
Behind Walls

A girl forced to move into another country to live with her cousins but she is trapped in a live triangle between her cousin and a friend. Whi will she pick?...

Chimdera_Michelle · Teenager
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7 Chs

Tellijg Friends

Eleanor woke up two minutes before her alarm went off. She waited for it to go off so that she could turn it off. She has her prayers and then goes to the sink to brush her teeth. She brushed her teeth while looking into the mirror starting at her rather messy red hair and pale face. She spat into the sink, freshened up and tied her hair into a ponytail with two curled strands finding their ways to either sides of her eyes. She rubbed a slight amount of lipgloss which was accepted by the school. She also put two blue hair pins by the side of her hair to add some colour. She wore an oversized black hoodie with grey sweat pants making her look the outcast of that one Disney high school movie. She smiled at herself tiredly as she picked her backpack and hurried down the stairs closing her room door.

"Good morning momma"

She said balancing herself into one of the dining chairs.

"Good morning sweetie. How was your night?"

Eleanor's mom asked handing her a plate with two slices of bread with jam.

"It was alright and yours?"

"It was alright. I need to tell you something"

She said sitting at the nearest dining table to her daughter to have breakfast. Eleanor swallowed the piece of bread in her mouth before speaking.

"What is it?"

"Well, umm… we'll be moving to Korea in the next two weeks. I believe that's going to be okay because you'll have more than enought time to say goodbye to your friends and classmates and also get your SAT results"

Eleanor sighed but replied.

"Okay. I'll be off to school now. Bye mom"

"Bye, dearie"

Eleanor was now on her way to school with her headphones on listening to music. It was a five minute walk from her house to school.

The moment Eleanor got to school, she looked at the school's front view and took a deep breath. She'd miss all her friends and all the memories she had in the school with her friends. Though she didn't have much friends, she cherished the ones she had.

The moment she got inside the school, the bell was rung and all the students were buzzing down the hallways in order to make it to class early and avoid detention.

Eleanor made it early to class, found her best friend and sat beside her.

"Sophia, what's up sis?"

"Nothing much, what about you? You didn't reply messages last night. What's wrong?"

"It's just my mom"

"Your mom, what did she do? Did she force you to eat your strawberries again?"

Sophia asked taking a sip from her blueberry juice box

"No and she doesn't do that anymore. She… she wants us to move to Korea"

She said turning her face away from Sophia's. Sophia choked on her juice.

"You're moving to Korea?! Out of the blue. But- but why?"

"My mom says she wants us to help out our family over there. Trust me, I really don't wanna leave"

"Damn it. How am I gonna live without my only source of happiness now. Have you told Emily yet?"

"No. You know she doesn't have this class with us. I'll tell her at the cafeteria"

"Shes gonna be damn devastated at this news"

Sophia takes a loud sigh. She rattles her almost empty juice boz while oouting looking left and right then she sighs again.

"Wow. This is just… I dunno. But, when are you leaving?"

"Next two weeks"

"At least we could spend some time together before you leave. Don't worry, I'll make a lot of research for you about that country: their food, their main languages, their education system, their technological advancements. I got you covered sis"

"Thanks Soph. Now how do we break this news to Emily…"

"Maybe we should just tell her straight up! You know how much she hates suspene"

"Yeah. I hope she doesn't blow a tantrum or something. I'll miss her tantrums though…"

Eleanor said this with her eyes ready to pour out an amazing amount of tears. She tried stopping them by looking up. Sophia noticed this and hugged her.

"Baby, don't cry yet. We've still got two weeks! Maybe we could make some plans and have fun during this little time"

"Yeah… I'll miss everyone here, even though you and Emily are my major friends here. Also Ryan even though he could be a bit too playful sometimes"

Sophia smirks and rolls her eyes over to where Ryan was. She looked at Sophia. At that moment the teacher walked in and told everyone to settle down since he was already in the class


It's lunch time already. Sophia, Emily and Eleanor get out of there classes and settle down at the same table they usually sit at during lunch.

Sophia and Eleanor kept staring at each other from time to time. Eleanor was just playing around with the food and barely eating anything while Sophia was eating as tiny as possible. Emily noticed this strange behaivious and knew that they only did this when they couldn't tell her something so she decided to ask them the problem.

"Okay, so y'all got something to tell me here or are we just gonna eat in silence"

Emily said this folding her arms and and pushing her slightly away from her while crossing her legs. Sophia and Eleanor looked at each other and nodded meaning it was time to tell her about the news.

"Umm, I'll… I'll be moving to Korea in the next two weeks!"

She said this and stuffed a whole lot of food into her mouth due to nervousness and what her reaction would be. Emily opened her mouth and blinked a couple of times as I'd she'd just seen a ghost but after 10 seconds she let out a big sigh and just smiled. Eleanor and Sophia were confused when she smiled because they knew she'd ordinarily blow a tantrum but she was just calm.

"It's okay, besides, residing in another country is going to be a great adventure. Trust me! You may like it there. But… we'll miss you Elly"

Now, Emily frowned and all of them had the same expression because they didn't like the idea of leaving Australia to another continent entirely. But they couldn't do anything about it because it was her mom's decision. Sophia decided to break the silence

"But I'll make some research about Korea and stuff!"

"Me too! I could help out, right?"

"Of course. We could even do it together at my house, right?"

"Of course! I'll be there at 6"

"Fine by me"

"Thanks for all this guys. I really appreciate it, besides, we still have time to hang out and have some fun"

"Yeah. I guess Emily and I could get some snacks from the store of were gonna be doing research"

The bell was rung and the girls said bye to one another and went to their various classes. The girls didn't meet when school dismissed. They went to their houses but Emily and Sophia had some research to do.

Please I'm an upcoming writer wgindirsbt yet know much about writing books but had a great interest in it. Please you can tell me what you think of my books, how I can upgrade and what you like about it. Thank you very much for reading my book!

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