
Being Yours

Jason loves Claire for a decade but cause of unruly situation he married Kathy. They live together which leads to another and results Kathy's pregnancy. Before she tells Jason, Claire returned so he kicked Kathy out. As sweet naive girl she left with broken heart. After four years she shows up but nothing like before to get him down from his throne. Will she succeed in bringing him down or will she be caught up in unwanted truth and realize who she really is as well as Jason in act of revenge?

045_SUVI · Urban
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9 Chs

Where am I

After Four Years

Jason POV

My head is aching like it gonna explode soon, I am tired as hell. All I want is to go home and sleep for hours after having good meals but no time for that cause my company shares were going down for some reason, and my investors getting back their investments. I don't know where and what went wrong. Even though my family has a background I built my own empire from scratch and I don't want all to fall apart like my father wanted it to be.

My father wanted me to follow our family steps like him in everything but I couldn't after a certain stage, it began to suffocate me so I broke rules and began to live my life fancied with my girl Claire, my own business ideas and free from heavy burden of family legacy or that's what I thought but never my family's shadow left me whether it's good or bad all followed me.

My thoughts snapped when my door was knocked on, I voiced, "Come in". My secretary Reena showed up with another cafeteria cup. She looks like a mess too but what to do all our lives depends on upcoming project tender. If we lose then we all were doomed. She placed the cup on my unorganized table and said, "Sir, Mrs. Alexis called more than ten times. What should I tell her if she tries again?" I sighed and replied, "Same" she nodded and left.

I forget when I last went home. I live here with little sleep and take-out food. Not only my professional life my personal life is also at stake. All this started six months ago. Every single day is like living hell to me whenever I try new things all began to fail or go downhill. When I go home for some rest all I get are questions from my dear wife who I loved most and thought will be with me in thick and thin.

I got enough of her queries so I stopped going home and began to focus on companies but she accused me that I slept with Reena. How can she think of me like that? All this shit making me go crazy so I can't even concentrate on my work like before. But this time I can't lose anything not only for me but for all my employees. All their lives hang on this.

I began to refer to all files since we took the last project from the same company to quote the right amount and I lost time. I felt someone shaking me. I groaned a little and opened my heavy eyes slowly to meet the bright lights illuminating from glass wall of my office. I lift my head from my office desk and scrunched my face in distress at my sleeping position. When I turned to left I saw my best friend Luke eyeing me in disgust and asked, "When did you actually had proper shower?"

I rolled my eyes at him and turned to get the time. My eyes went wide when it read 8.15 A.M. I stood on my feet and rushed to bathroom to do my morning chores. When I finished I walked out with a towel. I dodged the fact Luke is here and changed into black three-piece Armani suit and styled my hair, put on my favorite cologne, Rolex, tied my dresser shoes, took my tender quotation file, and walked out.

Luke followed me and Reena towed us to elevator. When we reached parking lot. My driver Henry opened door for me so I hopped in back seat Luke accompanied me while Reena took passenger seat. Once we settled Henry hit the road, and after twenty minutes we all reached Kripto Inc. Many company's CEO were there. Reena went to access desk to get number for our company. Once she returned we all walked to conference hall.

She found our seats, and we all together settled down. Soon tender started. All were waiting for results after painful hours they affirmed two more company names with mine. We were all confused so Kripto's management authority announced, "Congratulations, you three were selected and we request you all to present your project ideas with us this afternoon. We will go with who would impress our CEO"

All others walked out. We only have five hours to prepare a presentation so I dived into my laptop. I did my best and all my ideas to get this project mine. Luke and Reena helped me. After being given time we were prepared but none had lunch. Reena and Luke looked so tired so I took the business in my hands and gave a presentation. Mostly secretary or project team manager would do it but all were surprised that the CEO himself did a presentation. Desperation calls.

We got the project so I was so happy. I smiled after a long time I guess. Luke and Reena hugged me tight to congratulate. Kripto Inc's CEO Kane signed the contract with me and asked me to join his birthday party this evening. I accepted gladly his offer. I went to office and napped for three hours straight and get ready for party in a grey blazer and dresser pants. I gave Reena and Henry rest for a day so I hopped into driver's seat and drove to outskirts where Kane's farmhouse is.

I reached it after an hour. I hopped out and walked in. Kane welcomed me. I greeted him with a gift and walked to party which is held in his big garden with good decorations. When the waiter crossed I picked up a champagne glass and sipped the bubble drink which made me a little refreshed. I don't know why but after seeing this beautiful decoration I think of particular person who lit my life in a different light. It is short time of my life but best time. I wish she is happy somewhere.

