
Being Isekaied isn't too Bad at all

An ordinary teen transported into an unknown world with unknown and as an unknown. A/N: The cover is not original. I'll publish my own cover after some time.

7thArchmage · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Chapter 2 – Barely alive

I looked up and saw something that I only see in movies. I saw a Godzilla gazing at me while covering the bright sun.

'Oh my!! I didn't sign up for this!' – I thought. I am scared to my wits end.

Godzilla roared upwards and just like what I saw on the movie, his mouth emitted a ray of nuclear energy.

'If I survive today maybe I'll die of nuclear poisoning.' – I thought.

It looked at me and that skeleton guy over there. I looked at mr. Skeleton and cursed. He's playing dead! It looked at me again and I can see a grin in it with my mind although Godzilla doesn't literally grin.

"I'm not delicious so please just leave me alone!" – I kinda pleaded although it's ridiculous to do so it's better than nothing, I guess. It extends its enormous hand to grab me.

'I just want to go home and buy my groceries!' I thought those were my last thoughts before dying.

Then suddenly the ground shook like something big is coming and it's coming fast. Bang! Something large hit Godzilla from the right but because his right hand was already inside my "prison" when he was hit, the prison I was in was thrown away.

I held my head and with both my hands and closed my eyes to protect my head while my prison is being flung with me. My pitiful back landed on a large tree trunk. Then rolled down the trunk and I unluckily landed on a metal debris that struck my shoulder.

"Aarghh." – I screamed out of pain. It was painful, the most painful thing I have experienced in my life. Blood gushed out from me and my mind became hazy and my eyes blurry. Out of instinct, I pulled myself out of the metal and blood gushed out even more. I can't think anymore. The ground is shaking but I know I need to run. I glanced once more to where I thought I was before and saw the blurry shape of Godzilla fighting something. I looked ahead and saw a forest of enormous trees. I need to run. My adrenaline tells me it will give it's all to run so I ran to nowhere. I ran for I don't know how long. I stumbled on a rock and dropped many times until my vision became dark but I still ran until I fell down a cliff then lost consciousness.

"Hey. Hey!" – I heard a familiar voice.

I opened my eyes and looked at the guy.

"Kid, your payment. Quit spacing out. There is a line waiting after you." – said the grocery clerk.

"Oh, sorry sir." I said as I looked around.

'Thank God it was just a bad day dream.' I thought as I sighed. I paid for the groceries and said my thanks to the clerk.

I walked out of the store and there was the sun.

'The rain finally stopped but…' – I exclaimed but…

- Drip, Drip, Drip… -

why can I hear something dripping.

'My cheek seems wet.' I thought as I touched my cheek. I checked my hand and saw mud.

"What is happening to… me…!" I got up and awoke while yelling the last part of the phrase. I lagged for a second before I felt all the pain that my body went through.

I accidentally let out a short roar of pain but bit my lip to keep predators from noticing me. I bit my lip hard that it bled. I positioned myself leaning on a rock to be comfortable enough to think. I crawled to get there and went through pain just to feel ok.

After a few minutes of positioning myself, I checked on my own status and the surroundings.

I looked at myself and my injuries. I have a pierced shoulder and it's still bleeding. I need to stop the bleeding first. I tore the plain shirt I was wearing to bandage my self and stop the bleeding. I'm just a teenage ordinary guy before I came here and am not expert in this but at least I am trying.

I finished bandaging my shoulder and checked my self for more injuries and of course my body is full of them but I am looking for the urgent ones. My body is sore all over and have plenty of cuts and abrasions but are not bleeding much so I think it's ok for now.

'I need to rest first. I'm too tired. If I die then I die. I tried and so be it. I'll think of other things if I live through this.' – I thought before sleeping my tired body.

"What are you doing here?" a strange voice spoke that woke me up.

I saw a large shadow with red pupil eyes.

"Don't scare him xxxxx!" Another strange voice spoke with a shadow of blue pupil eyes and the last part was somewhat incomprehensible. I tried to speak but it I feel like I am tied on a chair with my mouth taped.

"We also want to know" Another strange voice speaks with a shadow of white pupil eye on the left and black pupil eye on the right. Thereafter I saw plenty of eyes and shadows circling me with killing intent.

"When the time comes we will find you and…" I awoke gasping.

'Who were those guys?' I thought and contemplated. I'm lucky to be still alive until now.

'I need to survive first and I need to find those guys. Red eyes, blue eyes and yin yang eyes.'

I surveyed my surroundings to know where I am. I think I fell in a cave with some strange glowing stalactites dripping some liquid. I remembered that during school that stalactites drop clean water.

I need to drink water. I walked limping to where the water drops hoping to see some water pool or similar. I walked silently and saw a handful of liquid where it drops. I immediately went and drank as I was thirsty then I heard a low growl. I stopped and listened again.


A little bit ahead. I moved slowly and silently. I saw a large pool of shining liquid but I was immediately stopped in my tracks of what I saw even more scarier. I saw a dragon like reptile with many heads sleeping in the center of the pool. Its heads had different colors. I have no time to look at it maybe it would notice me and be the end of it. As I was walking back to my "safe place", I saw my reflection in the water. I saw my face for the first time after coming here. Pointy ears, beautiful face with wounds and white hair.

'I have a good build, I guess. Let's go and not dwell too much. Still need to survive.' – I thought while limping back.

While limping back I picked up some greeneries that I passed. Strange mosses and algae on the rocks. I continued to move and saw a light. I moved to where the light was and saw the place where I most probably fell.

'It's kinda high. I need to recover first to get out of this place.' I thought and cursed this damned place.

'I'll make sure to know how I came here and make somebody pay if there is someone responsible' – I grumbled.

'I'm going to die so at least try anything to survive.' – I thought as I looked at the algae and mosses. I closed my eyes and..

'Urgh. So gross and tastes like mud.' – I contemplated as I vomited.

'I promise I will find you all' – I grumbled as I ate them again unwillingly while tears were dropping from my eyes.

'I miss my mom and dad. I miss home.' I wept as I continued the process of vomiting and eating moss. I did it until my body cant take it and fell unconscious due to my desperation and depression.

I know it's a bit rough so please bear with me and help me if possible. Many thanks guys for taking a glance.

7thArchmagecreators' thoughts