
The Fortress [4]

Alex woke up from his trance, when he heard the orc belching full of satisfaction while cleaning his fingers and trying not to eat them by accident.

The orc continued to ignore while cleaning up any residue stuck to his hands, which did not take more than a few seconds, but, although it was a good time for a surprise attack, Alex did nothing, since he doesn't want to trip over the stone twice, it's not that dumb.

Alex backed away and watched the orc which showed no signs of attacking him, but he did show changes in his aura which began to become more oppressive as the seconds went by.

Alex's fur began to rise along with the disturbing feeling of danger that surrounded him while his instinct shouted to move, although he was a great distance from the orc.

Alex tried to move from his position as fast as he can, but when he moved, the orc appeared at his side, ready with his metal mace with which he hit Alex on the left side and thus breaking a few ribs.

The sound of the impact caused a thunderous sound that echoes throughout the place since Alex had tried to withstand the blow by surrounding himself with mana, but the attack surpassed Alex's defense.

Alex was a mess when he finally hit the ground, the Orc's hit had caused Alex to hit several cabins and shelves of weapons, which caused Alex to get more wounds and end up with pieces embedded in his body.

Alice was desperate because of seeing so many wounds on Alex's body, she tried to control all the mana she could to heal the wounds while Alex tried to orient himself, since the blow disoriented him enough.

Alex rose hard on his four legs, since they were shaking every time Alex feels the severe pain of his wounds and broken ribs, Alice tried to stop Alex from moving because she could see the wounds from inside and she understood the dangerous situation in which Alex finds himself.

But Alex could not understand anything, he just wanted to get up since he understands that lying down means his end, his death, he has to get up and face the orc to see a tomorrow in which he retrieves his necklace.

Alex looked up from the ground and tried to locate the orc, but he could only see darkness, his vision was failing, although he was rapidly regenerating thanks to Alice's help, he couldn't find the Orc anywhere.

But while Alex stared into the air without being able to notice anything, Alice was grunting and trying to drive the orc away with fire attacks, but no matter what she did, the orc kept moving towards Alex as he gathered manna in his arms to make the final blow.

The orc just looked at Alex's deplorable state as he gathered mana in his arms and in his weapon so that it could withstand the impact, he totally ignored the burns that appeared on his body, since they began to heal at the same rate they appeared.

But when Alex's life was about to end in one blow, Alex disappeared without giving time to react.

A black sphere had left the ground which surrounded Alex for a few seconds and then disappeared along with Alex.

This caused a bit of annoyance and despair in the Orc, the first was due to Alex's disappearance and the second is that his current state is not permanent, he is using a skill he got when eating a red Mantis Queen.

[--[Wrath of the Queen] It is a skill that combines very well with the orc, since it is a skill that consumes a lot of energy, in exchange for superior strength and agility, but it has the disadvantage that it can cause the death when someone is using it, if the caster doesn't have a large power supply with which the caster must recover the energy they consumed or if the ability began to consume vital energy until their death, this ability is usually used by queens when their children are almost or completely annihilated in front from her, in other cases it is when she is about to die.

This same ability is using the orc and he activated the ability when he felt that his life was in danger, that's why he completely ignored Alex when he ate his partner's body, apart from doing that made him stronger and allowed him to keep the ability active for longer.--]

The orc watched all his surroundings desperately to feel how the skill was consuming energy faster, with no other options, he decided to eat the bodies lying on the ground while trying to find Alex. But without the orc noticing, a sphere of darkness had formed inside an almost destroyed hut, a small bulge sticks out of the sphere from which a stream of air came out that made the dust shake a little.

That protuberance was Alex's nose peeking from where he is, a second dimension, a pocket space, Alex doesn't know, but thanks to the mana he can use it in a moment of enlightenment, Alex decided to escape there with all his wounds, it was a risky movement since he didn't know if he could achieve it in time.

But thanks to his damn luck, he was fast and the place was not dangerous... there was no air there... rather there was nothing in there, but at the same time there was since Alex did not suffer a blow for pressure change, the place is full of a substance that supplants everything else.

It was just a simple, a simple total darkness, although there was a lot of garbage that Alex was putting in for his experiments, therefore, he already knew that there was no air to breathe inside this place, or the one that was harmful, in the end, Alex did not take a risk and expelled his nose through a ball of darkness that connects with the real world through which he could breathe.

Alex suffered small spasms when the adrenaline was diluted in his blood, causing him to completely feel the pain of his wounds which Alex simply endured by pure will.

Time went by while Alex devoted himself to healing his wounds with his mana with the help of Alice who began to develop a gift for healing by managing Alex's mana.

The orc was dedicated to eating the bodies on the ground while still looking for Alex, with the bodies that were on the ground, were more than enough to last half a day with the ability activated. He didn't deactivate his ability since he marked Alex as his prey or food, which caused one of his abilities to be activated, which has the function of warning the orc when its prey is near or in which direction it is, it's not accurate, but it is more than useful for an orcs, who are well known for following their prey through more than three villages. [Average distance from one village to another is 4 - 12Km]

The orc moved all over the fort as his ability only indicated that he had Alex near him, which motivated him to keep looking since Alex is a walking treasure.

While the orc was walking looking for Alex, his ability began to sound the loudest alarms and that was because Alex calmly left a ball of darkness that formed behind the orc, he left calmly since all the time he spent curing, he devoted himself to thinking about how to defeat the orc, and although he did not reach the conclusion he wanted, since he does not understand how the orc moves so fast.

When Alex came out of hiding, the orc was stunned and a little discouraged to see Alex's new appearance, which was not the previous big beast but was now a small feline the size of his hand.

But without giving the orc time to show his contempt, a powerful heatwave hit him and filled the place with which everything began to burn or evaporate, the temperature rose to an unimaginable temperature for the orc, this time he felt the danger of the fire.

The orc was astonished and excited to feel the pressure that Alex emanated through his aura which collided with that of the orc, neither of the two auras receded.

<I guess magic will always be the answer to any problem> Alex meowed a little comforting when he came out of the darkness and could touch the ground again, but while his appearance was elegant and a little playful, a pair of eyes looked at Alex with a bit of terror from what they could see.

An old Kobold had come along with her group of apprentices and bodyguard to see the condition of the famous feline [Giknus], she came to see if it was true that Giknus had a contract with a spirit.

She and her group went to the fort of orcs³ which they avoided, since they had eaten many of their acquaintances, although they had managed to scare away the orcs, they preferred to avoid them since the dungeon would always generate more, equal or more powerful than the previous ones, especially the five favorite monsters of the devil, to which relics were granted as weapons.

In the end, they went to the fort as the sound of combat and along with other tracks, that indicated that Giknus was there. Great the surprise that the old woman took when she saw Alex leave the sphere of darkness.

His disciples and bodyguards had been frozen in their places when they were surrounded by the two powerful auras that almost made the old woman kneel to lessen the pressure on her, but that was not the one that surprised her since she already knew the fact that Giknus was getting strong by leaps and bounds, although she didn't expect those steps to be so great.

Old Woman [Kobold]: Maggla [Profession: Shaman]

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