I saw Helen CEO of Gilberts inc. She greeted me as well. She patted my back and asked, "Hey Jason, howdy?" I smiled and replied, "Good, Helen how are you?" she nodded her head and answered, "Fine dear. How are your parents and where is Claire?" I chuckled at her excitement and voiced, "They were good. Claire had a prior appointment so she couldn't make it" she smiled and said, "Oh dear. By the way, I heard you got Kripto's project. Congratulations"  I smiled and said, "Thank you, Helen"

Before we continue her guard whispered something in her ear. She turned to him with wide eyes and asked, "Really?" he nodded his head and return to his position. She turned to me with so bright smile. I eye her cluelessly she voiced in amused tone, "Guess who is coming?" I frowned at her so she continued, "Agni is coming here" I frowned more.

She made a stupefied face and asked, "Don't tell me you don't know who Agni is" I don't want to embarrass myself so I gave her a tight lip smile and said, "Of course, I know. I was just surprised that she is here" she nodded her head in sense and before we continue someone called her from far so she shook my hand and moved. I wonder who is Agni. I was so busy making my companies stable for last six months so I never concentrated on updates.

Before I get embarrass more I should know about her so I tugged my jacket pocket to fish for my phone but I couldn't find it, I checked my pant pockets no sign of my phone. Gosh! I left it in my car. Now I can't google or ask Reena. I should ask someone. I search for any close colleague of mine, and that's when my eyes fell on Sean, my high school friend who is now highly-paid lawyer who works for elite business people.

I get close to him, and his eyes met mine, he smiled wide and gave me a bro hug and fist bump. We asked some formal questions while having few drinks. I casually asked him, "Hey buddy do you know who is Agni?" he nodded his head and replied, "Agni is MD of FRAZE industries. Sudden invasion in business world almost taking over everything but" he stopped and came closer and whispered, "She is with Dark Snake for years, there are some rumors that she is his mistress and she killed hundred thugs at once and countless at many moments but no one knows what is true cause there is no evidence for that"

I don't know what to think about what I heard. We can't judge someone with rumors unless we know them well, that's what my whiff so I better stick with she is MD of some industries. Dark snake is underworld Don, he does many illegal kinds of stuff and he was most wanted but no one dares to cross paths with him cause of his brutality. I wonder how she invade and gained this much attention in the business world in this short amount of time. I knew by my name as me as individual after five whole years not as Alexis but as Jason.

My train thoughts get halted when I heard applauds. I turned to sources and saw a crowd. I guess queen is here. I couldn't get a peek cause many were enveloped her. I lost patience so I walked to bar counter and got neat scotch. Before I take a sip I hear, "Congrats" I never hear a lady voice this confidently so with high curiosity I pivoted but froze in my place. I never pondered I would see her in a place like this or at least like this.

I mean who is she? Wearing a black satin gown with low neck promptly showing her boobs without sleeves, and obviously no back too. Left mid-thing open showing her tan leg with five-inch strap heels. Black matt smoke makeup with dark red lip paint. Fine jewels decorating her more. Where is simple dressing style loving Kathy gone? And not to forget the aura she is emitting, she is nothing like Kathy but she looks so much like her.

My trance snapped when I heard her again, "Surprised?" I licked my dry lips and asked, "How are you Kathy?" she chuckled indifferently and voiced, "Still remember me?" I frowned so she continued, "Kidding. Fine. How are you doing and Claire?" I replied, "We were fine" she smirked, I don't know what to think, she scoffed and walked closer to me which made me step back a little cause her eyes glowed with something I never saw before.

When we were just inches apart she stopped and voiced in a deep dark voice, "Good, cause you will not be FINE after this moment" I don't know what she is talking about before I ask, she placed her index on my mouth, and shushed, "Shush! Go home. There is a surprise waiting for you dear" with that she pecked my lips. After hearing her unknown fear began to creep into my heart. When I was about to voice Helen voiced behind her, "Hey, Agni. It's so good to meet you again" I frowned at her with a glare. She smirked evilly mouthed go home at me and turned to Helen.

Without waiting for a second I sprint out of part place and run to parking lot. When I found my car and hopped in stepped on accelerator but it didn't move, I was annoyed and checked the tires which got flat. So fisted my wheels and jumped out. I searched for my phone but I couldn't find out it in my car. So I walked in to get Sean's car key. I drove his car to my home at speed of light.

When I reached it, my whole home was immersed in darkness. I am scared to death, I rushed in and turned on all lights but there is no one home, not even a maid. I called, "Claire" no response, I searched my whole mansion like a madman but no sign of her. I sighed and sat on our bed. I rubbed my face in frustration that's when my sight met a envelope on nightstand. I grabbed it and opened it. My whole heart stopped and shattered. Claire signed divorce. Land line rang so I picked up with heavy heart. I heard the same evil voice, "Like my surprise Dear"

To Be Continued..