
Chapter 85



—🕊Mizuhashi Yurina Rokurō (POVs)

As I stopped looking myself in front of the mirror, I then grabbed my white dress and grabbed a scissors.

( Should I redesign this??  )

I then stood up again and tried to scratch my back.

( Ugh!!! It feels so f*ckingly itchy!!! )

I then looked my back in front of the mirror again and tried to scratch the wings on my back but I just couldn't reach it, I then looked at my white dress.

( Now.. How am I going to wear that stupid white dress tomorrow.)

( Now that I have a wings growing on my back.)

( You know what?! )

( F*ck this!! )

( I'll make my own dress! )

I then grabbed the scissor and cut the strap on my dress since its a sleeveless dress, a strap is just useless for this dress.

I then draws another line to my white dress, so that I would know where to cut the dress.

After redesigning the white dress, I then stood up and wears the white dress, after that I then looked myself on the mirror again.

" There, you can grow as big as you want." I said as I looked at the wings on my back and sighed.

I then looked at the red moon outside of the balcony and sighed.

( How did I exactly have this things?? )

( Mom and Dad—..)

( Wait.. Did they do something on the food? )

I then looked at the blue and red box besides on my bed and I then walked toward it and grabbed it.




( Omg!!! )

( I remember this smells! )

( I'm... A Demon?! )

( I thought this horns and wings is only temporary?!! )

( Because today is red moon. )

( Wait.. Today is red moon?!!! )

I then walked outside the balcony and just gasped and froze up for a moment.

*processing... *

*processing... *

( Oh my gwash...)

( I'm..)

( Im a full blooded demon..)

( I'm.. Half.)

" Ugh...." I groaned and touched my back.

( This wings is really getting on my nerves! )

I just then suddenly kneeled down because of the wings at my back, and I placed my hand on my head.

( Omg my head feels like it's about to f*cking explode!!! )

—🕊Third Person (POVs)

As Yurina was kneeling down, she then collapse on the floor because of the pain on her back and head but she was still awake.

" Ugh.. Oh my goodness!!! " she said

" It f*cking hurt!!! Grow already!!! " she yelled

After what Yurina said.. A massive black wings with shiny diamonds just sprout out from her back and a black horn comes out from her head.

" Oh my gosh... It feels like I just give birth to two babies. " Yurina whispered and after that she then sit down on the floor and stood up.


Yurina then walked inside the dorm and looked at her reflection on the mirror once again, and she then stared at her back for a second.

" Wow, Rain and Pink is right, I have weird shiny things on my wings." she said as she touches her massive black wings.

" Woah.. I have two black horns." after what she said, Yurina then stared at her face for a second and then her red eyes  then suddenly turns all black.


" Ahhh... So refreshing to be free again. " she said and smiled in front of the mirror.

" Time to fly and kill someone. " She said and smirked.

" It'll be boring if I won't use this wings to fly around." after that Yurina then went outside from the balcony and looked at the blood moon on the sky and she then smiled widely.

Yurina then climb up from the railings and stood up straight and she then closes her eyes and Yurinas white dress then turns to all bloody black color.

Yurina then opened her eyes that was turned to all black and she then smiled evily and her nails then turns to sharp, and a massive black energy then surrounds her entire body.

After that transformation, she then spread her massive black wings and Yurinas red eyes changed to all black  and she then smiled widely.

" It feels so good.. To be free once in awhile." she said and then fly from the air.

" Everyone should be ready, because their new queen will rise from the underworld." Yurina then smiled sadisticaly and suddenly flies away from the school like a flash.

" I am beast from this underworld, and I am unstoppable." she said as she was flying up to the sky.

As she stopped, she then looks at the surrounding around her and smiled.

" Sweet underworld. With delicious demons around. I'm getting hungry." She said and smile on her face.

" This underworld is too boring, why don't we all play, since you all love games." she said

" Are you ready everyone? " she said

" Its settled then." she said and smiled

After that, Yurina then released a black storm inside her and smiled evily.

" May all nightmares will come upon all of you. " she said and laughed like an evil villain.

" I'll wake every nightmares in this underworld! I'll wake every demons! HA HA HA HA HA. " Yurina

Yurina then creates a massive darke energies and released it above from the sky and dark evil shadow figures were flying around like spirits.

" BRING ME all of  THEIR SOULS.  " Yurina said and all the dark energy shadows then nodded and disappeared in front of her.

Yurina then looked at her side when she heard a voice across from the distance and she then smiled and rushed towards to where the noises come from.

As Yurina arrived from that place, her feet then landed on the ground and she was now standing in front of a male demon and small little demon girl and Yurina then smile.

" I'm hungry." she said and without a split of second Yurina then choke the man without a reason and she then uses her sharp nails to dig inside from the demon mans neck.

" Papa!!! " The little girl shouted and Yurina then looked at her and wiped the blood on her mouth and smiled to the little girl in front of her.

" Don't get near to me, or.. Or I'll use my fire to you! " the little girl warned and Yurina then smiled to her and used her dark powers to paralyzed the girl.

" How adorable." she said and smirked.

" Your soul is pretty delicious, you don't mind if I'll eat you and your soul right? " Yurina said and smirked again.

" Please no." the little girl said and cried, but Yurina can't feel any emotions.

" Oh.. You are crying, how cute." she said and then steal the girls souls and killed the girl and even cut her entire body with the use of her sharp nails.

" A father and a daughter, can't have a relationship, and you should know that." she said

" Don't you know little girl, your father will be called as pedophile? " she said

" But you don't need to worry, you two just died anyway. So, happy eternity death for you two. *giggles*." After that Yurina then flies back to the sky again with her massive black wings.

After Yurina return to the Gazera School, all the dark energies she released before than comes back to her bringing lots of stolen souls and some are dead souls.

Yurina then eats all the souls and all the dark energies then went inside from her body and yurina then lay down on her bed again and suddenly turns back to her original self again and sleep like nothing just happened.