, her eyes blazing with resolve. "They just keep coming!" she exclaimed, frustration edging her voice.

Hannah, standing back from the fray, channeled her healing magic, mending the wounds of her companions as they fought. The air around her shimmered with a soft, golden light, a stark contrast to the darkness of the cavern.

Despite their valiant efforts, the demons seemed endless, their numbers swelling like a tidal wave as they pressed back against the group. The air was thick with the stench of sulfur, and the sound of clashing steel echoed through the mountain pass.

"Hold the line!" Belial shouted, his voice cutting through the chaos. He raised his sword high, dark energy crackling around the blade. With a powerful swing, he unleashed a wave of shadow that cleaved through the ranks of demons, buying the group a moment of respite.

Fatigue began to weigh heavily upon the travelers, their bodies battered and bruised from the relentless assault. Sweat dripped down their faces, mixing with the dirt and blood that covered them. But still, they fought on, drawing upon their inner strength and resolve to keep pushing back against their enemies.

Just when it seemed that all hope was lost, a surge of power coursed through the group, fueling their resolve and strengthening their resolve. With renewed vigor, they launched a final assault against their enemies, their combined might overwhelming the demons and driving them back into the depths of the mountains.

Clare's barrier of light flared brilliantly, disintegrating the demons that dared to touch it. "Now!" she cried, her voice ringing with authority. "Push forward!"

Rachel, Ellie, and Amanda surged ahead, their weapons slicing through the remaining demons with a newfound intensity. Belial's dark magic intertwined with Clare's light, creating a maelstrom of energy that swept through the cavern, obliterating their foes.

As the last of their enemies fell, the group stood victorious amidst the carnage, their bodies battered and bruised but their spirits unbroken. The ground was littered with the twisted, smoldering remains of demons, the air heavy with the scent of their defeat.

Belial wiped sweat from his brow, his eyes scanning the cavern for any remaining threats. "Is everyone alright?" he asked, his voice calm despite the adrenaline still coursing through him.

"We're fine," Rachel replied, panting. "But we just need a minute to rest."

With a sense of triumph in their hearts, and mere moments rest, they pressed on towards the exit from the cavern, knowing that their greatest challenge still lay ahead—the confrontation with Belial's father and the retrieval of the Sword of Power. 

Exiting the cavern, they had passed through into a hidden valley, a valley which has likely not had visitors in centuries. Belial, began to cross the valley with confidence in the direction he had chosen and the destination before them. "this is the path we must follow." he said.

As they began to walk behind him they were amazed by the sheer beauty of the landscape around them. Nestled among the tall peaks of the mountains, the valley was a lush green filled with trees, plants and flowers, which suggested a peaceful untouched world. As they moved forward, they knew the reality before them was much different.

The path ahead was fraught with danger, but their resolve was stronger than ever. They would face whatever came their way and emerge victorious, no matter the cost.